Family Doc just called me................


New member
My Family doc just called me, called him last week and asked his secretary to tell him to call me as I don't feel well. Took a week for him to call but oh well, at least he did.
He called to tell me that the endo's he refered me too are a no-go!
one of them won't accept patients anymore and the other is taking patients in the new year...
told the family doc as well, when I eliminate the low dose of ADEX, I feel bloated, and very tired...
he said to go off it completely.
This guy told me the tiredness could be from other things. Yeah what ever!!!!
I'm going back on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next week!
Adios tyrant!!!!
told him so on the phone....then he said: "I'll call another doc for you, there's a group of them at a clinic near you" e.t.c.
This family doc failed me and he knows it!!!!
he doesn't want to prescribe clomid from his own prescription pad...let someone else do it he says.
Fuck him!!!!
He also called me to tell me my PSA test was ok...
he made me do the test to see where it was. He read the clomid study from the Lahey clinic where it says to monitor the PSA levels while on clomid. He wants to prescribe it but he has doubts...

2 rude4u, will chime in...
lol...where are you rude?
Maybe he is clueing in you are just trying to push for some scripts that may or may not be needed. He sounds smart to me, most don't want to get involved in such activities and don't have to if they don't want to.
man i feel you when i was 19 i took a pro and the guy who gave it to me gave me some shitty pct that didnt work i was shut down for months and got gyno so i went to an endo and he lectured me on smoking weed which i hadnt done in years and then told me sorry your just going to have to live through it so i asked him what about clomid and nolva and he told me "oh no that wont do anything but make it worse" never went back to that asshole luckily i found a source and was able to do it my self but if i ever see him again im going to fuck that mother fucker up. Piece of shit was trying to teach me a lesson and all he did was make me live through hell for a few months
Maybe he is clueing in you are just trying to push for some scripts that may or may not be needed. He sounds smart to me, most don't want to get involved in such activities and don't have to if they don't want to.

I'm pushing for what scripts?
I never asked him for T scripts.
I only asked for clomid and handed him the study from the Lahey clinic...said he respected it, and it looked like a good fit for me and promising... e.t.c.
but he never gave anything. Said he won't write it...
but looking at the endo appointments now being 6 + months away...
I don't know what choice he has...
told him I'm going to take matters into my own hands...
he was the one that was baggering me to come off.
man i feel you when i was 19 i took a pro and the guy who gave it to me gave me some shitty pct that didnt work i was shut down for months and got gyno so i went to an endo and he lectured me on smoking weed which i hadnt done in years and then told me sorry your just going to have to live through it so i asked him what about clomid and nolva and he told me "oh no that wont do anything but make it worse" never went back to that asshole luckily i found a source and was able to do it my self but if i ever see him again im going to fuck that mother fucker up. Piece of shit was trying to teach me a lesson and all he did was make me live through hell for a few months
that's what this doc did here. "Stop the TRT...(he said!!)
I promise it will come back to normal, you don't need this....I'll help you, we found what was bothering you all these years,(had bad sleep apnea and never knew it) just give it a chance"...
This is 15 months of hell. Told the doc today once I cut ADEX completely I am worse.
He said I would have to stop it completely when I do next blood work.
Not a chance told him!!!!
I have another appointment with my other family doc next week....
let's see what he does. Will be going back ON very soon.
Not fucking around anymore. Been working out like a dick for 3 months straight and my body feels soft, loose like a pussy!!!!
Was fucking solid on my TRT.
Maybe he is clueing in you are just trying to push for some scripts that may or may not be needed. He sounds smart to me, most don't want to get involved in such activities and don't have to if they don't want to.

In case you haven't followed my daily blogs on
I have a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc and have scripts....
so I don't need any from this doc.
He told me to stop my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cause he would help me otherwise and that I would return to normal (my 582 ng/dl TT)
hasn't happened!!!!
I'm struggling with 290 ng/dl of TT and low Free T.
If I were you I would consult with the smartest members on this forum when it comes to T replacement therapy. And take matters into your own hands. I know its dangerous to do that. But fuck man me personally I would rather take matters into my own hands and have my quality of life back to normal. You gave the doctors a chance. I think I would get all the supplies needed and just self administer testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) therapy and really become a genious on what to look at on Blood tests and how to combat effects. And then once you get a doctor who knows what he is doing maybe considering let him take over the steering wheel for you and make decisions. But in my opinion these doctors are not helping you and they are for lack of a more sophisticated saying they are fucking idiots. I say fuck them take care of it your self tell you find a good doctor and just really watch your blood tests. I think you are old enough to make the decision obviously I wouldn't recommend this path to a younger guy. I just think you are smart enough to do it on your own if you really study about it all.
I'm sure you all know that LOW T has been linked to: MS, Heart Attacks, Diabetes, Obesity, Depression,
I go back on next week!!!
It's not unusual for a general practioner to be reluctant to prescribe TRT and the ones that do usually don't prescribe anything for E2 control or HCG. The reason being, despite the clinical research available most GPs simply aren't familiar enough with TRT protocol to be jumping into the realm where specialists usually get involved. It's like going to a GP for gastrointestinal issues and they may write a script to treat certain symptoms but they're going to refer you out to a GI doc to get an upper or lower GI done to diagnose your problem further. Unless you are dealing with an endocrinologist, urologist, or a doc that specializes in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) treatment your GP isn't going to be comfortable straying away from VERY common and well accepted practices. Then you add in the fact that test cyp is a schedule III drug and they are even less likely to want to get involved with treating low T issues.

