Kaz's road to 230+, second cycle log

Well I decided to go with the 4 weeks of anadrol. Been a week now. Started at 100mgs, BP shot right up was at 160/103 so I dropped the dose to 50mgs a day and started some carditone. weight is now sitting at 212.6 on wake and going up to 217 by end of day.. loosing my abs but meh its a big bulk and I'll see them when I maintain my goal weight then cut.
Well I decided to go with the 4 weeks of anadrol. Been a week now. Started at 100mgs, BP shot right up was at 160/103 so I dropped the dose to 50mgs a day and started some carditone. weight is now sitting at 212.6 on wake and going up to 217 by end of day.. loosing my abs but meh its a big bulk and I'll see them when I maintain my goal weight then cut.

Awesome, i am about a week in on my anadrol as well!!! Keep killin er Kaz!
What dose are you running? Any issues? I struggled with the BP issues and appetite suppression after about 3 days on it but looks like I am stabalizing at 50mgs so gonna stay there for now.

Also forgot to mention I switched up my test. Changed to Sust 450, 2cc Mon/Wed/Fri..
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Hey kaz what brand(s) sust and anadrol are you running? why did you decide to switch to sust? and if your having bp problems wouldnt tbol be better than anadrol? im not sure about that im just assuming youd be retaining less water and bp would be lower than on dbol/anadrol
Orion on both, I started by adding a shot of sust 450 to each shot of T500 but together they hurt like a bitch. So I opted to go with the sust only that way if I need to add a little npp for joint support I can just add some rage blend to the mix and maximize the prop ester at the same time.

Tbol would be better for sides but wanted Adrol as it had been years since I used it (can't count the Newport stuff I tried at 200mgs and got nothing) and wanted the extreme strength I get from it.
Damn, you bumped up to 8iu? How long have you been at 8?
Do you split your insulin and gh up or same shot.

Definitely will be following, same goals and weight at 5'9"
Not yet, they are still sitting in my cookie jar. My neighbor is running them though and doesn't shut up about them.. in a good way..