gfd's training notes (battling the bad back)

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played basketball on thursday night, to guys got into a fight, not one punch was landed it was funny as hell. made the trip to the courts worth it.

bench-missed 310#.. almost had it, got it off the chest, just missed getting it to my tri's. if i can just get it on my tri's, i'll lock it out easy.

bw dips 25 reps, locked out each one at the top, went as deep as i could go.
band resisted dips-#3 band, did 2 sets, 15 reps, 11 reps.

later in the day i also did a couple sets of blast strap dips, 20 reps, they are a very hard version of dips.

they made my chest sore, not a good sore, i think i over did it.
i'm feeling better now, but im not going to push again until wednesday. and then im going to go slow, and see how it feels.
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so fucking sick of structuring my workouts, everything is going to be squat dead or bench for a while from now on... GHR's, pull-ups and bw work when i feel like it.
nice work...that 310# bench will be hit soon..i can see the future ya know
thanks men.

Monday---Box Squats-worked up to 325x2x2
Rack Deads--worked up to 365X1
didn't work out on 8/10

was in vegas

worked out on 8/11 while in vegas
Bench- worked up to 275x3
Deads from floor- worked up to 285x5
Pull ups- 12,12,10 (wide grip)
Dips, did 25 reps w/BW, but on the next set my chest started hurting so i stopped.
DB lateral raise superset with barbell shrugs
Ab work, slant board and russian twists.

8/13 Monday-
Light Squats (this was my post vegas workout... was shitty. GHR, lowback ext.

8/14 Tue.
Full court basketball

8/15 Wed-
Bench-did 225 for sets of 5,5 and 8.
Pull-ups,, did assited pull-up machin for reps, wide grip, focused on lats as much as possible.
2 sets of bi's, 2 sets of tris, 2 sets of lateral raises (supersets)

Hill sprints.

Hill sprints
hill sprints
Deep Squats. All the way down, no box.
225x6 for a couple sets.
SS bar squats
150# deep as possible, worked on keeping upper back in good position 2 sets of 10

4 sets of 12

Hill sprints

BW is 180#, BF is bout 8%.
right now:
squat----------325x2 (belt)
bench----------307.5 (wrist wraps, my wrist is not 100%, and chalk)
rack deads----365 off the bottom pins, no straps, just chalk, double overhand grip.
deads----------315#x5 from floor double overhand no chalk/straps/belted
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bench-worked up to
assisted pull-ups superseted with seated row--
DB shrugs
Hill sprints
squats SS bar
worked up to 170#x10 reps (ass below knees, as deep as i could go)

Single leg squats back leg elevated on bench
then did a light set of 85#x8 went really deep till back knee touched the groun, paused then xploded up.

Bench- 280x2
Rack lock outs 335x1x2 345xm

pull-ups, slow down, explode up, trying to isolate lats as much as possible. strict form
2 sets x 12 1 set x 10

DB rows

+70#x 15
BW x 30