
No training yesterday.
Yesterday's macros: Calories 3994, Pro 261, Carbs 419, Fat 114

Today was a Pull session at the gym.
Pulldowns neutral 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, rest pause 1x9/5
Tbar rows neutral 1x20, 1x15, 1x10, dropsets 1x10/8, 1x12/12
Machine pulldowns wide 1x15, 3x10
SS: HS iso low row w/ HS standing shrugs 1x15/15, 3x10/10
SS: machine rear delt flyes w/ face pulls 3x15/12
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 1x15, 1x13, 1x10, 1x12, 1x15, 1x20
Rope hammer curls 1x20, 1x12, 1x15, 1x14, 1x15

Today's Macros:
Calories 3657
Pro 266
Carbs 376
Fat 92

Tomorrow will be squats at home after work.
Squats at home after work.
Calf raises between each set.
Squats 3x15, 2x12, 1x8, 1x8, 3x10, 1x20

Calories 3962
Pro 297
Carbs 425
Fat 78

Tomorrow is Push Day.
Push session this morning at the gym.
Standing cable crossover 3x20
Slight incline DB press 3x12, 1x12, 1x8, 1x8, 1x8, 1x15
HS iso incline press 1x20, 3x10, 1x15
Machine shoulder press neutral 1x15, 3x10
Seated side laterals 1x20, 3x12
Smith close grip press 1x15, 3x10
Overhead cable extensions 1x15, 2x10, 1x15
Rope push downs 4x10-12

Calories 3262
Pro 237
Carbs 337
Fat 80

Tomorrow is a rest day.
No training yesterday.
Yesterday's macros: Calories 3828, Pro 223, Carbs 422, Fat 117

Today was a pull session.
BW pullups wide 1x15, 1x12, 1x12
BW pullups neutral 1x8, 1x9, 1x8
Barbell rows 1x15, 1x12, 4x10
SS: barbell shrugs w/ upright rows 3x15/12
SS: DB low rows w/ bent rear flyes 3x10/10
DB drag curls 3x20
Alt DB curls 2x10, 2x7, 2x10
Seated hammer curls 4x10-12

Today's Macros:
Calories 3260
Pro 302
Carbs 315
Fat 69

Legs tomorrow at the gym.
View attachment 566837
Leg day at the gym this a.m.
Bike 7 mins
Seated leg curls 1x20, 3x15
Hack squats 2x15, 2x12, 2x10, 5x10
Sissy hacks 3x15
Leg press 1x15, 3x12
Seated calf raises rest pause 1x15/8, 1x15/8, 1x13/8, 1x13/8, 1x12/8
Machine calf raises 4x12

Calories 3575
Pro 252
Carbs 368
Fat 70

Tomorrow is a Push day.
Push Day at the gym.
Standing cable crossover 3x20
Machine chest press 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 4x10
HS iso incline press 1x20, 4x10
Machine shoulder press neutral 1x15, 3x10
Seated side laterals 1x20, 3x12
Smith close grip press 1x15, 4x10
Overhead vbar extensions 1x20, 1x15, 2x10, 1x13, 1x20
One arm handle extensions 1x15, 3x10-12

Calories 3514
Pro 251
Carbs 394
Fat 76

Tomorrow will either be rest or a quick pull session....
No training yesterday.
Yesterday's Macros: Calories 3518, Pro 252, Carbs 368, Fat 90

Today I got a quick pull session in after work.
Giant sets 4xfail
BW pulldowns wide
DB low row
Db shrugs
Rear delt flyes
DB high rows

Seated DB drag curls 3x20
Standing hammer curls 3x12
Concentration curls 3x11-12

Today's Macros:
Calories 4099
Pro 292
Carbs 389
Fat 93
Today was Leg Day at the gym.
Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 1x15, 4x11-12
Leg press 1x25, 1x20, 3x15, 1x20, 1x25
Leg extensions 1x15, 4x12
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/8, 1x12/8, 1x15/10, 1x10/8
Machine calf raises 5x10-12

Calories 3409
Pro 233
Carbs 377
Fat 70

Gonna try for a quick Push session before work tomorrow.
Yesterday I got a quick push session in before work.
Bench press 2x15, 3x9-10, dropset 1x12/10
Incline DB press 4x10-11
Seated DB shoulder press 3x15
Standing side laterals dropsets 3x15/12
Close grip press 3x10
DB skullcrushers 3x20

Yesterday's Macros: Calories 3594, Pro 271, Carbs 376, Fat 79

Today was a rest day.
Today's Macros: Calories 3675, Pro 272, Carbs 412, Fat 77
Weight this a.m. 175 lbs.
Yesterday was another rest day.
Yesterday's Macros: Calories 3730, Pro 245, Carbs 443, Fat 82

Today was a Pull session at the gym.
Machine pulldowns wide 2x15, 4x10
HS iso row 1x12, 4x8
SS: HS iso low row w/ HS standing shrugs 3x12/12
Pulldowns wide neutral 1x14, 3x10
Face pulls 3x12
Machine rear delt flyes 3x12
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, 1x20
One arm DB preacher curls 1x14, 3x10
Rope hammer curls 1x20, 3x11-12, 1x15

Today's macros:
Calories 3841
Pro 275
Carbs 380
Fat 93

Hopefully I can get a squat session after work tomorrow.
Leg Day after work at home.

