Hooked on pain pills...I BEGGING YOU Guys PLease Help ME!!


New member
Hey guys, I am new to this site and to be honest have not browsed too much so I hope I dont get to hammered for notdoing so. I am unfortunately turning into a pain pill addict, I never used to enjoy them but had an injury and now use everyday in the evenings after work. I used to be a gym rat(2 a days, everything natural) and was really proud of myself and my body. I suffered a motorcycle injury and now I am healed but have no energy to make it back to the gym, the vicodins really dont help u want to do anything. Even when I stop the pills for a day I have muscle sores/withdrawel symptoms and I go back home and pop a pill. I need some help and I am hoping to get some support here as I know just me getting back to the gym will help me forget about all that other pill crap as it used to be my passion...a friend of mine who used to juice recommend that maybe I start doing it myself. He no longer does it and has been out of the loop for about 5 years but he insisted it worked for him(he was a pothead, and going to the gym helped kick his addiction). Anyway I am looking for some recommendations on what to start off with, how to get it, etc. If some of these topics cant be discussed I apologize and just ignore give me other kinds of guidance, I am kinda spaced out right now anyway lol...I want to start ASAP bc the longer Im on these pills the harder it is becoming to stop(Im on 6 months now). Also money is no object so cycle costs/etc I am not worried about bc I have a job and will spend every last penny to kick this habit which makes me feel like shit everyday. PLEASE HELP ME SOMEONE...I really need to turn mylife around before I lose my job and my family, I have a 11 year old I used to play with everyday and now I'm just lying in bed when I get home from work. No one in my family knows about this and I need to stop before I lose everything!!
hey bud been there many times and grew up in a dope family(not fun) but anyways i was addicted to hydos and zans for years mainly hydros and when i first started i loved them and i still do but i got where u were and i was doin it all day everyday its where i spent my money and all my time i just sat back one day and way like man what am i doin to myself.... i wish i could give u some kind of great advice but there is no easy way to do it i quite cold turkey and my withdraws were pretty painfull shaking alot sweating alot my body felt like shit but i did it its all in your head if u wanna quite you gotta push urself to do it. you can try tappering off of them so ur withdraws may not b so bad, like say your taking about six a day tomorrow take five the next take four and so on till u get down to two a day then take two a day for a a few days then u just gotta make yourself stop, that never really worked for me it did for friends but the best i can tell you is stop buying and force urself threw the withdraws. as far as aas i dont know how that would make you stop an addiction i see what your saying about motavating yourself to the gym but u still have to make that choice to make yourself to just stop you no what i mean bro. hope this helps maybe some other guys will chime in about the aas part.

all mind games bro just gotta b strong enough.
Trust me I tried cold turkey longest I went was 3 days, the soreness and withdrawel killed me...I really am convinced the only way to kick this habit is to hit the gym hardcore, Ive seen it work for people firsthand and believe it will work for me bc I hate the way my body has atrophied and want it to get back to my old levels, unfortunately I have made up my mind the only thing I think will work at this point is getting my strenght back up artificially and that is why I am asking for you guys help. I heard about tbol but was wondering if that would be a good start, also I have a box of testim my friend gave me, but I got my md to test my testestorone and I was above average. Anyway I am a wits end with this additction, I never thought it could happen to me...I;m about to pop another as I am typing, I am mentally to weak to stop but physically once I get back into the gym and start seeing the results faster I know I will never want to come back to this shit. I spent 3 years naturally getting to 12% body fat and pure lean mass, I really am not prepared to start over as I lost it all now I need faster results for me to stay motivated to get off my crap.
I was eating percocets like candy for a couple of months. I started to notice a lot of sides. I felt my body becoming addicted, I also started to get headaches the next day( which turned into everyday), they began to kill my libido, effed up my sleep patterns, the list goes on. I stopped for a few days and noticed the headaches go away, stomach cramps, ect go away. That was enoungh for me to stop. Although its hard because everyone around me is like a pharmacist. I dont know if jumping right to gear is your awnser bro..Id try and get this demon off my back first. Good luck!
Been there. Investigate SUBOXONE. Bad thing is you will be addicted to that and if you're serious, detox off it to in about a year. Steroids are'nt the answer right now. Seek prof. help. Good Luck.
Try to get yourself into a detox bro. You can't do this on your own. Narcotics Anonymous will help you. I was addicted to just about anything for about five years, but my drug of choice was heroin. I havn't had a drink or drug in over four years now because I went to rehab and go to alcoholics anonymous 4-5 times a week. It saved my life. Anything I can do for you, let me know. PM me.
do the 21 day Methadone Detox like right now....

only pain in the ass is you have to "report" to lab every morning , you really see the seedier people in those places as well.

so detox and get out
Go to a suboxone clinic. Don't get on suboxone and stay on because you will be replacing one addiction for another but if done right you can go thru most of the withdrawal while on suboxone then come off of those and it won't be as bad plus with vics you are putting so much Tylenol into your liver that your liver values have to be jacked.

Take care of this now and don't look back or head in to a detox but from what I hear suboxone works well for a lot of people.

Good luck.
Hey good job adminting you have a drug problem, thats 50% of the battle man.

Now that you realize its a problem you can begin to try to fight it.

