IncreasedMyT @ ULV
Not sure what your asking about the cyp inhibition. CYP3A is the only enzyme the grapefruit is significantly inhibiting (mostly isolated in the intestines), which isnt a major pathway for endogenous androgen clearance.
This will be my last post in this thread. There is nothing wrong with selling a product that does these negative things. Hell we all take all kinds of things that have downsides to get the positives we want. Here is the real problem though, these claims that this product is safer than "steroids" and "smarter" is just kind of scary to me.
kaempferol is a natural flavone in grapefruit, there are studies all over showing it dramatically inhibits cyp1a1 and cyp1a2. These are both responsible for steroid and drug metabolism. Although their main responsibility is estrogen, hence why Glub's E is climbing.
bergamottin is a natural furanocoumarin found principally in grapefruit juice, studies all over the net showing it dramatically inhibits cyp219. In high doses, it has also been shown to inhibit cyp3a4 in the liver, in addition to the intestinal wall. Cyp219's main responsibility is drug and steroid metabolism.
^^^ These cyp enzymes are mostly isolated in the liver, and thats where androgens clear, that is why I think this inhibition is affecting his liver values. There are medications/flavones that inhibit these enzymes and those that activate their action. There is plenty of literature showing correlation between inhibiting these enzymes, and elevated transaminase levels.
saying that "this product doesn't inhibit them that much" is like saying its ok to run proviron in PCT cause "its not that suppressive". There is no way to generally calculate the level of inhibition. There is plenty of evidence that it does inhibit these, just because its less than 3a4 does not mean it has no significance.
I guess, in the end, it actually was the grapefruit.
I personally think his BP is climbing because his liver is getting clogged with these toxins, and now his heart is trying to force blood flow.
They are also responsible for clearing cholesterol, which is possibly why his cholesterol is going up.
here is a list of what all the cyp enzymes do:
Cytochrome P450 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm not going to post studies on the inhibition of these other enzymes cause they can be found in seconds doing a simple google scholar search.
Bottom line, I would fear for Glub's health if he took your advice and starting running his maintenance dose of T with it.
Glub it is my opinion that you go back to your normal regimen, unfortunately I do not see your health swinging back into form if you continue this product. I commend you for giving it a honest shot.
As far as the other log with dbol, I don't even know what to say about that.
I like some of your products, especially pre-max, I have been trying to get you guys to let me log it for you for a year now.
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