MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

its funny you ask that because my friends always give me a hard time about my nipples being hard... my nipples always look like I just jumped into cold water or something...
Hahaha - i keep waiting for my wife to ask why my nipps are hard all the time. She's so against steriods that i am totally "in the closet" or maybe more appropriately "in the bathroom" about taking them. i'm trying to come up with a good response when she asks...hmmm "just thinking about you, honey."

4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Pull Ups bw/10, bw+25/8, bw+35/6, bw/10
One Arm Rows 150's/12, 150's/12, 150's/12

So one question about AIFM - Thot this was topical - so if it's for gyno - why rub it into your forearms or thighs?

and finally....I know you to be a truthful guy (as much as i can on the may be a 13 year old girl in reality....LOL)

but Jesus H Christ man----pull ups @ BW + 35 followed by Rows at 150???? I can't even imagine that - aren't you afraid your arm will just be ripped off at your shoulder and fall on the ground? Keep doing those for a couple of years and you'll have to go thu doors sideways. Righteous Props, dude!
So one question about AIFM - Thot this was topical - so if it's for gyno - why rub it into your forearms or thighs?

but Jesus H Christ man----pull ups @ BW + 35 followed by Rows at 150???? I can't even imagine that - aren't you afraid your arm will just be ripped off at your shoulder and fall on the ground? Keep doing those for a couple of years and you'll have to go thu doors sideways. Righteous Props, dude!

As far as the AIFM goes, you are supposed to rub it into the areas of your body in which you have the most surface veins... for me that's my upper hip/thigh area, and my forearms

I've always been strong and believe me, I didn't wake up one morning and say, "Shit, I'm going to lift a ton a fucking weight today and see what happens." It has taken me YEARS of consistent HARD training to move the weight around that I do.
September 26th

120mg Test Prop, 45 Tren Ace... injected into left glute... going to be doing it a little later
250iu's HCG... going to be doing it a little later
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into upper hip/thigh area
40mcg Clen

Shoulders and Traps

DB Press 90's/6, 100's/6, 105's/4(exponentially harder), 85's/10
Upright Rows 115/12, 130/10, 140/9
One Arm Side Raises 50's/12, 60's/10, 65's/8
Front Raises 45's/10, 45's/10, 45's/10

DB Shrugs 150's/15, 150's/14, 150's/10 drop to 105's/6

*felt pretty good... interesting how easy it is to handle 100's for 6 without any question and then when you move up 5%, it feels like the weight is unbearable
It has taken me YEARS of consistent HARD training to move the weight around that I do.

Hey Man - hope u didn't take that the wrong way - you've obviously worked like a mofo to there - your dedication is awsome - so keep going!!! And it will give me a goal to shoot for - i may catch up one day....Hahahaha

props man.
Hey Man - hope u didn't take that the wrong way - you've obviously worked like a mofo to there - your dedication is awsome - so keep going!!! And it will give me a goal to shoot for - i may catch up one day....Hahahaha

props man.

I didn't take it the wrong way at all. I just mean to say that it took me a while to lift the weights that I do. I remember being a Freshman in High School, and setting my goal of benching 150 or so by the time the year was over. It takes a lot of time and dedication.

I know you obviously do think this... but I have had people come up to me and ask me things like... WOW, how do you lift weight like that, how long is it going to take me to get that strong?? and mind you they are benching with a 25 on the bar lol.
September 27th and 28th

NO TRAINING either day... it was alumni weekend at my school so I had to work a ton and had a ton of school work to do as well

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into my right quad

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into my left quad

*eating was all fucked up, not happy about the weekend in general other than the fact I made ALOT of money
September 29th

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... going to be injecting into my right quad (low) rather than my left pec because tomorrow is chest and I don't feel like being sore
200iu's HCG... going to run 200iu's EOD instead of 300iu's E3D
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms


Squats 225/5, 315/3, 365/3 (ass to the floor)
Leg Press 5 plates/12, 6 plates/12, 7 plates/12
Leg Extensions 250/15, 275/14, 305/12
Leg Curls 180/12, 200/12, 220/9
45 Degree Calf Raises 270/25, 270/22, 340/15, 340/13

*possibly the worst workout of my life, had absolutely no motivation and was honestly thinking about leaving the gym after the set at 225... think it has alot to do with lack of sleep and an increased workload that I have seen this week so far
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September 30th

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... going to be injecting into my left quad (low)
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Chest and Biceps

