Infection's First Cycle

Okay, my ass cheeks are super sore. Should be enjoyable on my 17 hour drive home on Friday... :doh:

I am massaging them throughout the day. I would imagine the pain will subside after the first few weeks of pinning. Speaking of pinning, did I mention how much I enjoy it? ..yeah buddy!

I did shoulders today and felt really good. All of my workouts the past week have been excellent now that I am back consuming carbs.

Oh yeah, Hull Tech, my avatar pic was from the night of the 12th, when I finished cutting, and the other pics were from yesterday, so like 6 days.
A note about my cycle:
I am going to start aromasin at 12.5 eod on Monday. I figure there is no point in taking aromasin from the get go, because it will not be until several days after an injection that serum levels increase, and it will take a few days after that for estrogen levels to elevate. So yeah, a week in seems logical to start.

I am still going strong with the mental high, too. I just feel like I am in an elevated state of mind, knowing that I have more test in my body.
I am bulking, and diet is good to go. I am pretty dedicated with my diet. I am studying biochemistry at university, so I am a bit obsessed with chemicals in the body, including nutrition.

I am so happy to be eating carbs again. Carb cycling with low carbs was mentally difficult with the amount of studying and work I had to do. Bulking will be much more enjoyable, and I am excited to build some mass.

Also, the pinning was quite effortless. I kinda enjoyed it. The plunger was super hard to push in, but otherwise it was easy. I have this crazy feeling going through me now that I started injecting test, kinda like a permanent head rush. I am excited for week 4-5 to see some gains coming on..

Bro, I totally understand. Carb cycling takes discipline. I did it for about 2 months just recently with a good cardio routine to cut out body fat. Some days my brain was in a fog, but well worth it! It allows you to be at ease with your cycle knowing your at the bf% you want to be. Yea you gotta use some muscle on that plunger lol. I feel the same way im almost done with my second week on test-e. Week 5 can't come soon enough!
Thanks guys for the words of encouragement and support!

I was suppose to do legs today, but the fact that my left gluteus is so sore that I can't sit/bend comfortably, I am taking a rest day. Tomorrow will be legs regardless.

I go home tomorrow to the midwest. Term resumes 22 January, so plenty of time to focus just on lifting.
Super exhausted. 20 hours in the car driving home through the big storm sucked majorly. I can't wait to workout tomorrow..

So I have some super serious swelling on my left gluteus a few inches away from the injection site still. It freaking kills to sit down. I took some naproxen to hopefully bring down the swelling, as well as some valium because my back is all tense from driving a million hours. I did ask my buddy about the gear and he said he has other buddies on it with no problems, so it's probably the fact that I am a noob, and my ass tissue is virgin.
Hey everyone, so I am in Utah visiting family and stuff for the holidays. 5 days of no lifting is kinda a killer, but I might try and get in a workout today, even thought I told myself a few days off would be good because I was feeling a bit overtrained.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season with friends and family. On the 30th I am back to chest/tri/shrugs, and hitting it hard.

Before I forget, in virgin tissue, test e feels fine the first day, but kinda kills for a few days after. It kinda sucks but whatever. I also started the aromasin at 12.5mg eod.
Awesome brah, excited to see how your first cycle goes, i will be starting my first one soon very similar to yours. Best of luck
Hey everyone, so I am in Utah visiting family and stuff for the holidays. 5 days of no lifting is kinda a killer, but I might try and get in a workout today, even thought I told myself a few days off would be good because I was feeling a bit overtrained.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season with friends and family. On the 30th I am back to chest/tri/shrugs, and hitting it hard.

Before I forget, in virgin tissue, test e feels fine the first day, but kinda kills for a few days after. It kinda sucks but whatever. I also started the aromasin at 12.5mg eod.

Hope you had a good holiday too Bro.
Whatever you get in now workouty wise consider it a bonus.
Looking forward to your report on the 30th!
I will definitely get a heating pad when I return home this weekend. Thanks for the recommendation.

I am making sure my nutrition stays on track while I am out here visiting, however, sledding with my nieces that I only see once a year takes precedence over lifting for a few days.

Thanks for the support, everyone.
I managed to get a workout in late last night at a snap fitness here in Utah. I hate their equipment, but it works for a time being while I am out of town. I did chest, triceps, and traps.

I smuggled 3 doses of aromasin with me, so I have been taking that every other day, and I will jump back on more test when I get back home. I forgot to mention, I switched over to Sunday and Wednesday for pinning, because I had to do 500mg this past Sunday before heading out of town, so I figure I will stick with Sunday.
Back in action. I am now 2 weeks in.

I did chest/biceps today. My arms got so pumped I had to take a break for 5 minutes just to finish my bicep workout. It might be the huge amount of agmatine I take. Haha

I am feeling pretty good, and looking full as well. I am super excited for the 5th week...
Today was back/tris/calves. I did a few extra sets because I am using machines that I am not familiar with while I am on winter vacation. It sure is nice using different style machines once in a while, though.

I have a little nerve pain in the tricep kind of close to the elbow, so I am gonna take care of that tonight, and rest up for the best day of the week tomorrow, shoulders!

I am cooking all night, so I have plenty of time to relax. More to come later on.
hey infection any signs of test flu or any signs of craving food like crazy with test?, its what i experienced, i'm curious if your experiencing any of this
hey infection any signs of test flu or any signs of craving food like crazy with test?, its what i experienced, i'm curious if your experiencing any of this

You know, a few days after I started I had one night where I couldn't sleep and was sweating profusely. Today I woke up with a sore throat (I wasn't sucking dick), and I thought it might be the signs of test flu, but otherwise nothing. Actually, no more post injection pain either.

I am eating a shit ton, and I am actually getting more vascular and huge by the week! I guess my body is really bulking up now that I am not cutting. Test should be kicking in within 3 weeks I would imagine, and then it's game time.

How have you been, by the way?
Today was delts and abs. Awesome workout, minus the pumps. My delts got so pumped mid-way, that I had to take a 10 minute break because it hurt so bad.

I weighed in at 205 today, which was interesting. I know I am up a lot because I look much more full than when I finished cutting down to I think 193. A college age guy came up to me today too and asked what supplements I use because he thought I was massive. It's nice to get bro-compliments. (no homo)

I am feeling a little bloated, which is a nice indicator. I am taking 12.5 eod of aromasin, so that should be sufficient for the time being. Tomorrow is a rest day, as well as a pin day. Woohoo!

Lots of cooking tonight. I better get started.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I will post pics when I get back to school around the 21st or 22nd of Jan. I need to look, but I think the 21st will be the start of week 5, so it will be a good time to update my pics.
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Are you taking aromasin Everyday or just because youre bloated? Any signs of gyno with your doses? Just curious because i will be doing basically the same cycle in a few weeks. Keep up the great progress! Thanks
Are you taking aromasin Everyday or just because youre bloated? Any signs of gyno with your doses? Just curious because i will be doing basically the same cycle in a few weeks. Keep up the great progress! Thanks

I am taking aromasin eod (every other day). This is a typical dosage for most people using aromasin. I am only a little over 2 weeks in to my cycle, so gyno would not be noticeable for at least 4 or 5 more weeks I would imagine, for those who are susceptible to it.. Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, which means that it binds to aromatase irreversibly.

I am not too concerned with gyno. If a problem comes up, I will take care of it and that is it. I have letro on hand if I ever needed it, too.