Lying leg curls 4x18-20
Leg extensions 4x18-20
Squats 2x15, 4x10, 1x20
DB Stiff leg deadlifts 3x12
SS: seated weighted calf raises w/ BW standing calf raises 3x15/fail

Calories 3607
Pro 277
Carbs 351
Fat 92

Leg Day Veins...
View attachment 566848
Yesterday I got a Push session in after work.

Bench press 1x15, 1x12, 4x8
Wide grip bench press 3x10
Incline DB press 3x12
Seated DB shoulder press 3x10
Standing side laterals dropsets 3x10/10
SS: BW dips w/ seated French press 3x12/12
DB skullcrushers 4x10

Yesterday's Macros:
Calories 3805
Pro 284
Carbs 385
Fat 80

Pull session this a.m. at the gym.
Pull session at the gym this a.m.

Machine pulldowns wide 2x15, 4x10-11
HS iso low row 1x12, 4x8
SS: HS standing shrugs w/ HS iso high row 1x20/15, 3x12/10, 1x25/15
Machine rear delt flyes 4x12
Face pulls 4x10
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 1x15, 1x12, 3x8
One arm DB preachers 4x10

Calories 3751
Pro 259
Carbs 388
Fat 92

Tomorrow will be a rest day.
Rest day today.
Weight 174
Calories 4164
Pro 258
Carbs 420
Fat 86

Tomorrow will be a push session after work if I get out early enough.
Push after work at home.
Bench press 1x15, 1x12, 4x9
Wide grip bench press 3x10
Incline DB press 3x12
Seated DB shoulder press 3x12
Standing side laterals dropsets 3x12/12
SS: BW dips w/ seated French press 3x10/10
DB skullcrushers 3x12, 2x25

Calories 3838
Pro 318
Carbs 370
Fat 92

Legs in the a.m.
View attachment 566853
Leg day this morning at the gym.

Bike 7 mins
Lying leg curls 1x20, 1x18, 3x12, dropset 1x10/8/8
Hack squats 2x15, 3x10, dropset 1x12/15
Machine leg press 1x20, 4x15
Seated calf raises rp 1x15/10, 3x9/6, 1x15/10
Leg extensions dropsets 1x15/8, 1x12/8, 1x10/8
Machine calf raises 1x12, 1x11, 1x13, 1x14

Calories 3998
Pro 250
Carbs 496
Fat 89

Rest day tomorrow.
Thursday was a rest day.
Thursday's macros: Calories 3642, Pro 273, Carbs 372, Fat 95

Got a little leg work in last night after work.
Lying leg curls 4x20
Leg extensions 2x20, 4x12-14
Goblet squats 1x15, 4x12
Stiff leg deadlifts 4x10
SS: seated calf raises w/ BW standing calf raises 4x20/20

Calories 3902
Pro 286
Carbs 416
Fat 98

Pull session this a.m.
Pull session at the gym today.
Machine pulldowns wide 1x20, 1x15, 4x10
HS iso row 1x12, 4x8
SS: HS standing shrugs w/ HS iso low row 1x25/15, 3x10/10, 1x20/13
Face pulls 1x20, 1x15, 1x10, 1x15
Machine rear delt flyes 1x15, 1x12, 1x10, 1x14
Machine preacher curls 1x20, 1x12, 3x9-10, dropset 1x14/12
Rope hammer curls 1x20, 1x14, 3x11-12
One arm DB preacher 3x10-11

Calories 3608
Pro 258
Carbs 384
Fat 93
View attachment 566858
Yesterday was a rest day.
Work first then cookout, I ate good.
Yesterday's macros: Calories 4963, Pro 305, Carbs 506, Fat 133

Today was Push session after work.
Bench press 1x15, 1x12, 4x8
Wide grip bench press 3x10
Close grip bench press 3x8
Incline bench press 3x10
BW dips 3x15
SS: seated DB shoulder press w/ seated side laterals 3x12/15
DB skullcrushers 3x18-20

Today's Macros:
Calories 3612
Pro 313
Carbs 296
Fat 113
Today should have been leg day.
However I've had a little issue with my right hip the past two days.
So I decided to not aggravate it anymore than it already is.

Pull day is tomorrow and I still wanted to get something in tonight, so I did a little core work.
I don't do abs at all, and I kept it short.
There was a lot of cramping, so I was stretching a lot in between sets.
I'm guessing I better make it a point to get some core work in every week.

Today's macros: Calories 3914
Pro 268
Carbs 406
Fat 106

Pull day at the gym tomorrow a.m.