Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

Thanks bro, Ill for sure be looking for your log. Just make sure you have everything you need for your cycle then start errrr up.

Yea for sure. I have everything but I'm really wanting to try this Pinnacle everyone's been talking about. Guess I have to stick around for a while in order to be in the know of how to get ahold of that.

The wire machines, just like dumbell flys but with the wires. Hard to explain, idk if your gym has it, Ill try and post up a pic this week. Or you could google it lol

I use to do these and they lit my chest on fire. Good for really squeezing slow reps and getting a nice pump.
Looking strong man. Im curious about the high rep 7 set skull crushers though. Was you working to fail or was it a planned 7 set? Just wondering!

Looking strong man. Im curious about the high rep 7 set skull crushers though. Was you working to fail or was it a planned 7 set? Just wondering!


Planned 7 sets, its what FST-7's workout is all about. Ill be doing 7 sets to end every muscle groups workout through the end of my cycle. Google FST-7 and there is a bunch of info on it, I liked what I heard so Im giving it a shot.
APRIL 3rd DAY (48)

Feel great, nothing negative to report. Got a chance to go for a nice night ride on my bike last night, shes running like a champ!!! Anywho, did Shoulders Yesterday, FST-7 felt great again, enjoying the challenge it brings.


55x15 WU, 85x10, 85x10, 85x9, 85x8.

25X12, 25X12, 25X11, 25X10.

25x12, 25x12, 25x11.

20X12, 20X12, 20X12, 20X12, 20X12, 20X11, 20X11.

Def sore today, back should be fun tonight!!
You're liking this FST 7 stuff huh? I think i may give that a shot tonight when i hit chest. seems to be the new thing now.
^^ My chest is still slightly sore from Sunday, so i would say heck yes its where its at right now. Makes sense, everyone wants to get shredded for Summmmmmer!! Let me know how it goes :)
Dude you and the butt cheek tattoo crack my ass up! Looking good man making some good gains! Keep working hard brother!
^^^Hahaha, thanks bro!! Gotta love the stupid Tats ya get when your 18, def dont regret it. Ladies fucking love it too, helps that I got a cute butt though. BTW idk if any of you can or want to notice from the pics, but my ASS has legit turned into a Ghetto booty. I think its from all the Pinning in it lol.
^^^Hahaha, thanks bro!! Gotta love the stupid Tats ya get when your 18, def dont regret it. Ladies fucking love it too, helps that I got a cute butt though. BTW idk if any of you can or want to notice from the pics, but my ASS has legit turned into a Ghetto booty. I think its from all the Pinning in it lol.

I do my best not to look at other guys ass's LOL The ghetto booty probably comes from the 5x5 squats man squats for the glutes!!
Omg! Im blinded for life!! Man you making great proggress man! You def have came a long way already. Just stay focused on your goals bro and you be that body everyone is looking at this summer
Hockey any updates on what mg ur runnin ur stane?

A smidge above 5mg a day, I'd say 5.2 mg lol. I fill the oral syringe a dash mark above .2ml. Its been working perfect from what I can tell, i would have kept it right at 5mg, but since my E2 was a little high on my blood test I figured a small increase was in order.