MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

about how long are your workouts? u feel extra endurance?

training sessions generally hover between the hour to hour and a half range

i don't feel a great deal more endurance as much as I feel a great push to work extra hard and do more/lift more than i did the previous workout... i have found that Tren killed my appetite for the most part as well as my cardiovascular stamina
looks like a great work out buddy - U gaining some size? what's yor weight up to? 50's very impressive for the db curls!

I'm up in the 235 range... so a total weight gain of ~15 pounds w/ almost NO water retention and NO fat gains... I couldn't be much happier
October 15th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into lower right quad
600mg B6
200iu's HCG


*Wednesdays aren't conducive to me training, so I don't not to mention it helps to have a day off in the middle of the week
Congrat's bro!! That is actually extremely impressive :)

thanks man, I really appreciate it.... I wanted to make this one count

as far as getting the great results, I really think a lot had to do with moderate carb consumption, being slightly more active than usual, and Tren A... the increased activity and Tren let me stray a little bit from the "perfect" diet that I was going for and allowed me to live a little bit more
October 16th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into upper left quad
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms


Squats 225/5, 275/5, 315/5, 365/5 followed by an 18 rep widow maker w/ 225
Decline Bench DB Hamstring Curls 40/8, 35/10, 30/12
Nautilus Calf Press 200/15-6-5 (explosive positive, 5 second negative, 10 second stretch at the bottom)
Leg Extensions 200/12, 200/12

22 minutes of Circuit Training cardio done with the trainer at the gym because he likes to make guys like myself think about killing themselves mid way through

*The trainer at the gym wasn't busy when I got there and we got to talking about DC Training before I started to train. I told him today was Leg day and he said he wanted to put me through a little bit of different training then I'm used to. I didn't argue and the before mentioned workout was the result. It took me about 5 minutes to catch my breath after the widow maker with 225 and the cardio that he put me through was the most intense shit I've done since high school football forever ago. Overall the prospects of my future DC Training, which is going to start November 1st makes me really excited. I am really looking forward to it, and it should be a good change for my body and not to mention the decrease in volume should benefit me well for PCT.

*The Decline Bench DB Hamstring Curls were something completely new to me as well. You lay on a Decline Bench at about a 30 degree angle and have someone place a dumbbell between your feet. While squeezing your feet together and not allowing the dumbbell to slip out, go about the regular lying leg curl motion. It works really well and brings about one hell of a pump.
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That looks intense - I'll be interested to hear what your recovery is from that 2days? 3? And u did the circuit solo? no rest for 22 mins? bet that felt like an hour! props man!
what was the circuit?

the circuit was kinda interesting and I guess it wouldn't really be called a circuit.

it was a bunch of "girly" type exercises with 10lb dumbbells on a 5 step up box, and I had a 30 second break in between each set... it sucked

the trainer that I did it with said "I put this routine together with the exercises that hurt me the most"... to reiterate, it sucked
That looks intense - I'll be interested to hear what your recovery is from that 2days? 3? And u did the circuit solo? no rest for 22 mins? bet that felt like an hour! props man!

my legs are really really sore, I'm hurting a lot 2+ days afterwards
October 17th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into lower left quad
600mg B6
200iu's HCG

Chest and Biceps

Flat Bench 225/5, 255/5, 275/8, 300/5, 315/2.5 (a little spot on the 3rd)
Incline DB Press 100's/10, 100's/7, 100's/7
Cable Cross Overs 110/12, 110/11, 110/10

Seated DB Curls 50's/10, 50's/9, 55's/7
Preacher Curls 65/10, 65/10, 65/10

Clean Up Cardio

*felt really great today even though I was a little tired mentally
the circuit was kinda interesting and I guess it wouldn't really be called a circuit.

it was a bunch of "girly" type exercises with 10lb dumbbells on a 5 step up box, and I had a 30 second break in between each set... it sucked

the trainer that I did it with said "I put this routine together with the exercises that hurt me the most"... to reiterate, it sucked

imagine if you did that shit 3x per week...

u'd be shredded
u know
i mean even more shredded... from the 99th percentile to the 99.9th percentile
u know
i mean even more shredded... from the 99th percentile to the 99.9th percentile

hahahaha, I'm alright... I don't know if I'm in the 99th percentile, but I'm doing alright

I actually like to do more low intensity cardio because I can kill 2 birds with one stone and it doesn't hurt as much lol, and being a student I can get in 45 minutes of reading in as well... although the high intensity is a lot quicker and more efficient

being the biggest and strongest guy at the school doing that routine in the "cardio room" with all the hot sorority girls was kinda humiliating though... I really felt like my dick and balls got cut off
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hahahaha, I'm alright... I don't know if I'm in the 99th percentile, but I'm doing alright

I actually like to do more low intensity cardio because I can kill 2 birds with one stone and it doesn't hurt as much lol, and being a student I can get in 45 minutes of reading in as well... although the high intensity is a lot quicker and more efficient

being the biggest and strongest guy at the school doing that routine in the "cardio room" with all the hot sorority girls was kinda humiliating though... I really felt like my dick and balls got cut off

Oh man - I hear you! My wife goes to my gym and has a lady trainer - they do this thing with bands on the legs and a"crab walk" they are always saying "Oh you should try it" Bad, bad, bad for the male ego! I prefer the walking lunges with a barbell across my shoulders, thank you very much! once I got conned into going to a "garden Show" with my wife - oh jesus - my balls shrunk up and I think my dick actually fell off! only 3 other guys there - all with funny hats & plaid pants... never again!

On the brite side i bet the girls couldn't take their eyes off you - so maybe it's a draw - I dunno. i do a "circuit on Sat mornings with about 4-6 guys at the gym but we do the usual bench press, db press, etc. just with more intensity and no rest 'cause you got a guy breathing down your neck the whole time. That's a good time and of course there's some ego in it too so everybody tries to keep the intensity up.

Thanks for a good laff MDS!
October 19th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into left delt
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into bi/tri region

Back, Calves, Abs

Pull Ups bw/10, bw/9, bw/9
T-Bar Rows 4.5plates/12, 5plates/10, 5.5plates/8
Wide Grip Supinated Pull Downs 180/11, 190/10, 200/8.5 (got stuck half way through the 9th rep)
Lying T-Bar Rows 115/12, 125/10, 135/9
60 second extreme stretch as prescribed by DC

45 Degree Calf Press 180/9-4-3 (explosive positive, 5 second negative, 10 second stretch at the bottom)

Decline Bench Crunches 2 x 15
superset w/
Decline Bench Leg Raises 2 x 10

Clean Up Cardio

*felt OK, think I may have slept almost too much last night and kinda felt a little bit sluggish starting out my workout
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Hey Milk! Congrats on being a Mod - excellent choice -You have lots of experience & knowledge!

And nice new avi - was getting a little bored looking at YOUR chest - Hahahaha Can I place a request for a bonde next time? LOL

And finally - what type of extreme stretch did you do for the Back? I read some of the DC stuff and have been doing the extreme stretch for the forearms - it's intense!

Thanks man!
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