
Monday was ArmDay in the garage before work.
BW dips 4x15
Close grip 1x10, 1x8, 5x6, dropsets 1x4/6, 1x7/10
Alt DB curls 1x10, 1x8, 5x6, dropsets 1x9/9, 1x9/9
Seated French press 1x20, 3x12, 1x15
Ez bar curls wide 1x15, 3x10, 1x20
Superset: DB skullcrushers w/ seated hammer curls 1x12/10, 1x15/10, 1x20/12

Got home late from work, slept for 4 hours then back to work this morning.
Came home tonight, ate, changed clothes then off to the High School Basketball Game.

Yesterday's Macros:
Calories 3812
Pro 307
Carbs 396
Fat 78

Calories 3919
Pro 276
Carbs 402
Fat 102

Tomorrow is Chest Day

YEah! Sleep 4 hrs and then back it. Your outworking and out doing your peers.....something feels righteous in doing that! But after a few days it wears you down.

Keep pushing Push!

How did the basketball game go? Did you dunk on those kids?? :spin:

Chest Day!
Went a little heavier today, and focused on controlled reps.

Pec dec 4x12
HS incline press 1x15, 2x10, 5x5, dropsets 1x7/10, 1x10/12
Cable flyes 1x20, 1x15, 3x12
Machine chest press 1x12, 4x10, dropset 1x8/8/10
DB slight incline press 4x12

Ate pretty good today.
Calories 4024
Pro 270
Carbs 460
Fat 88

No work today.
Went to the gym, picked up my kids (half school day).
Took them Christmas shopping for their mother.
Got a haircut, now watching the end of the Miami / Indianapolis game.
Plan is to get Back session in before work tomorrow.
Pic is from tonight pre haircut. (cold-no pump)
View attachment 565863

YEah! Sleep 4 hrs and then back it. Your outworking and out doing your peers.....something feels righteous in doing that! But after a few days it wears you down.

Keep pushing Push!

How did the basketball game go? Did you dunk on those kids?? :spin:

Basketball game was good, JV won their game but Varsity got smoked!

Back day in the garage before work.
BW pullups 5x12
DB low row 1x15, 3x10, 1x15
DB high row 1x12, 3x8-10
Underhand bar row 4x15
DB shrugs dropsets 4x12/10
Upright row 4x12

Calories 4207
Pro 290
Carbs 482
Fat 92

Worked late tonight and back at it tomorrow morning, probably a rest day tomorrow.


Got a little shoulder session in after work.
Seated rear flyes 1x25, 4x20
Seated DB shoulder press 2x8, 10x6
Seated side laterals 4x15
Seated front raises 4x12
Bent over rear flyes 4x15

Decent food day today.
Calories 3804
Pro 262
Carbs 436
Fat 78

Dinner/post workout meal.
6 oz. Beef Fajita Meat
9oz. Steak Fries
1/2 Cup Broccoli
1/4 cup Shredded Cheese
Cals 715, Pro 47, Carbs 71, Fat 24
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View attachment 565880

Did you notice any big difference between this shoulder workout and your last where you hit 100 reps /exercise?
Did you notice any big difference between this shoulder workout and your last where you hit 100 reps /exercise?

Yeah brother, the 100 rep per exercise was quicker and better pump, and tougher on the joints. Last night's session didn't affect me today the way the 600 rep did (less joint pain today even though I did heavy shoulder press) .

Back Day after work.
BW pullups 4x12
Tbar row wide grip 1x15, 1x12, 1x8, 4x6, dropset 1x5/7/15
Machine pulldowns 1x12, 4x7, dropset 1x9/8/15
HS iso low row 1x20, 4x10
HS iso high row 1x15, 4x10
Superset: low cable row w/ cable pulldowns 4x10/10
Superset: HS seated shrug w/ HS standing shrug 5x10/10

Calories 3888
Pro 240
Carbs 424
Fat 101

Calories 3546
Pro 285
Carbs 328
Fat 87

Chest tomorrow a.m.


