Hi my name is..............

Torchy said:
:D I'm Super's bitch:whipping:

And here are my girls:cool:

i just got this great leather lace up corset for ya... :) hahhaa..

i have to bring my girl over to play with your girls!!

here is my rage... pure pitt and the biggest sweetie in the world!!
Wow, those are some great stats GymChic!!! Your waist is the same size as your legs, that's awesome!!! Keep up the good work! :)
I never gave my formal introduction so here goes:

I am graduating college this year with a BS in bacteriology. I am attending medical this fall with aspirations of becoming a plastic surgeon. I am getting married this July to one of the most beautiful and precious woman I have ever know. I am 22 and a NPC competitor. I am 6' and working on getting my frame to fill out. Chris and I are racing to see who can hit 300lbs. first. I just competed three weeks ago and I am weighing 255lbs at 9% bf.

At age 16 I was a vegetarian and weighed 160lbs. I blew out my knee and started weight training. I graduated high school as a carnivore and 225lbs. I am a personal trainer and hold ISSA training and nutritionist certifications.

I plan on working in fitness politics as I get more well known and my biggest goal is to create a state or federal licensing program for personal trainers. Certifications mean squat, and without stringent laws thousands of unqualified trainers are getting jobs they dont deserve. Unless we(the educated ones) stand up for our profession and take responsibility for our clients, we will never get the respect we deserve. If massage therapists and nurses need state licenses to practice, then we should as well.

I have a kitty that I bought my fiance for our one year anniversary, but her mom wouldnt let her keep it. So I have it and she is a purty little blue tiger stripe cat.
Hello all....I see some familiar faces up in here.

About me? My real name is Gabrielle. I just turned 38 - I feel like the old lady around here. ..Yikes. ;-) I'm married to the BEST hubby in the world and we have a 6 year old lil girl.

I've been active all my life in sports. Love to sail(one of the reasons I started to train was for more upper body/arm strenght for sailing). I also love to hike and travel.

Five year's ago I picked up the iron at my gym. LOVE IT! It's been part of my life ever since. I train/eat to remain fit and to set a good example for my lil girl.

I'm 134 lbs.- 16% BF.- 5 foot 4
MrsPuddlesFL said:
Welcome aboard, Vix!

I'll be 37 on Mother's Day...glad I'm not the oldest. :p
ladies im not hijacking this thread but i just wanted to say that women are like fine wine they improve with age :D and ps welcome to our newest ladies
Hi. My name is Kate. I just turned 24 last month. Right now I'm a raging candy ass as I've been messing with an injured wrist for the last year. I've finally gotten the go-ahead from my drs to get back into training. It's humbling to be lifting so much less than I was a year ago but it's also really exciting. At the moment I'm 5'7 and just under 120 pounds. I hate to even admit that as I'm down 15 pounds...hoping to put it on again and generally look/feel fabulous. :)
oops! just saw this thread after i posted my hello on another thread!

here goes about me:

my name is kim and i'm 32 years old, have a 9 year old son. i've been married a little over 10 years. I worked out in my early 20's then got married, had a kid, got fat, got tired of being fat, so i got my ass back in the gym about 4 years ago! i'm 5'6 and weigh 155, not sure of my body fat. anyway, thats me in a nutshell!

glad to see alot of familiar faces here! thanks to puddles for telling me to come on over!
I'm so ashamed that I've been on this board nearly 2 weeks and have not posted on this thread yet. Sorry, ladies.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Rachel and I live in Florida. Moved here going on six years ago from Canada.

Been a tom-boy all my life and that doesn't look to be changing any time soon.

Growing up I played every sport going. Went to university on a basketball scholarship. Not good enough to do anything more than play pick up games at the Y after that so that pretty fell by the wayside.

I soon discovered how much all my sports had served me well. Began to gain weight so at 24 started to hit the gym. Highly uneducated my goal was simply not to be fat.

My training at that point was very simple. Cardio, cardio, cardio...

