
Leg Day

Lying leg curls 1x20, 3x15, dropset 1x10/9/6
Hack squats 1x20, 1x15, 3x12, 1x20
Smith squats 1x12, 3x10, 1x11
Leg press 2x20, 3x15, dropset 1x16/12/12/16/30
Machine calf raises dropsets 6xfail/fail
Leg extensions 4x15, dropsets 1x12/8, 1x15/7/4
Seated leg curls 4x20

Feelin stronger, keepin rep range the same but using more weight now.
Deca/Eq doing their thing.
Rest Day tomorrow.

Calories 3854
Pro 239
Carbs 422
Fat 102

I did get my pancake fix!!
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No shit??! Damn dude I thought I was eating more than an elephant already. Can u give me some ideas on how to get more clean cals in I'm eating every 2 hrs 3 dick shakes per day with the mct oil I'm not sure what else I can get in there

sometimes you just gotta get dirty. add in 4 dirty cheat meals a week at 1500 calories each , and your weekly calories will jump up 6000 calories per week , which over a 16 week bulk is an additional 96,000 calories.

the pros don't get big by only eating clean , its impossible to put that much clean food down , you can't grow on just clean :)
sometimes you just gotta get dirty. add in 4 dirty cheat meals a week at 1500 calories each , and your weekly calories will jump up 6000 calories per week , which over a 16 week bulk is an additional 96,000 calories.

the pros don't get big by only eating clean , its impossible to put that much clean food down , you can't grow on just clean :)

I was gonna say... Cool man so I'll try to figure out a cheat dish that's not too bad
I get it that we are all different and the same thing doesn't work for everybody, I am still learning my body... still scared about gaining fat. I'll figure it out
Dude I made it to 3 mins fuckin no way those guys look that good eating that shit those are just clips of cheat meals. Follow that ideal I'm sure gains would be ridiculous along with major fat increase no thanks lol
Dude I made it to 3 mins fuckin no way those guys look that good eating that shit those are just clips of cheat meals. Follow that ideal I'm sure gains would be ridiculous along with major fat increase no thanks lol

yeah its definitely 'cheat meals' only . just saying to get the calories in , it can't be all chicken and broccoli, its impossible to get 10,000 calories a day from that . you got to get calorie dense foods in (some people call calorie dense food "dirty" , but really no such thing as dirty or clean foods not really , a calories is a calorie )

IFBB pro füll day of eating
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I would like to see what 9ers diet is like for powerlifting. I also don't think he looks like an average fat guy powerlifter. I think he holds himself well from the pics I've seen so I'm wondering what he's putting down to keep that strength and his physique from becoming shit
I get it that we are all different and the same thing doesn't work for everybody, I am still learning my body... still scared about gaining fat. I'll figure it out

I agree with the fact that you need some "dirty" meals/foods. Otherwise I'd go insane. I try not to have food high in fats with high carb foods. So if I'm going to tear down some bratwurst, I skip the bread. Also If I'm going to have a cheat meal I try to have it pre or post workout. Not at night before bed. But like you said we are all different.

No training today,
Chest Day Tomorrow.

Ate pretty good today.
Carbs a little low maybe I'll have some pretzels later....

Calories 3763
Pro 293
Carbs 383
Fat 90


Chest day!
Pec dec 1x12, 4x10
HS iso incline press 1x15, 2x10, 6x5, dropset 1x12/17
Smith slight incline press 1x15, 2x10, 4x4, dropset 1x7/15
HS iso wide press 4x25

Overhead rope extensions 4x10
Machine shoulder press 4x10
Machine pulldowns 4x15
Machine preacher curls 4x15
Machine rear flyes 4x10
Cable row wide neutral 4x15

I won't be able to train for the next 3 days so I got some extra work in...

Preworkout Shake
Calories 365
Pro 40
Carbs 40
Fat 5
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No training today.
Busy at work so my feedings were all jacked up.
So when I got home I ate 2/3 of a Pizza.
Today's Calories 3287
Pro 238
Carbs 303
Fat 103
Another forced rest day tomorrow.

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No training again today.
Another hectic day with inconsistent feedings.
Calories 3081
Pro 267
Carbs 286
Fat 73
No training again tomorrow.

yeah its definitely 'cheat meals' only . just saying to get the calories in , it can't be all chicken and broccoli, its impossible to get 10,000 calories a day from that . you got to get calorie dense foods in (some people call calorie dense food "dirty" , but really no such thing as dirty or clean foods not really , a calories is a calorie )

IFBB pro füll day of eating

Have you ever seen the video of him eating 20k on his cheat day?

Another long ass day but, I still got a garage Back session in.

Superset: pullups w/ barbell row underhand 6x10-12/10-12
DB low row 5x10
DB high row 4x12
Superset: upright row w/ DB shrugs 4x10/12, 2x15/15

Tomorrow is leg day.
Calories 3848
Pro 244
Carbs 435
Fat 103
I added PSL Proviron at 50mg a day into my cycle.


Leg Day today.
Lying leg curls 1x15, 3x12
Hack squats 1x20, 1x15, 3x10, dropset 1x10/10/10
Leg press 1x30, 1x25, 1x15, 3x12, dropset 1x15/15/15/30
Smith squats 4x8
Machine calf raises 5x12
Seated calf raises (rest pause) 1x15/10, 3x12/10, 1x15/10
Leg extensions dropsets 1x15/10, 1x12/10, 1x11/10, 1x11/9

Calories 4067
Pro 281
Carbs 427
Fat 106

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Quick Shoulder session in the garage after work before tree decorating with the family.
I did 6 exercises x 100 reps.
Did them in kind of rest pause fashion, as many reps as possible / rest 15-20 secs then repeat until I reached 100 reps.
Seated rear delt flyes 100
Seated shoulder press 100
Seated front raises 100
Standing side laterals 100
Upright rows 100
Bent over rear flyes 100

Calories 4020
Pro 341
Carbs 394
Fat 95
View attachment 565854

sometimes you just gotta get dirty. add in 4 dirty cheat meals a week at 1500 calories each , and your weekly calories will jump up 6000 calories per week , which over a 16 week bulk is an additional 96,000 calories.

the pros don't get big by only eating clean , its impossible to put that much clean food down , you can't grow on just clean :)
Once ya eat dirty it's too easy to keep doing it. Gotta have self control. But if you're doing things right you already know this