Lozan's Training Log

Bench Day

Paused Flat Bench
275 x 10 x 3
- slow negs

Incline DBs
125 x 8 x 3

225 x 8 x 3
275 x 4 x 1

Wide Grip Bench (almost to the collars)
225 x 10 x 3


- Went a little light, because immediately after my session, I had a volleyball tourney to play in.

Conv. Deads
405 x 6 x 1
495 x 4 x 1
545 x 1 x 5

315 x 10 x 3

240 x 8 x 3

Rope Crunches
180 x 12 x 3

Volleyball - 4 hours
mranak said:
Great routine here. And really nice numbers.

How long have you been training?
Thanks dude. A little more than 12 years, on and off. Had a little while where I was pretty sick, including recently, so some time off in there.

Thanks for posting in here - because I realized I haven't updated for the sessions this week. lol
jlozan84 said:
Thanks dude. A little more than 12 years, on and off. Had a little while where I was pretty sick, including recently, so some time off in there.
Honestly, the vast majority of gear users can't lift the numbers that you lift.

12 years, even if it is on and off, along with your numbers, shows dedication.

I'll be interested to see how you react to the gear.
mranak said:
Honestly, the vast majority of gear users can't lift the numbers that you lift.

12 years, even if it is on and off, along with your numbers, shows dedication.

I'll be interested to see how you react to the gear.

I'm interested to see what happens too. In January, I'll start a test prop cycle - hoping in to as much strength as possible with little or no weight gain.

Anyway, sessions for this week. Tomorrow morning - squats.

Monday - Deads

Conv. Deads
135 x 12 x 1
225 x 4 x 1
315 x 3 x 1
405 x 3 x 1
495 x 1 x 1
545 x 1 x 1
585 x 1 x 2

Zercher Squats - bottom up
225 x 12 x 1
315 x 8 x 1
365 x 6 x 1

Hang Cleans
225 x 8 x 3

BW (245) x 8 x 3

245 x 6 x 3

Tuesday - Bench Day

Flat Bench
135 x 12 x 1
225 x 6 x 1
275 x 6 x1
315 x 4 x 3

225 x 12 x 3

- that was all, played in a volleyball tourney that night and wanted to save the shoulders a bit.
Whats up Jlo, I see your still plugging away great job man, looking forward to what Janurary brings you.
This has been a fucked up year for me, off, on, off, on...... Maybe next year I can get back on track and catch up to you...... yea right.
haha - good shit. what's up boyd and stuk.

alright fuckers, been out of town for a week. squats in about 4 hours. better go get some damn sleep.
jlozan84 said:
haha - good shit. what's up boyd and stuk.

alright fuckers, been out of town for a week. squats in about 4 hours. better go get some damn sleep.

Getting some damn sleep for squats should imply more than 4 hours, rod.

I'm going to open my journal on here in a bit. Maybe later today... My legs hurt too bad right now.
Highlights for the week, since I am apparently too fucking lazy to log this thing daily.

405 x 4 x 1
495 x 4 x 1
565 x 2 x 1
585 x 1 x 1
605 x 1 x 1

Rack Deads (pins just below knee)
585 x 3 x 1
675 x 2 x 1
725 x 1 x 3

Flat Bench
315 x 3 x 3, pinky on rings
315 x 3 x 3, middle on rings
315 x 3 x 3, index in rings

275 x 4 x 3

and some other nonsense.
jlozan84 said:
Highlights for the week, since I am apparently too fucking lazy to log this thing daily.

405 x 4 x 1
495 x 4 x 1
565 x 2 x 1
585 x 1 x 1
605 x 1 x 1

Rack Deads (pins just below knee)
585 x 3 x 1
675 x 2 x 1
725 x 1 x 3

Flat Bench
315 x 3 x 3, pinky on rings
315 x 3 x 3, middle on rings
315 x 3 x 3, index in rings

275 x 4 x 3

and some other nonsense.

I've been trying to warp the bars at the gym on racks. Nice work fag.
Monday 0430 - SQUATS

Full Squats
315 x 12 x 1
365 x 8 x 1
405 x 4 x 1
455 x 4 x 3
475 x 1 x 5

405 x 8 x 3

Leg Press
670 x 20 x 1 (not including weight of the sled)

Calves - DC Style
670 x 8 x 3

Front Squats
315 x 6 x 3

Good AMs
275 x 12 x 3

3 hours of 2-2 volleyball in the evening.
musclesntx said:
Vadge called, said these were bitch numbers on GMs.

Nice work homo. I have often wondered why you fear GHRs.

I would love to do GHRs, but they don't have one at my gym. I suppose I could rig one up on the lat pulldown machine though. Those fuckers already give me a hard enough time for using chalk though.
jlozan84 said:

I would love to do GHRs, but they don't have one at my gym. I suppose I could rig one up on the lat pulldown machine though. Those fuckers already give me a hard enough time for using chalk though.

Fuck them - ngr rig a GHR and get it done bro. I piss my gym off with chalk too. I broke up some hand chalk for a pool table (the big cone) so I take a chunk of it and keep it in my pocket until time to chalk up. They can't find out who's shit it is, and I just tell them the bar was white when I got to it... And of course, I have chalk all over me and my clothes, but they don't say shit to me since me and Hank were pulling high 6s off the floor, cursing and shit.

Oh, and you can do what that one red ass at my gym did - he kicked a whole in the fucking wall and used sheetrock for chalk. That guy's my fucking hero... But I haven't seen him back.
BENCH this am..........

Flat Bench
275 x 6 x 1
315 x 3 x 3, pinkies on rings
315 x 3 x 3, index on rings
275 x 8 x 3, hands wide (almost to collars)

275 x 6 x 3

295 x 6 x 1

Seated Military
185 x 8 x 2
205 x 6 x 1
225 x 4 x 1

DC Chest and Tri Stretches
Hey man, I'm going to vid my next benching to show you how close I bench when I'm going for max - my pinkies don't even touch the rings - just something I do. For you, is the pinkies on the rings close?