Whomever says go to a clinic or detox is right. you can use a hand getting off this shit and we see you reaching out to us, unfortunately although we would like to help, we are not equipped to handle this situation.

Your trying to replace pain killer abuse with steroid abuse man. Your trading one addiction for another.

Go seek counciling/ rehab/ clinic. You are already a strong person and they will give you the tools you need to beat this thing man!!! Give it hell, you can do it!
I have 2 herniated dics in my lumbar, an 11.25 degree curvature in my spine. I've been prescribed Morphine capsules, Fentanyl patches, Norco 10's, perc 10's, Lortab, Oxycontin, Roxycontin,(40-50 tens a day,I used to have a great job) Valium,Xanax, and androgel & 200 mg cypionate. Opiate use will sap your natural test levels. Couple that with PTSD and major depression- I had problems. It took my wife of 17 years walking out, job loss, 3rd offense DUI (driving on Soma's etc.), Lost my house-- everything !! I walked into an E.R. and told them I was suicidal. I was medically detoxed in 5 days. Cost $6500.00. Worth every penny. Long story short, that was May 23rd 2010. Its been HARD, but I'm here with my 11 yr. old daughter spending the night tonite. Don't give up on yourself. Your family is worth the fight!
First off Congrats on asking for help, that is the right move.
Second you need to seperate the addiction and your love/passion for BB'ing and the idea steroids will somehow help you stay off opiates...
I speak from experience in this area (name an opiate and I've been addicted to it...) and I wouldn't recommend substitution therapy as a first option (ie methadone, suboxone) I went into a methadone clinic after a few week relapse w/ the intention of a painless detox and ended up staying for six years at the highest dose in the place... bad idea. Also, you'll find methadone significantly stronger and IMO more addictive than they hydros that got you there.
NA has also worked for me, and I'd highly advise you check it out if for nothing else than local support.
Bottom line is your gonna have to kick, and it's gonna suck! Luckily your not on too high a dose so I'd just take some sick days and bite the bullet.

On a side note it's always easier gaining muscle back than it was the first time around. But you do need to get this idea out of your head that steroids will help keep you clean, if anything it would probably lead to quicker relapse... Not saying you shouldn't use them, but one thing really has nothing to do w/ the other.
You'd be surprised how common opiate abuse is among BB'rs/powerlifters so you're not alone.
The last thing I want to stress to you is that addiction is a disease, not a moral failing... No need to beat yourself up about how you got there or how could this happen to me. Just focus on the solution and go for it.
Lots of luck brother, pm me if you want.
First of all I want to thank you guys for the encouragement, I think this is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. Omega I read your posts sounds very familiar to me. I know I am not alone in this addiction as opiates are one of the most abused drugs out there. I guess I was looking for something to start getting my energy levels back to where they used to be...as now I cant sleep well, and than during the day I am just tired all the time...I guess I wanted a quick fix and felt steroids might give me the solution as it did for a friend of mine. From reading these responses I realize you guys are right, it is just trading one addiction for another. I am going to try to detox starting this week on my own, I really am scared to tell my wife and methodone clinics, etc. can not be explained in any way to my family. If that fails I will probably have to break down and tell the family...I guess its better now than later.
been there

Dude trust me get some info on suboxone. I did it saved my life and marriage. I took suboxone for a year trust me coming off that is nothing like what coming of percs or oxycitin or vics. I was eating upwards thirty to forty pills a day. You will be so much better off getting rid of that addiction bro. Just find a doctor that isn't a scam in your area that takes insurance. There are a ton of clinics that want to fuck you out of tons of cash to get u started that it makes it very frustrating maybe talk to your primary care provider first.
Wish you the best of luck bro! Been thru the exact same thing...had 4 surgeries in 10 days on my head then a 5th surgery 2 months later. I was soo addicted... If you need anything PM me.

Good Luck
OK man I have BEEN right there in your spot.. here is what worked for me..

You HAVE TOO lower your dose of VIC's and start excercising (this is coming from a guy that ate 30 10/500's a day after an injury) get to where you are only taking 1-2 a day before you quite cold turkey... Do not even think about methadone ( if you think the DT's are bad with Vics's just prolong that for 3-4 weeks) Trust me when I say that the DT's are more in your head than you think...I know I know the muscle aches stomach issues and the general feeling of " I'm gonna die" are for real , but once you get your dose down low ( like no more than 3 10's a day ) you are on the down hill side...

Exercise really helps the DT's in the long run. You will feel like total shit for a week and kinda shitty for up to 3 weeks.. The important thing to remember is it WILL end. You will feel better every day after 7-8 days.

Eat good, exercise , And no god damn substitutes.... I.E. Taking benzoes to help you sleep will just be putting a band-aid on your addiction..

YOU can and have to do it....It will suck but you have to ask yourself are you gonna let that vic control you.. are you too weak to control your own life? HELL NO you are not... Get off the vics get in the gym hell go pro-hormone but Opiate addiction is terrible..kick it man you can do it
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Also you have to kick the Opiates before you start your cycle...

Opiates mess up your nutrient absorption in your lower intestine so it is extremely counter productive to go pro-hormone and not be able to get the nutrients you need to grow.

Also Opiates cause low T especially when you come off of them I can honestly tell you that the emotions you feel during those "bad days" of post cycle therapy (pct) are not even close to the "lowes" of opiate DT's