adidamps2 said:
i'm sorry Rocco but whats wrong with shoulders and chest on the same day??
also do you relize your spelling is 10X worst then mine....and mine is pretty bad.
Well I just don't agree with it. I'm not saying i'm right but heres my reasoning. WHen you work chest you hammer the shoulders botoh muscle wise and joiunt wise. Both are large groups of muscles and will suck up boku energy to do. THe logical sequence (which JT did) would be to hit chest 1st thus pre fatiging the shoulders, then shoulders, then tries. TRies would get it from the beginnig.
But.....I'm not saying you shouldn't do any shoulder work on a chest day. Many schools of traiing do this but they do assiatance work for the shoulders after chest, not max effort excersizes like presses. THey also will lighten it up a bit.
MY main concern with combining the two is joint health and CNS health. But the 2nd concern is not being abo=le to get the most out of the wokout for one muscle group in particular.
I've tried alot of methods. THe one body part per day mnethod, The combo method (which works) , which can be done in a variety of ways.
I'd like to know what JT wants to do. Fitness, bodybuilding, power?
FOr bodybuilding I like the folowing
Once part per day or ..........
Chest/tries or tries/bies
SHoulders/tries or shoulders alone
legs/back assitance or legs alone
Notice the large muscle groups are always hit 1st providing max growth for that group ad pre fatuging the assistance group.
Power liftin saterts like that and then gets narrowed down to the excersizes and groups that matter most. WHne you spend 3 hours on a chest day you'll see why that is.
M speeling sucks!!!!!!!!!!!