MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

October 4th and 5th

(both days)
120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into left glute and right upper quad
200iu's HCG (October 5th only)
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms
50mcg Clen

*NO TRAINING either day, everything got thrown off with the weekend, etc

*not happy with how I ate either
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October 6th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into upper left quad
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into bicep/tricep area


Smith Machine Squat Lunges 185/16(total), 225/12, 255/10, 275/8-4-2 (DC Style)
Leg Extensions 275/13, 275/12, 275/12, 325/8-4-2
DB Stiff Leg DL's 100's/10, 100's/10, 100's/10, 100's/8-4-2
Nautilus Calf Press 400/20, 400/14, 400/12
Seated Calf Raises* 185/20, 225/20, 275/15

*did the Seated Calf Raises on a Smith Machine with the bar lying across my legs and my toes on a 35lb plate because my gym doesn't have a Seated Calf Raise
*I'm going to start incorporating more DC Training principles (mostly rep schemes) in preparation for my post cycle therapy (pct) training which is probably going to be almost exclusively DC
*felt good with the workout, kinda mad that I have 3 tests in the next 3 days, going to try and make some time to train
do you have any links to real Dc training schemes?

unfortunately no, but I know there are a few training videos out there endorsed by Dante and the new trainer at my gym has been training under DC for the last year and has a pretty good handle on it
I'm a fan of the DC calve training. I always forget to train calves though.
October 7th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into lower right quad
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Chest and Biceps

Smith Machine Incline 185/12, 225/10, 255/5, 225/8-3-2
Flat DB Presses 100's/7, 100's/6, 100's/8
Flat DB Flyes 50's/10, 50's/10, 50's/10

Alternating DB Curls 50's/10, 50's/10, 55's/8
Lying Cable Curls 80/10, 90/9, 100/8

*got a good pump... all the numbers were down, etc because I spent ~8 hours in the library the night before, got 6 hours of sleep, spent another 4 hours in the library in the morning, took a test and then went to the gym... calorie consumption was way low and I wished that would have been the last test but I have 2 more to go for the week
lookin good bro.i see you changed up your chest routine a little bit. whats the cause?

i was just trying to maximize effort, stimulate as many muscle fibers as possible, and minimize time... as I said in the footnote...

"spent ~8 hours in the library the night before, got 6 hours of sleep, spent another 4 hours in the library in the morning, took a test and then went to the gym... calorie consumption was way low"
120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into lower right quad
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Chest and Biceps

Smith Machine Incline 185/12, 225/10, 255/5, 225/8-3-2
Flat DB Presses 100's/7, 100's/6, 100's/8
Flat DB Flyes 50's/10, 50's/10, 50's/10

Alternating DB Curls 50's/10, 50's/10, 55's/8
Lying Cable Curls 80/10, 90/9, 100/8

*got a good pump... all the numbers were down, etc because I spent ~8 hours in the library the night before, got 6 hours of sleep, spent another 4 hours in the library in the morning, took a test and then went to the gym... calorie consumption was way low and I wished that would have been the last test but I have 2 more to go for the week

Hey man - nice chest work out - now that your numbahs are to blow my own horn - maxed out at 5 reps @90 for DBPress this am! ;-) May not catch up to you 'cause u keep adding weight but give me another 10 years....j/k

Hope you aced the test. later, dude.
good luck on the tests, and good job still getting some gym time in, its hard as hell, but u r fighting
i was just trying to maximize effort, stimulate as many muscle fibers as possible, and minimize time... as I said in the footnote...

"spent ~8 hours in the library the night before, got 6 hours of sleep, spent another 4 hours in the library in the morning, took a test and then went to the gym... calorie consumption was way low"

yea im a full time student too bro. so i can deff relate to that. but keep your priorities straight, and get it done.

good luck
just got in from the library...

got there Wednesday morning at 8am stayed til 10:15am, had class 10:30-12:20 (took a quiz and a test both of which I feel I did well on), got home ate lunch and hung out for about an hour, went back to the library at 3pm and stayed til 7:30am... naturally I took a couple breaks for food and to walk around so I wasn't staring at the computer...

gotta love how 3 professors in the same department don't communicate enough to tell each other when there exams are, so you get 3 in a row... lesson learned though, stay on top of your work and you won't suffer as much
Oh Man I feel for you - that is brutal - all night in the library! i only did that a few times - it was enough to learn that lesson about staying on top of things- altho sometimes u can't help it! Same is true at work - A week ago i had 2 deadlines within 3 days of each other - Yipes. only difference is that i refuse to sleep in the office! hahaha

Good luck on the exams, bud and stay on top of good nutrition while you are under stress!
October 9th - 12th

NO TRAINING any of these days... Wednesday, Thursday, Friday I was too drained to do anything other than sit on the couch... Saturday and Sunday I went to my girlfriends house

*kept the injections the same and the supplements the same, but unfortunately because of lack of sleep (Monday night - Friday night, I averaged about 3 hours of sleep a night) and terrible nutrition (when studying, etc it tough to make yourself eat, let alone eat properly) so I had a serious down turn in my training and nutrition

*going to get EVERYTHING back on track tomorrow morning and be as hard on myself these 19 days as possible... going to attempt to maximize muscle and strength gains while maximizing fat loss

*on a side note, one of the exams I took the last week ended up being a B, so I couldn't be more happy as I had to budget my time appropriately and could not focus solely on that exam
I feel your pain bro. I'm a student myself, as well as an athlete. It makes running a "clean" cycle pretty hard at times, but I usually find that it's worth it...keep working hard
October 13th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into left glute... one of the worst injections I've had in a while, hurt breaking the skin and throughout the entire injection... kinda confused why that happened
200iu's of HCG
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms


Pull Ups bw/10, bw/10, bw/8
Rack Pulls 245/10, 335/10, 425/5
Supinated Grip Pull Downs 200/10, 200/9, 200/8
One Arm Rows 150/10, 150/10, 150/10

*felt pretty good to be back in the gym, a little more tired than normal, would have liked to have a little bit more energy
October 14th

120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into upper right quad
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Shoulders, Tris, Bis, Abs

Upright Rows 95/12, 115/10, 135/10
Side Raises 50's/10, 55's/10, 55's/10
DB Shoulder Presses 80's/10, 85's/8, 90's/7

CGBP 225/10, 250/6, 225/10
Pushdowns on Lat Pull 100/10, 109/10, 100/10

Seated DB Curls 50's/9, 50's/9, 50's/8
Preacher Curls 65/10, 65/9, 65/9

Decline Crunches 3 x 20
Roman Chair Leg Raises 3 x 15

*felt really good today... the workout encompassed more than usual because I fell behind on my training and I felt like I needed to hit it hard today
120mg Test Prop, 60mg Tren Ace... injected into upper right quad
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Shoulders, Tris, Bis, Abs

Upright Rows 95/12, 115/10, 135/10
Side Raises 50's/10, 55's/10, 55's/10
DB Shoulder Presses 80's/10, 85's/8, 90's/7

CGBP 225/10, 250/6, 225/10
Pushdowns on Lat Pull 100/10, 109/10, 100/10

Seated DB Curls 50's/9, 50's/9, 50's/8
Preacher Curls 65/10, 65/9, 65/9

Decline Crunches 3 x 20
Roman Chair Leg Raises 3 x 15

*felt really good today... the workout encompassed more than usual because I fell behind on my training and I felt like I needed to hit it hard today

looks like a great work out buddy - U gaining some size? what's yor weight up to? 50's very impressive for the db curls!