Horny enough to fuck a dude in da ass?

pineapple said:
JMHFL7, dont expect anyone to get what you're trying to say here. You're talking to the same people here that were dumb enough to vote for George Bush two times in a row.

Oh and, musclesntx, if someone paid you $1 mil to fuck a guy in the ass, you'd take that in a heartbeat. And if you didnt, you'd be one dumb fuck idiot.

I agree with you Pineapple! And Musclesntx ... he says no here, if he was confronted in real life with that situation.... he'd do it! Its like asking a fag to fuck a chick for 1,000,000 .. you think they would not do it? LOL
Monstar said:
There is a ton of Faggotry going on in here.

TELL ME ABOUT IT!! A site dedicated to checking out guys and judging their body..... "Dude, next time take pic of wheels" or "Nice abs bro" or "Looking thick, I like your look". WTF??

And you calling my thread gay? At least I asked in all honesty and not hide like most of you. NUFF SAID!
JMHFL7 said:
TELL ME ABOUT IT!! A site dedicated to checking out guys and judging their body..... "Dude, next time take pic of wheels" or "Nice abs bro" or "Looking thick, I like your look". WTF??

And you calling my thread gay? At least I asked in all honesty and not hide like most of you. NUFF SAID!

I wasn't calling your thread gay. I'm calling you and pineapple gay.
I was gay yesterday guys, I just forgot to tell you

whos got that $1000 for me now?
estray said:
lol @ the pwning that is about to commence.

LOl - man, there's nothing else to say. Dudes are open about being a) liberals and b) fags. Only thing that could make these two dudes any worse is if they ended up being ngrs.
musclesntx said:
LOl - man, there's nothing else to say. Dudes are open about being a) liberals and b) fags. Only thing that could make these two dudes any worse is if they ended up being ngrs.

Those are the 2 main pre requisites to being blaque.
JMHFL7 said:

It sound very much to me like you have been to jail and were subsequently fucked by a guy and enjoyed it!! maybe a case of the abused becoming the abuser emerging here#
JMHFL7 said:
TELL ME ABOUT IT!! A site dedicated to checking out guys and judging their body..... "Dude, next time take pic of wheels" or "Nice abs bro" or "Looking thick, I like your look". WTF??

And you calling my thread gay? At least I asked in all honesty and not hide like most of you. NUFF SAID!
Monstar has brain cells, but unfortunately they're not working. That's what happens when his mommy is drinking alcohol while she's pregnant. Then monstar eats led paint chips and gets even more retarded.
JMHFL7 said:
TELL ME ABOUT IT!! A site dedicated to checking out guys and judging their body..... "Dude, next time take pic of wheels" or "Nice abs bro" or "Looking thick, I like your look". WTF??

And you calling my thread gay? At least I asked in all honesty and not hide like most of you. NUFF SAID!

Now you are taking a perfectly healthy comeraderie amongst weightlifters and turning it into something faggettish simply because of your own need to feel accepted in your state of gayness. You sir are worse than any gay man.
JMHFL7 said:
Anyone here had testosterone levels so fucking nuts that you just need to blow a load? If a DL (down low) dude who works out and looks good wants to suck your dick or get fucked do you go for it?

I see some guys looking at me at gym, but not sure if they are "sizing me up" (checking out my body) or actually want dick? So I dont confront them

When you are horny you are horny and need a something tight to fuck! Right?


Why the hell is the IMG code not working? WTF?
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Monstar said:
I wasn't calling your thread gay. I'm calling you and pineapple gay.

OH WAIT!!! This is coming from a guy with a pic of Edward Norton??
Wait, wait, wait.......Is it that you want to be him or that you want to be WITH HIM? Either way its gay!

How about using your own pic, faggot or dont post any pic at all!!

The NERVE bro!! Using another man's pic and calling other people gay! WTF?
It sound very much to me like you have been to jail and were subsequently fucked by a guy and enjoyed it!! maybe a case of the abused becoming the abuser emerging here#

never been to jail, but lets get real bro... BE REAL AND A MAN FOR ONCE... if a workout dude goes to jail, you know he will be jail bait! And the point I was trying to make was that if a str8 dude gets raped in jail, that does not make him gay... I makes him a victim of circumstance!

PS. I never said I wanted to get fucked, I said IM WILLING TO FUCK.. big difference! But never did it.
ManOfMuscle said:
Pics of edward norton = gay.

Fucking guys = not gay.



Guy posing as Edward Norton is gay!
Fucking a dude is a "gay" act, but does not make the person gay, unless its a repeated act! If so, it would be a lifestyle and not a one time occurence!
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