Chest Day.
Cable flyes 1x15, 3x10, 1x20
Flat bench 135 lbs.x 39 in 1 minute
HS incline 1x12, 4x4-5, 2x10
Pec dec 1x12, 3x8
Machine chest press 1x15, 3x12, dropset 1x7/6/6/12
Slight incline DB hex press 1x25, 3x12

Calories 4682
Pro 249
Carbs 484
Fat 161

Went to Chili's for lunch.
I had the Ultimate Bacon Burger and Fries (cals 1440, pro 58, carbs 117, fat 84)

Arm day tomorrow after work in the garage.


Arm Day
BW dips 4x15
Alt DB curls 4x10
Superset: seated French press w/ EZ curl wide 4x20/15
Superset: seated hammer curls w/ DB skullcrushers 4x15/15
Weighted dips (rest pause) 1x15/10 (drop set) 1x12/12
Alt DB curls (rest pause) 1x10/6 (drop set) 1x8/10

Calories 3962
Pro 273
Carbs 407
Fat 119

Tomorrow is legs.

Back Day
Cable rope lat pullovers 1x15, 3x12
Neutral handles pulldowns 4x12
HS iso lat row 1x15, 3x12
HS iso lat high row 1x12, 3x10
HS iso low row 1x15, 3x10
HS seated shrugs 3x15, 1x20
Machine rear flyes 4x10
Machine shoulder press 1x20, 3x12
Machine lateral raise 1x20, 3x12
Superset: seated front raises w/ bent over rear flyes 3x15/15
HS standing shrugs 1x20, 3x15

Hit Back and Shoulders today.
Next two days will be long ass days at work so i won't be able to train.

No training today.
And no training tomorrow, work first then Christmas Eve with the family.
Calories 3752
Pro 209
Carbs 440
Fat 102


Merry Christmas!

Yesterday was work all day straight to Christmas Eve Dinner with Family.
Yesterday's Calories 4025
Pro 255
Carbs 656
Fat 135

Today I got a Chest Session in my garage after presents.
Superset: slight incline DB flyes w/ DB hex press 4x10/10
Flat bench 2x10, 4x6, 3x3, 4x5-6, 2x8
Wide grip bench press 4x12
DB incline press 4x12

Tomorrow is arms after work.
I got some sleeves for Christmas.
View attachment 565933


Quick Arm Session in the garage after work.
Super sets:
BW dips w/ alt db curls 3x15/15
DB skullcrushers w/ standing hammer curls 3x12/10
1 arm DB overhead ext. w/ ez bar curls 3x12/10
Weighted dips w/ alt DB curls 3x10/8

Calories 3743
Pro 250
Carbs 364
Fat 115

Tomorrow is legs.
View attachment 565935


Leg Day.
Lying leg curls drop sets 3x10/10
Hack squat 1x20, 1x15, 3x8, 1x20, 1x20
Seated calf raises 4x15-20
Leg press 1x25, 1x20, 4x15, drop set 1x20/12/20
Seated leg curls 1x20, 3x15
Leg extensions 3x12, 1x20
Seated calf raises rest pause 1x15/10, 1x12/8
Machine calf raises drop sets 4x8/8

Calories 4108
Pro 264
Carbs 403
Fat 133

Back Day tomorrow.


Back done and got some shoulders in also.
BW pullups 4x12
Tbar row neutral grip 1x15, 1x10, 4x8, 1x12, 1x15
Wide grip pulldowns 1x12, 3x10
HS ISO lateral row 4x12
HS ISO high row 4x10
HS ISO low row 4x10
DB shrugs 1x15, 3x12, 1x18
Machine shoulder press 1x20, 3x12
Seated DB flyes 4x15
Seated DB front raises 4x12
Bent over rear DB flyes 4x20

I have 2287 calories in right now, but going out for an early dinner with the wife so the calories should go way up!
Arms or Chest tomorrow after work.