I still remember the instructors name at the gym who approached me about weights. His name was Steven and he quite simple walked up to me one day and told me I was beating my body up needlessly. Of course, I was all ears. He presented me with a weight training program, nothing major, low weight lotsa reps.

I got such huge results I immediately loved it! That was my pie in the sky right there. Immediately dropped cardio to 20 mins per trip to the gym. The rest was all about weights.

So now we are at the present and I've recently had a surgery that prevents me from traing for a bit. But it's all good. I've lost quite a bit of weight but am trying to maintain till I can hit the gym again.

I am 30 yrs old (going on 31 in june) Shhhh.don't tell anyone. I have no children. I'm 5'6" at 110 lbs. Can't tell ya my b.f. as I currently don't know.

I'll post some pics over in members when I can hit the gym again. Planning on doing a "here's where I'm starting back from thread". Looking forward to all your input and advice.
Woohooo! Seems like there have been a nice little surge of women joining up in recent weeks. It's great to see some old friends and meet some new ones over here. The support, info., and friendship that we've got going on here is fantastic.

Let's kick some butt girls!!! :blue:
Well, Hi my name is SouthernBell. Frisco and Mrs.P sent me this way to check this site out. I am 28 5'6 135 lbs my bf% I am not sure. I have been working out serious for only 2years now. Have 2- kids 6yrs daughter and 8yr son. I work all the time so weight lifting in my relaxation. I am a draftsperson for an oilfield company and I also work out of my home drawing blueprints for residental and comerical construction.

I am happily married been with my husband for 11 years. I am lucky to have such a supportive husband who sticks with me through all my ups and downs.

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you here.

Hey All!
Ive been on this site for a few days now and didnt 'check in'
Dont be thrown by the name, I am a girl. Any chat before this , they all think Im a guy? I can see that.
Anyways... Im 27, 5'4", 135lbs,about 27%bf. I used to be very athletic. Crosscountry runner, volleyball,track,and weight lifting-my brother got me into it. So of course after school was over and the part time/full time jobs hit, and age, I started sliding downhill. Used to religiously weigh about 110 lbs up until I was about 21. Then when I hit 125 I freaked out! It was not muscle!. Didnt have the $ to go to a gym and my hours were chaotic. So I was screwed. When I got a job at a bogger company they had a gym, so went there everyday after work, I went from 125 to 115 in only 2 months. I did cardio for an hour then weight lifted. I read read read everything and got real knowledgable with the do's and dont's. Then my job changed and so did my W/O's. Then I got a new gym membership, and again got back to 115lbs- in shape-not just skinny- then I got hurt, then I got back, then I got hurt, then I got back, did this for like the last 2 years. Last year I really hurt my neck and couldnt do nothing for like 6 mos, just really lite stuff. then I got implants ( had real insecure issues) had to back off again and start over. NOW. I was doing good again and then my gym partner quit and moved, and I fell off the wagon again..... for a month. Just started going back last week.
I know alot about training, been doing it for several years now, my problem is either fate- getting hurt- or just ruts that last a couple of weeks, this last one being the longest- a month. I want my bf to go down to about 20 - for now- then lower as I get going- and my weight is not so much an issue- I know not to judge by the scale, but I do want to lose at least 5 lbs- to know that I am gaining back muscle and loosing fat. As soon as I reach my tempoary goal and reach my plateau- as I always do- I might look to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for that extra ooomph, but until then I am just trying to scurry up as much info as I can and learn as much, so when the time comes I can do it right. My only goal right now is a dance /modeling/entertainment competition in July and August.
Looking foward to getting to know all of you. Dont have many friends around here I can talk to about fitness, bodybuilding, and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to. Good luck everyone! dannypaul
Hi folks! =D

My name's Christy, and I've been a long-time Elite reader (Ceara01, although I can't figure how to post without going platinum, so I just lurk), and am recently a Chemical Muscle member (Ceara).

I'm glad to have found this place, as I'm *always* looking for a quality female board, and I see some familiar faces here.

Cheers ;)
Ceara , what does ELITE mean and Chemical Muscle Member mean? forgive me for being reatrded, Ive seen people write that before and I dont get it. :) :)