Find an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doc and be done with it. Even if you're paying out of pocket a 10mL vial of test cyp only runs about $70 at the pharmacy. That's not much more than you'd pay for a UGL and it's a legit script. The Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doc is much more likely to write you a script for ancillaries, too.
It's not unusual for a general practioner to be reluctant to prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and the ones that do usually don't prescribe anything for E2 control or HCG. The reason being, despite the clinical research available most GPs simply aren't familiar enough with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol to be jumping into the realm where specialists usually get involved. It's like going to a GP for gastrointestinal issues and they may write a script to treat certain symptoms but they're going to refer you out to a GI doc to get an upper or lower GI done to diagnose your problem further. Unless you are dealing with an endocrinologist, urologist, or a doc that specializes in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) treatment your GP isn't going to be comfortable straying away from VERY common and well accepted practices. Then you add in the fact that test cyp is a schedule III drug and they are even less likely to want to get involved with treating low T issues.

Find an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doc and be done with it. Even if you're paying out of pocket a 10mL vial of test cyp only runs about $70 at the pharmacy. That's not much more than you'd pay for a UGL and it's a legit script. The Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doc is much more likely to write you a script for ancillaries, too.

This is not about me waiting for a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) script from him. This family doc told me he does not believe in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) period!!!
I was already on it for 2 years and he was attacking me on each visit to get off. I had it prescribed by some one else. My Total T at the time was 582-663 ng/dl and I saw this testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc at a clinic and he told me to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) mono protocols for a while till he moved me onto T shots 4 years later...
Well, Halfway through my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), this family doc sent me for a sleep study and I had very severe sleep apnea...
so he basically said: "look we found what was bothering you, just give it time off and your T levels will recover".
The family doc doesn't want to give me any clomid either. I took him the Lahey clinic study on clomid 6 weeks ago and he says: "yeah good, this will help you, I support it"....
I ask him so you going to write the script? "he says: "I won't"...
I ask "how come"? he says: "what if it gives you breast cancer, wouldn't you want me to look out for you"?? then he says: "whatever the endo says is o.k. and if he prescribes it it's fine". This is basically politics. This family doc cares nothing about me as a patient, and is just trying to pass the buck onto someone else. He interfered in my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol and now is playing good with my body...
My T levels ain't recovering it's been 14 months clean....
The only thing this doctor says is don't eat bread and you will lean out....
he calculated my BMI and said it is 40....but he doesn't take into account my lean mass and says I'm "obese"....
does this sound like a doctor that should be treating people?
He also says my T levels 265 ng/dl TT is normal and very good for my age....
All endo he refferred me to said after the New Year...
no thanks!
And your looking for what? Your test is low, your a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), had a protocol laid out already why not go back to it?

I was looking for a restart...the protocol did fuck all...
I probably will...
I was looking for this doc to write some clomid up and see if we can get my system going again...
looks like he is looking after will I...
Why not get the clomid yourself and self administer? Get bloodwork done after to see if it has worked. If not then back to TRT
My Family doc just called me, called him last week and asked his secretary to tell him to call me as I don't feel well. Took a week for him to call but oh well, at least he did.
He called to tell me that the endo's he refered me too are a no-go!
one of them won't accept patients anymore and the other is taking patients in the new year...
told the family doc as well, when I eliminate the low dose of ADEX, I feel bloated, and very tired...
he said to go off it completely.
This guy told me the tiredness could be from other things. Yeah what ever!!!!
I'm going back on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next week!
Adios tyrant!!!!
told him so on the phone....then he said: "I'll call another doc for you, there's a group of them at a clinic near you" e.t.c.
This family doc failed me and he knows it!!!!
he doesn't want to prescribe clomid from his own prescription pad...let someone else do it he says.
Fuck him!!!!
He also called me to tell me my PSA test was ok...
he made me do the test to see where it was. He read the clomid study from the Lahey clinic where it says to monitor the PSA levels while on clomid. He wants to prescribe it but he has doubts...

2 rude4u, will chime in...
lol...where are you rude?
I'm happy to chime in, but nothing has changed. I'm going to tell you the same thing I did in the other thread. Asking the same question 87 different ways is not going to change the answer. Here's the original thread incase you need a refresher on what has been discussed so far:
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