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well it happened, wed. when i left the gym did 6 iu humalog drank my shake 60-70 gm dex. plus 40 gm protein driving home and heart starts beating a mile a min ate two glucose tabs (all i had left) pulled over imm.shaking so bad could barely gather change for coke chugged it and gained composure. anyway kind of freaked me out what did i do wrong i mean only 6 iu's cause i took a week off was doing 10
You could have possibly gotten part of the dose in a small vein. That'll get you hypoglycemic in a hurry.
You sure you didn't forget the carbs? I almost put my shaker w/ the protein, etc, in it into my gym bag, and had to go back and add the maltodextrin. Whew!
from now on i definately will i'm only 10 min from gym but one min later down the road theres no stores i'd of been fucked
How was your carb intake before the meal 45 prior to work out. If you had been on low carbs your muscles would have been glycogen depleted even after a good meal. So your body would have needed more carbs than you expected. Also did you inject subq or IM?
inj. sq also meal before was very low carbs which was lunch then i usually eat carbs before gym meal, thing was i changed nothing
It could have been your diet for the last week or so. Certain eating patterns will increase insulin sensetivity and as scientific as this is I've noticed sometimes I'm more prone to hypo than before.

I used 40+ IU for a week to assess if I could handle it and if the gains were better than my typical 15 or so. While it certainly took more carbs to stay out of hypo it wasn't horrible (and the muscle gains were the same but more fat :( ) but the next week I went back to 15 and went hypo much quicker. Who knows.
it's possible i was on vac. prior and although i did eat pretty clean it's def. different than my normal sched.
Elijah is correct. I have been surprised by insulin several different times, nearly blacking out on one occassion. Always, if I look back, it was on a day when I hadn't kept my blood sugar levels up by eating every 2 hours.
Timing is very critical when it comes to taking simple sugars after your shot.I use humalin R,I use to make the mistake of taking in sugars too soon after my shot and I would go into hypo soon after.Now I always wait at least 30 -45 minutes after my shot and I have not had any problems since then.
30-45 minutes after an injection of humalog is way to long. Hum-r is about right if you shoot subq, closer to 30 though. At least in my experience with Hum-r
elijah_123 said:
30-45 minutes after an injection of humalog is way to long. Hum-r is about right if you shoot subq, closer to 30 though. At least in my experience with Hum-r
Your right ,that is too long for humalog,I was talking about humalin R,I was just using that as an example.Too many people take in their sugars the second they take a shot because they are paranoid,that is why sometimes people go hypo,it's all about timing.
You probably took in your carbs too late. Humalog can hit you fast. on the elli lilly website, it says to take it 15 mins before or RIGHT after a meal, which means it is active the second you take the injection. so if you waited more than 15 mins to get in those carbs, then yeah, you will go hypo. I personally wouldnt wait more than 5 mins if I was taking it. I wouldnt use any fructose either.
I doubt he took them to late, to early perhaps. The simple sugars may have cause a natural insulin spike just before the log kicked in. Waiting 15 min is about right for humalog shot subq.

Road dogg I knew what you meant just trying to clear it up for others :)
I think one banana would have been better than all the carbs in that one drink and the glucose tabs. time released!~
Time release indeed. That's my point. If you eat your yams, rice, pasta etc throughout the day, you will not get hypo. I use humulin N during bulking phases.....a 12 hour insulin.....never a spike as long as I eat regularly.
The slow insulins are better for mass. Humalog is great with GH to offset the insulin sensitivity issue, but it's in and out too quick for pure size.
I'd say you hit a vein too.

When you do that the insulin is going to hit you instantly like a ton of bricks.
Nah humalog in a vein would have made him hypo near instantly. Not after he had time to down a shake pack his gear and start driving home.

Ironmaster is great to hear from as always. You are about to convert me to an hum-N user. :)