Helladrol , N2Guard , HCGenerate and AMS Mass Drops / Epi 1 Test

My gains are def. getting very noticeable, everyone keeps coming up to me asking what I'm on. I was jacked today at the gym , veins poppin KILLER pump and killing the weights ...I love this shit.
Barbell Shoulder Press: 185x7/195x5x5x5x6 (+10lbs)
BB Shrugs: 315x20/365x15/385x15/405x10/225x30 reverse *Finally got ahold of some straps (+20lbs)
Arnolds: 40x10x10x10
Upright Row: 85x15/95x10/105x10
Lat Pull Down WG: 155x15x15x15
Lat Pull Down Reverse Grip: 155x15x15x17 *Max weight
Wide Grip PU: 35lbx4/BWx10x8
Yeah, people were starting to get suspicious about me as well. LOL
Especially since I'm in MX everyone thinks I'm on gear...
haha awesome to hear, thank you for your service! its a great feeling when people notice too
^ I hear you but I'm trying to give my joints a break from the 5x5 routine, which I love and will be going right back to but I think a week of switching it up will do me good. I don't know maybe just pyramid up to a 3RM or something we'll see how it goes.
I sure did and it just got here as a matter of fact, really excited to run this through PCT. How did you run it again, and if you were to change it up any what would you have done differently if anything?
IDK why it took me until now to figure this out either b.c I'm an idiot or I am just way to used to wearing the uniform. I weighed out today which is end of week 3 and noticed that I was only 185, my buddy pointed out it was prob. b.c I was in my PT uniform which is 4 lbs less then boots and uniform which i originally have been weighing in with. Dumb I know but either way it's good news which means the starting of my cycle I was actually 176 not 180 and now I am up to 185 (no extra weight). I know you all can do the math but just want to point out that is 9 lbs in 3 weeks, FUCK YEAH ! Todays workout was KILLER, I would highly recommend the pre-workout JYM it is a great product. I switched up my routine a little today and went for more volume and it really confused the shit out of my muscles, GREAT WORKOUT and AMAZING pump.
So I been hitting up a diff. routine this week and been getting ridiculous pump and great workouts with adding in more reps and less weight. I'll put up numbers next week when I return to my original 5x5 routine and should see some good improvement. Everything is going great a little bit of backne and small breakout on forehead but not very noticeable, back pumps have been kept under control with 5 grams of taurine preworkout and only thing actually bothering me is my joints especially my hip flexors. I'll put up my weight at the end of this week which will be day 28 ...should see some bigger numbers.
Acne didn't kick in for me until the last week. And even then, it was very mild.
It's interesting how everyone's experience with these Supps is similar, while still being different. If that makes any sense... LOL

You mentioned a few times that you have done a "real" cycle before this one.
What exactly were you running and how does it compare?
I ran Test E 500mg a week for 10 weeks and dbol i think 25 mg ed for the first 4 weeks while I was waiting on the Test to kick in. As for gains and strength the Hella takes the win over the D-bol. As for hella and test there is no comparison test-e at 500 a week is THE SHIT! I had ridiculous gains and my well being was on top of the world feeling from week 4 to the end. I unfortunately lost most of my gains from certain training events throughout my career in the military but damn it was good and highly recommended. Helladrol is going to always be high on my list since it is legal and it is VERY effective, I'm am getting amazing gains on this shit and not even done with week 4.
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I sure did and it just got here as a matter of fact, really excited to run this through PCT. How did you run it again, and if you were to change it up any what would you have done differently if anything?

I just took 25mg In once dose in the morning, it worked out great for me, I found it worked better for me to take in morning instead of night
I ran Test E 500mg a week for 10 weeks and dbol i think 25 mg ed for the first 4 weeks while I was waiting on the Test to kick in. As for gains and strength the Hella takes the win over the D-bol. As for hella and test there is no comparison test-e at 500 a week is THE SHIT! I had ridiculous gains and my well being was on top of the world feeling from week 4 to the end. I unfortunately lost most of my gains from certain training events throughout my career in the military but damn it was good and highly recommended. Helladrol is going to always be high on my list since it is legal and it is VERY effective, I'm am getting amazing gains on this shit and not even done with week 4.

Everybody says that about test...
But I also read the story about losing all your gains with almost the same frequency.
How long did it take you for your gains to evaporate and did you use AI while on cycle?

Still contemplating whether or not I should get into pinning...
I think that's how I'll runt he Ostra as well, I'll be sure to keep a log throughout. And yeah ran adex eod it's been a while so I forget what the dose was but it was the norm. I finished with 40/40/20/20 nolva and had no problems through PCT. I kept most the weight and strength after PCT but like i said when I went away for a few months for training and the type of training I did will break anyone down a good 20 lbs , so I really didn't have a choice but thats the way it is in the military....got to sacrifice the gains to keep moving forward but like i'm doing now I just get back at it .
Measured biceps the other day my buddy got some tape from BB , wish I knew where I started but at 16 1/2 right now might be good might not but I'm pretty happy with it. Going to try and go for 17 by the end of the cycle and will get some other measurements just so I have a base to go off of for PCT i guess. Today I go back to my 5x5 routine, love that shit can't wait to see where I'm at...bbl w. some Numbers.
Weighed out yesterday which was Day 28 and seem to be stuck at 186 which is not very motivating but my lifts have gone way up and I am looking a lot bigger. I just got in some weight gainer (pro complex) and will be adding 2 shakes to my diet a day which will add an extra 1200 calories so hopefully I can finish out these last 2 weeks with some more weight. Either way I am very happy with the results so far and even though I know I will not reach my goal I will still recommend Helladrol. Although I think this product would be best used for somewhat of a recomp as myself and others on here have been loosing body fat and gaining muscle when we have been eating like a horse. For a "bulk" cycle I would prob. look into something else for myself next time but either way it's a great product and very powerful.
My thoughts exactly.
I will stack it with Trenavar for a cut next. Should be awesome.
I lose fat on a 4200 cal diet! Imagine what this shit must do if I run... 2k cals maybe?
And strength gains were unreal compared to natty. +60 lbs bench anyone? :O
Going to bump to 125 for the last 2 weeks , so far I haven't had any harsh sides and been getting ridiculous strength gains and been loosing fat and gaining muscle. I'm doing 3j's workout that I found on the training forum, 15/4/6/8/20*drop set ....it's been rough since I haven't been targeting the muscle fibers for he high reps in a while but been getting amazing pumps and great workouts from it.