gfd's training notes (battling the bad back)

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july 4th
body weight work
Blast straps pushups super set with pullups with ab work 3 sets

BW dips, blast strap rows ab work supersets 3 sets

blast strap triceps, blast strap biceps, ab work 3 sets

forgot what i did on monday. i think it was some squats.

busy week at work, girl is pissing me off basic BS... just trying to let the wrist fully recover, so heavy work is off limits.
i will try to get some vids for you pb

did pretty much the same blast strap workout i did on wednesday

played full court basketball.
box squat worked up to 225x5 for a couple of sets
GM squats w/ cambered bar 150# for 2 sets of 10
Rom. DL's- 135 for 2 sets of 12

reverese lunges 3 sets 1 w/bar(45#) 2 w/65#

--working RDLs in slow, but im going to work them a lot more.
Aczech said:
basketball...too much running for me

me too, but i grew up playing, so i haven't been able to give it up. plus im still good as fuck, so its fun.
today wednesday

blast strap workout again, pretty much the same---superset push pull, then an abdominal movement
chest tri shoulders on wednesday

3 rounds with these triple sets

135# bench-->blast strap pushup-->cable fly (no rest).

BW dips-->cable triceps extensions regular grip--> cable tri.ext. overhead.

DB lat raise-->DB front raise-->DB shrug

back biceps on friday
wide grip pull downs light sets, working on form

neutral grip pulldowns

DB rows

Blast strap rows

biceps, db's and blast straps
didn't do much training this weekend.

on saturday i went to an elitefts seminare in new jersey at joe D's place. met tate and wendler, they were great. and i had a good time.

so i worked out a little bit at joes gym.
back extensions 3 sets of 15 reps (used the one with the extra wide footplates)

reverse hypers 3 sets 15 reps.

various pull-ups 4 sets 15 reps each

tate worked with me on some GHR's. used the elitefts one with the slanted pad. Its harder with that slanted pad.
i have been doing 2 workouts. 2x each per week.

bench and pullups

squat and deads or GHR's

1 full range bench day, 1 limited range bench day

1 box squat day, 1 dead lift day.

I've been moving and shit, the internet isn't up at my new place, but i'll keep the basic numbers posted.

last bench was 235 3 sets of 5 reps. last 4 board press was 325x3

last squat was 315x5 to parallel box. last dead was stiff legged 225# last GHR was 3 sets to failure.
oh, and that 315 squat felt light. I think my back is pretty much ready to start going all out. Still wish I had a reverse hyper, or access to one.
squats-worked up to 275x3 below parallel
deads-worked up to 315x5 double overhand grip

I was tired. Next squat workout I will go back to box and go up from 315 to 320 for 5 reps, and keep moving it up untill I plateau.