MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

Hey Milk! Congrats on being a Mod - excellent choice -You have lots of experience & knowledge!

And nice new avi - was getting a little bored looking at YOUR chest - Hahahaha Can I place a request for a bonde next time? LOL

And finally - what type of extreme stretch did you do for the Back? I read some of the DC stuff and have been doing the extreme stretch for the forearms - it's intense!

Thanks man!

thanks man... i hope i can just keep helping people out when they need it

a blonde with nice titties will be next in line for you

the extreme stretch for back is using a chin up bar at about 7 feet high, grab it with your hands about 6 inches apart... allow your body to hang (i keep my feet touching the floor) and tilt your head back as far as possible... I keep tilting my head back until I feel a lot of discomfort in my lats and hold that stretch for about 60 seconds or so
October 20th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into right delt
200iu's HCG
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Shoulders and Traps

Smith Machine Press 225/10, 245/5, 225/5
Upright Rows 115/12, 125/11, 135/10
Side DB Raises 45's/12, 50's/11, 50's/11
Smith Machine Behind the Neck Press 135/10, 155/7, 175/6

Barbell Shrugs 275/15, 315/15, 365/12 drop 225/10

*felt pretty good, happy with the workout and the effects of the Tren on my body
October 21st

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into right glute
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into upper arms

Tris, Bis, Forearms, Abs

Skull Crushers 85/12, 105/10, 125/8
CGBP 225/10, 245/8, 265/4
V-Bar Pushdowns 100/12, 110/10, 110/6 drop to 60/6

Barbell Curls 95/12, 115/10, 125/9
Pinwheel Curls 65's/10, 70's/8, 70's/8
One Arm Preacher (80 degree incline) 30/12, 35/10, 40/9

Wrist Roller 10/2 up and down, 10/2 up and down

Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 15
Hanging Knee Raises 2 x 15

*felt really good and really strong today
*decided to officially drop my training partner because of the great progress I have seen recently... in the last 2 weeks my solo workouts (in all the physical conditions I have felt... tiredness, restlessness, soreness, etc) have been incredibly productive and intense... something that I was lacking training with someone
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120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into right delt
200iu's HCG
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Shoulders and Traps

Smith Machine Press 225/10, 245/5, 225/5
Upright Rows 115/12, 125/11, 135/10
Side DB Raises 45's/12, 50's/11, 50's/11
Smith Machine Behind the Neck Press 135/10, 155/7, 175/6

Barbell Shrugs 275/15, 315/15, 365/12 drop 225/10

*felt pretty good, happy with the workout and the effects of the Tren on my body

Great workout man - those side DB raises must have had your delts screaming!

What effects of the tren are you most happy with? energy? strength? lean gains? just wondering.. also the B6 - that's an injection rite? U get it at the drugstore w/o prescription?

thanks bud.
Great workout man - those side DB raises must have had your delts screaming!

What effects of the tren are you most happy with? energy? strength? lean gains? just wondering.. also the B6 - that's an injection rite? U get it at the drugstore w/o prescription?

thanks bud.

The Tren gains are different than any other drug out there IMO. The strength gains are great and the size gains are also incredible. The place where I notice it the most though is the ACTUAL leaning out that I have been experiencing during my cycle with a calorie surplus and minimal cardio. ALL of the gains that I have made have been strictly muscle gains with zero water retention.

It's just a very cool feeling to be constantly dry and looking better every morning you wake up. Going to start to go tanning tomorrow as well as shave the chest and see if everything comes out even better.

The B6 is in pill form and I get it at Wally World for like $4 a bottle. It has stopped the little bit of gyno I experienced from the Tren from getting any worse.
October 22nd

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into left glute
200iu's HCG
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

October 23rd

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into upper right quad
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into upper arms

Legs and Abs

Leg Press 2 plates/15, 4 plates/12, 6 plates/10, 8 plates/8 and a widow maker w/ 4 plates/20
Leg Extensions 175/8-4-3 (6 second negative, explosive positive)
Standing One Leg Cable Curls 60/12, 70/10, 70/10
Calf Presses on Leg Press 270/10, 270/9, 270/7 (5 second negative, 10 second stretch, explosive positive)

Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 15-20
Decline Bench Leg Raises 2 x 12-15

*under estimated my strength on the Leg Press and was a little pissed that the last set w/ 8 plates was easy and the widow maker wasn't all that bad either... took it to myself HARD on the Leg Extensions which made up for it

*went out last night and had a few more drinks than I thought I was going to... wasn't hung over in the morning, so it didn't hinder any of the plans for the day
^^^^ sounds like a good leg workout -- i laffed at your footnote 'cause i thot hmmm 4/20 doesn't sound that tough - i bet i could do that! leg extensions def made up for it - 6 sec negative! ouch - that's when 6 seconds is like 60!

BTW thanks for all the info about tren - it's been a really interesting log.
^^^^ sounds like a good leg workout -- i laffed at your footnote 'cause i thot hmmm 4/20 doesn't sound that tough - i bet i could do that! leg extensions def made up for it - 6 sec negative! ouch - that's when 6 seconds is like 60!

BTW thanks for all the info about tren - it's been a really interesting log.

its the 20 reps AFTER the set that makes it hard, but still isn't wasn't all that impressive and I was kinda disappointed
October 24th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into lower right quad
600mg B6
200iu's HCG
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into upper arms

Chest and Bis

Flat Bench 225/10, 275/10, 315/4
Incline DB Press 100's/10, 100's/9, 100's/8
Incline DB Flyes 50's/10, 50's/12, 55's/10

Hammer Curls 70's/10, 70's/9, 75's/9
Spider Curls 45/15, 55/10, 55/10

*felt surprisingly good being as I didn't sleep much last night (worked til 2:30am and got up at 9am for class) and my nutrition was all fucked up

*probably could have done 275 ~15 times if I was going to failure

*had some injection issues last night... I aspirated and collapsed a blood vessel around the pin, therefore shooting some of the gear into my blood stream... to say the least it felt like I was going to die for about 10 minutes
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October 25th and 26th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into upper left quad
600mg B6


Clean Up Cardio

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into lower left quad
600mg B6
200iu's HCG
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Back, Calves, Abs

Pull Ups bw/10, bw/10, bw + 25/5, bw + 25/5
Dead Lifts 405/5, 455/5, 495/2
Behind the Neck Pull Downs 170/12, 180/10, 190/9
One Arm Cable Rows 110/12, 120/12, 130/10

45 Degree Calf Press 180/8-5-4 (explosive positive, 5 second negative, 10 second stretch at the bottom)

Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 20

Clean Up Cardio

*a little disappointed with my dead lift numbers and I was a little bit tired before the workout... didn't eat enough before I trained and just didn't have it
Looks like the bench press is flying up.

I've noticed the bench #'s go up dramatically in the last 2-3 weeks... unfortunately, this cycle ends on Saturday

I have to say though, even with the shorter acting esters getting into your system almost immediately, I have noticed that your body needs time to assimilate to the changes and the gains are much more substantial during weeks 4-8 or so
o yeh, apparently i owe you a Congrats on the appointment, nice work
I've noticed the bench #'s go up dramatically in the last 2-3 weeks... unfortunately, this cycle ends on Saturday

I have to say though, even with the shorter acting esters getting into your system almost immediately, I have noticed that your body needs time to assimilate to the changes and the gains are much more substantial during weeks 4-8 or so

I completely agree. Even with short esters, I would never cycle less than 12 weeks or so.