Lozan's Training Log


Deadlift Whore
Guess I'll start a log over here.

I'm 28 y/o, 6'2", 247 with a decent total. Nothing compared to some of you monsters.

Planning on doing my first cycle in January of 08. Probably need some input when it gets closer.
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Back/Legs this morning. Short, but intense this morning.

Conv. Deads
405 x 4 x 1
495 x 2 x 1
545 x 1 x 1
585 x 1 x 5
405 x 17 x 1
- last set was done almost sumo stance.......

135 x 15 x 1
225 x 6 x 1
315 x 6 x 1
365 x 6 x 1
405 x 4 x 3
455 x 1 x 3
225 x 24 x 1

BW (247) x 8 x 2
BW+45 x 4 x 1

Pull Thrus
190 x 12 x 2
Welcome Brosky.

Nice numbers by the way, those are pretty high up there. those high reppers at the end must've killed you
thanks bro.

yeah, I had to sit down on the floor for a while after those squats. I just do that shit on occasion, not normally.
Bench day.......

Flat BB Bench
275 x 8 x 1
315 x 4 x 3

185 x 12 x 1
225 x 10 x 2
275 x 4 x 2

Incline DBs
115s x 8 x 3

Side/Front Raises
30s x 8 x 3

Seated Military
185 x 12 x 3

30 minutes cardio.........
Back/Legs on Tuesday

Conv. Deads
135 x 12 x 1
225 x 5 x 1
315 x 2 x 1
405 x 2 x 1
495 x 1 x 1
545 x 1 x 2
585 x 1 x 2
605 x 1 x 1
605 x 0 x 1

135 x 12 x 1
225 x 12 x 1
315 x 4 x 1
405 x 5 x 5

315 x 12 x 2
405 x 5 x 1
435 x 2 x 1

BW (247) x 8 x 3

Rope Crunches
190 x 12 x 2
210 x 12 x 1

Good girls/Bad girls
stack x 12 x 3

Calves - Doggie Style
somethign absurd x 8 x 3

Leg Press
650 x 20 x 1
Nice avatar estray.............lol

Push - 11/07/07

Paused Flat Bench (w/ 5 second negs)
135 x 12 x 1
185 x 5 x 1
225 x 5 x 1
275 x 8 x 3

Incline DBs
100s x 8 x 3
- wanted to go higher, but my shoulder was hurting from playing v-ball for a couple hours last night.

Smith Military
185 x 12 x 2
225 x 4 x 1

Hang Cleans
185 x 6 x 2
225 x 4 x 1
- forgot to do these yesterday.

225 x 8 x 3
245 x 6 x 1
275 x 2 x 1

Tricep Pushdowns
stack x 12 x 3
- waste of time.....

135 x 12 x 1
225 x 5 x 1
315 x 5 x 1
225 x 20 x 5
- 10 minute break -
225 x 15 x 1

Sumo Deads
135 x 12 x 1
225 x 5 x 1
315 x 3 x 1
405 x 2 x 1
495 x 1 x 5
- working sets were done DE style

315 x 12 x 2
405 x 8 x 1
455 x 2 x 1

Leg Press
600 x 20 x 1

DC Calves
780 x 12 x 3

Started to do zerchers, but felt like ass and was close to puking, so didn't.....
Gonna be in DC next week, so not sure if I will be able to find a gym. Another dude will have the rental car too, so I'll have to find something close to walk or some shit. We'll see what happens.

Anyone knows of a good gym in Alexandria VA, please post up.....
BOOMA said:
sorry for the late welcome and good job. you are strong. goals?
Goals? Get stronger and leaner. Is there any other goal to have?

Nah, but seriously, I am competing in Jan, so I need to get my shit together.


Alright, so back from DC. Didn't have time to train, so had the week off. Starting fresh on Monday. Wife's 30th birthday is tomorrow..........should be fun.