Helladrol , N2Guard , HCGenerate and AMS Mass Drops / Epi 1 Test

Taurine came in today but still don't have any back pumps so I'm guessing I should hold off until I need it just so I will have enough if it gets bad. Also the super charge gave me way better pump today then the C4 did the other so might be something to consider if looking for good PUMP.
While I am a sucker for the sweet agony that comes from ridiculous muscle pumps, back pumps don't fall into that category. lol
LoL I think I'm with Noob on this one, crippling back pumps don't go very well with my line of work . By the way I bought Pre JYM (pre workout) the other day so once it comes in i'll let you guys know what i think of it. Supposed to have great ingredients no prop blends and great pumps.
Killed it today on shoulders, this stuff is starting to kick in now and I am loving it.
Day 13
Military Press: 70x10/85x5x5x5x5x5
Shrugs: 315x20/365x10/385x8/315x20x20
Upright Row: 85x10/95x10/105x10/95x10/85x12
Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down:155x15x15x14
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 155x15x15x15
Bent Over DB Fly: 40x10x10x10
Front Raises (cable):12.5x13x13x13
ABS : 120 Sit ups in 2 min.
Very disappointed today, weighed in at 183 so somehow I am down a lb from last weeks weigh in . I don't see how it's possible I am getting stronger and look bigger and more lean but loosing weight! I eat as much as I can but on deployment it's kind of hard to stick to a strict diet but I constantly try to stick to my diet as best I can. Maybe I am loosing fat, I feel more cut up and lean so hopefully thats all it is. Anyways , besides the disappointment on the scale I wasn't disappointed in the gym today.
Day 14
Squat: 135x10/235x6/245x5/255x5/265x5/275x4 *20lb increase from previous squats
Leg Press: 600x8/690x5x5x5x5x5 *big strength / endurance increase
Front Squat: 185x5x5x5x5x5
Calf Press: 400x15x15x15x15
Been there.
If you look at my log and look at my mass tracking chart, you will see that my weight fluctuates a LOT.
To keep my cool and not flip over every single measurement, I added a week average weight and it put things into perspective a lot.

However, I am pretty sure I won't gain more than 10-12 lbs on this cycle, which is kind of sad. LOL
But even so, there is still hope. Once the cycle is over I'll have 3J judge my BF again and compare before / after lean mass.
That might change the numbers for the better a bit, as I too am feeling like I am getting leaner. A bit.

PS: C4 sucks for me too.
I'm done with PWOs. I need my sleep. From here on out I'm back to using NO boosters only.
Yeah I have been weighing out after each week so I don't obsess over it but it was just really disappointing not seeing that scale move in the right direction. Sorry to hear about that c4 I will let you know how pre jym works for me. I got some melatonin for sleep which has worked pretty damn good for me.
Awesome workout today for Chest and Tri's the only thing is on decline my elbow starts to give and my shoulder joints start to act up. I think it's b.c I'm hitting flat and incline before and increasing weight so fast that my joints are having ttrouble keeping up especially once I get to the third exercise being decline. Any advice? Anyways , numbers went up and feel and look great! Got a bit of backne and had minor back pumps today...taurine took care of that.
Day 15
Bench:135x10/245x5x5x5x5x5 * +10 lb from last week
Incline: 215x5x5x5x5x5 * +10 lb from last week
Decline: 240x4/ 225x5x5x5x5 * this is where my joints start to act up (ache)
Incline Cable Fly:22.5lbx15x15x15x15x15
EZ Bar Curl: 85lb Inside:10 Middle:10 Outside:10
Skull Crush: 105x5/110x5x5x5x5 * +5 lb from last week
Dips: BW 15/35lb x7x8x7x7
Tricep Cable Circuit
And this is pretty much where I got hurt.
Don't go crazy on the weight. Force yourself to up it slowly... ish.
You can always increase intensity through form and going slower.
For my next cycle I will try my best to not up the weight more than 10 lbs per week.
Use the mirror as your judge, if you look and feel better who cares about the scale. Its kind of funny to see how all 3 of us had such different results though, we all had strength gains but as of right now we had 3 different tiers so to speak of weight put on

And for what it's worth, I like what the mirror is telling me. lol

Oh, also - I told 3J that I don't get why I'm not putting on any more weight.
All I do is eat and lift... haha
He responded:

your metabolism is kicking up.. youre a natural furnace from the looks of it.. looks like we just have to add more calories

Use the mirror as your judge, if you look and feel better who cares about the scale. Its kind of funny to see how all 3 of us had such different results though, we all had strength gains but as of right now we had 3 different tiers so to speak of weight put on
I hear ya it's fucking hard to stay off the damn scale though looking for some extra weight but you're right the mirror is a better way to judge. Love what I see so far , I think this shit is leaning me out pretty good got them v cuts now.

And for what it's worth, I like what the mirror is telling me. lol

Oh, also - I told 3J that I don't get why I'm not putting on any more weight.
All I do is eat and lift... haha
He responded:

your metabolism is kicking up.. youre a natural furnace from the looks of it.. looks like we just have to add more calories


Lucky for you , I'm not able to go out and put more in my meals since we get portions out here in Afghanistan but I'll just keep stuffing my face with the shit I get in care packages. Got a lot of tuna, beef jerkey, and shit like that. My weight gainer (pro-complex) should be here any day now too so hopefully that will help out. I'm out going to go crush some shoulders, GAINNNZ!
Oh, I didn't realize you where over there fighting sand people...


Thank you for your service and stay safe!

More on the mirror topic:
My v cuts have been coming in nicely too.
Also, my chest looks fuller, my shoulders are more... boxy and even if I stand relaxed without flexing anything, there is a nice bump from my delts going into my traps.
That's the part I like the most. LOL
The weird thing is, that relaxed, my bizep measurements haven't really changed, however my forearms have grown quite a bit and when I flex, my arms look so much better. Also fits the - less fat more muscle bill.
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Preaciate it bro. Yeah I have noticed that when relaxed my traps and chest have gotten a lot fuller which is awesome. I weighed in today at 186lbso thats 6 lbs and today is day 16, i'll take that !
Day 16
T-bar Row:215x8/225x8/235x6
Deadlift:395x5x5x4/385x5x4 (back really started to hurt so had to back off)
PU's behind head:bwx10x8x8
Bent Over Row:185x10x10x10
Preacher:85x10/95x8/85x10x10x10 *Forearm / wrist really hurting on this one for past 2 weeks needed to drop weight and slow
Seated DB Curls:55x5/60x5x5x5x5
Iso Curls on Inclined Bench: 25lbx10x10x10
Hammer Curls:70x5x7x6x6x8
Body has been feeling a little worn down I know I need to give it time to recover so I think I will be changing up my routine for this coming week. WO usually goes Chest & Tri / Back & Bi / Shoulders & Lats / Legs / Day Off and repeat. I think I will add a day off between shoulders and leg day to try and give my body a little more time to heal. Also been hitting the 5x5 routine which is pretty rough on the joints so next week will be looking at my 1RM and pyramid down from that. Then back to the 5x5 for maximum GAINZ! What you all think?