Chest and triceps was awesome today. Definitely feeling good with the newer workouts that I have incorporated. I am trying to fill in my upper chest, which seems to be a never ending battle.
I have decreased my reps per set since I started tren. It's definitely more fun tossing a little more weight around on each lift, instead of shooting for a few more reps with lighter weight.
The tren ace has a little pip, but I expect it considering I have never used tren, or an acetate compound. It goes away pretty quick, and it's nothing that's bothersome. I really heat it up before shooting, too. I have been pre-filling a few at a time, and then I use a blow dryer to warm it up. Goes in very effortlessly.
Tomorrow is back and biceps. I am pretty excited, actually, because I am lifting with a friend who I don't see much anymore because of our hectic schedules. I normally don't need a spot because I have been pre-exhausting my muscles before the working sets, but now that I have shifted gears, a spotter is essential.