MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

I completely agree. Even with short esters, I would never cycle less than 12 weeks or so.

I don't like the idea of going less than 10-12 weeks either, but because of supplies, convenience, and wanting to do one for 16-18 weeks my last semester in college, I figured I would try it out.

The next cycle is going to be:
1-5 100mg EOD Test P
1-16 750mg/wk Test E
1-15 600mg/wk EQ
10-18 100mg EOD Masteron
17-18 100mg ED Test Prop

figured that along with DC Training will make me into a 250lb, 10% BF freak of nature
*had some injection issues last night... I aspirated and collapsed a blood vessel around the pin, therefore shooting some of the gear into my blood stream... to say the least it felt like I was going to die for about 10 minutes

Hey man
sorry to hear about that! where was it in your quad? how did you figure out that you collapsed the blood vessel? did u get blood in the syringe?

I like your plan for the final collegiate cycle - great image "250lb 10%bf Freak of nature"! LMFAO! If anyone can do it you can! Post a progress pic after this cycle.
Take care dude.
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October 27th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into left delt
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into bis/tris

Shoulders and Traps

DB Press 85's/10, 90's/8, 95's/5
DB Side Laterals 50's/12, 50's/12, 55's/10
Smith Machine Upright Rows 125/12, 135/11, 145/10
DB Front Raises 50's/10, 50's/10, 55's/9

Shoulder Shrugs 275/15, 315/12, 315/12, 365/10

*felt pretty good, a little more winded than I thought I should have been
October 28th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into right delt
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Tris and Bis

Smith Machine CGBP 275/10, 295/8, 315/4
Dips bw/15, bw+25/12, bw+40/12
Rope Presses 150/15, 150/15, 150/12

EZ Bar Curls 125/12, 135/10, 140/8
Hammer Curls 60's/10, 65's/9, 75's/8
One Arm Nautilus Preacher 80/12, 80/12, 85/10

*felt pretty good, could have ate a little bit better, but what can you do
an arm day eh???
i just did the math, you're running a shitload of test, i wish i
an arm day eh???
i just did the math, you're running a shitload of test, i wish i

yeah, right now my split is very traditional BBing... so I go 2 on, 1 off, 3 on, 1 off and then repeat... so arms get there own day

I will be starting DC soon which will change everything up a while lot

as my signature says... "I love Test" and I don't have any issues running this much, so I figure I might as well lol
October 29th

150mg Test Prop... injected into right glute
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

October 30th

No Injection
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms


Squats 225/5, 275/5, 315/5, 375/5 --> widow maker 225/20
Leg Curls 180/12, 200/12, 210/10
Leg Extensions 260/15, 275/12, 290/12

Nautilus Calf Press 200/10, 200/10 (DC straight set with 5 second negative and 10 second stretch)
October 31st

150mg Test Prop... injected into left glute
250iu's HCG
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms


Flat Bench 225/5, 275/1, 315/1, 350/1, 275/11
Incline Smith Machine 225/10, 235/7, 245/4
Cable Cross Over Circles 40/6, 40/6, 40/6

*most I've ever put up on the Bench Press and it was actually rather easy to hit the 350....
November 1st and 2nd



PCT and DC TRAINING will begin tomorrow

cycle was rather successful... went from a lean 219lbs to a leaner low 230's

Bench: 350lbs, Deadlift: 545lbs, Squat: ~425lbs

Glad I decided to run the Tren the way I did and had a really nice experience with it, the side effects that I experienced weren't unbearable but were definitely there. I'm interested in seeing how much my body could handle ED and would like to see if I got a little crazy (ie. 100mg/day) what would happen to my body composition and strength.

ED injections most definitely got to be a pain but were worth it to keep the sides at bay.


PCT and DC TRAINING will begin tomorrow

cycle was rather successful... went from a lean 219lbs to a leaner low 230's

Bench: 350lbs, Deadlift: 545lbs, Squat: ~425lbs

Glad I decided to run the Tren the way I did and had a really nice experience with it, the side effects that I experienced weren't unbearable but were definitely there. I'm interested in seeing how much my body could handle ED and would like to see if I got a little crazy (ie. 100mg/day) what would happen to my body composition and strength.

ED injections most definitely got to be a pain but were worth it to keep the sides at bay.


just curious - what is the theory behind injections ED to "keep the sides at bay"
PCT Plans

Supplements/Medicines as per usual:
Men's Multi Vitamin
Fish Oil
Flax Seed Oil
Glucosamine Chondroitin
Acne Antibiotics

During the Entire PCT:
4 pumps Sustain Alpha
1-2 pumps AIFM
20 grams Creatine (10 grams PWO)

Week 1: 100mg Clomid ED
40mg Nolvadex ED
50mcg Clen (half pre workout)
Week 2: 50mg Clomid ED
40mg Nolvadex ED
100mcg Clen (half pre workout)
Week 3: 50mg Clomid ED
20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 4: 20mg Nolvadex ED

just curious - what is the theory behind injections ED to "keep the sides at bay"

with a drug like Tren, whose half life is 2 days, keeping your hormone levels as steady as possible is imperative

by injecting ED, you can control your sides with the most stable blood levels possible... as I'm sure you know with being an older guy with a lot of female experiences... when women's hormones fluctuate (i.e. there menstrual cycle) they get fucking nuts... pretty much the same holds with steroid side effects, the more fluctuation, the more side effects

hope that helps
with a drug like Tren, whose half life is 2 days, keeping your hormone levels as steady as possible is imperative

by injecting ED, you can control your sides with the most stable blood levels possible... as I'm sure you know with being an older guy with a lot of female experiences... when women's hormones fluctuate (i.e. there menstrual cycle) they get fucking nuts... pretty much the same holds with steroid side effects, the more fluctuation, the more side effects

hope that helps

LMFAO - why no....I never noticed that ;-)
November 3rd - PCT Day 1, DC Day 1

Day 1

Flat Bench 205/8-4-2, 20 second static rep, 60 second extreme stretch
Smith Machine Shoulder Press 155/8-4-2, 20 second static rep, 60 second extreme stretch
Smith Machine CGBP 185/6-3-3, extreme stretch... should have gone a little bit lighter
Lat Pull Downs 180/8-4-2, 20 second static rep
Deadlifts 405/8, 455/3, only enough rest to put on more weight, extreme stretch

Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 20

*felt pretty good, can tell I'm off because the pump doesn't stay as long, but I like the new training situation
*DC doesn't prescribe anything for abs, so I think I'm going to throw them in a little bit either 2-3 times a week
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flat bench dc numbers seem a little low, no? Sore, injured, or taking it easy?
flat bench dc numbers seem a little low, no? Sore, injured, or taking it easy?

I had done Flat Bench on Friday, so that might have contributed to it a little bit. But honestly, I don't know how I could have pushed much more. With a real 6 second negative, and 20-30 second rest in between sets you get burnt really quick and the weight feels like a fucking ton.

I would like to see how quickly the weight goes up when I become more used to the negative phase of the rep.
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November 4th - PCT Day 2


*I'm so sore right now, I can't even believe it. I'm sore deep into my muscles like never before... I'm thinking that it has something to with the super intensity and negative reps, but I think it also has something to do with being off gear.

*Took a 50mg shot of the PCGH-8 in my belly fat and it just looks like I have a huge lump under my skin now. The concentration is 50mg/ml, so I did inject a FULL ml of the shit sub-q. I'm hoping that the swollen look goes down really soon so I can keep running the stuff, because until the swelling goes down, I'm not planning on injecting any more of it.
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