Flat Bench 185/5, 225/5, 255/5, 275/5, 295/4, 315/2
Incline Bench 205/10, 225/7, 245/5, 185/10
Flat DB Flyes 55's/10, 55's/10, 55's/10
Pec Deck Flyes 160/10, 160/10, 160/9

Standing DB Curls 45's/12, 55's/8, 55's/7
Reverse Curls 65/15, 85/10, 85/10

*felt OK, nothing good, nothing bad... going to try and bump up my calories because I have been feeling a little bit depleted
120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... going to be injecting into my left quad (low)
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms

Chest and Biceps

Flat Bench 185/5, 225/5, 255/5, 275/5, 295/4, 315/2
Incline Bench 205/10, 225/7, 245/5, 185/10
Flat DB Flyes 55's/10, 55's/10, 55's/10
Pec Deck Flyes 160/10, 160/10, 160/9

Standing DB Curls 45's/12, 55's/8, 55's/7
Reverse Curls 65/15, 85/10, 85/10

*felt OK, nothing good, nothing bad... going to try and bump up my calories because I have been feeling a little bit depleted

Looks like a good workout dude! Nice bench...- how many cals you at now? and how many gms of protein? what's your weight at now?

Looks like a good workout dude! Nice bench...- how many cals you at now? and how many gms of protein? what's your weight at now?


taking in about 4000-4500 cals ED w/ about 350-400 grams of protein (I don't log my food anymore, but I think that's a fair estimate)

weight is hovering around 230lbs... haven't been gaining as much as I would have liked, but I have noticed a significant hardening (dropping of bodyfat, no water retention) so I can't really complain

interestingly enough my appetite hasn't been what it used to be, it was easier for me to eat more when I wasn't on anything... I think its a combination of the Tren and these fucking anti-biotics I'm on for the cystic acne that I've had my whole life
October 1st

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into left delt, went well
200iu's HCG... going to be doing it a little later
600mg B6


*had 2 tests today, kind of a pain in the ass big time... decided to eat some Chinese food at night and loved every minute of it
taking in about 4000-4500 cals ED w/ about 350-400 grams of protein (I don't log my food anymore, but I think that's a fair estimate)

weight is hovering around 230lbs... haven't been gaining as much as I would have liked, but I have noticed a significant hardening (dropping of bodyfat, no water retention) so I can't really complain

interestingly enough my appetite hasn't been what it used to be, it was easier for me to eat more when I wasn't on anything... I think its a combination of the Tren and these fucking anti-biotics I'm on for the cystic acne that I've had my whole life

Man - that's a great diet! - wish i could hit those numbers...i can't seem to choke down any more than 3000 cals and that's with only 175gms of protein. Every night i do the count then go down to the kitchen and down a protein shake and cottage cheese! got to start lovin the chicken breasts more! hahaha cool that you are losing fat while gaining. That is brutally tough to do. Last few times I did a BF test - the operator was like "Wow great - you're at the same weight but you dropped 2% bf" - I'm thinking...hmmm would be nice to gain 10% and still loose BF!

Congrats bro - keep it going!
Man - that's a great diet! - wish i could hit those numbers...i can't seem to choke down any more than 3000 cals and that's with only 175gms of protein. Every night i do the count then go down to the kitchen and down a protein shake and cottage cheese! got to start lovin the chicken breasts more! hahaha cool that you are losing fat while gaining. That is brutally tough to do. Last few times I did a BF test - the operator was like "Wow great - you're at the same weight but you dropped 2% bf" - I'm thinking...hmmm would be nice to gain 10% and still loose BF!

Congrats bro - keep it going!

chicken is the staple of my diet... I buy 2 "Club Pack's" a week from Wegman's (the local amazing supermarket around me) that total about 12lbs of raw chicken... cook 1 on Sunday/Monday and another on Wednesday/Thursday and its all gone... on top of that I eat about 36-42 eggs a week, 3 pounds of lean red meats, and 2 pounds of deli meats

keeping the bodyfat under control for me has been a direct correlation to the Tren I have been using... it really is quite the miracle drug, although it does make me sluggish as shit for the rest of the day
October 2nd

120mg Test Prop, 45 Tren Ace... injected into right delt
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms
50mcg Clen


Deadlifts 225/5, 315/5, 405/5, 495/4, 545/1
Lat Pull Downs 200/12, 200/12, 200/10
Supinated Grip Pull Ups bw/8, bw/6, bw/7
T-Bar Rows 3plates + 25/12, 4plates/10, 4plates + 25/8
DB Pull Overs 70/10, 80/10, 90/10

*hit a personal best on DeadLifts and it felt AMAZING to do it...
*found out that the personal trainer at my schools gym actually trains people under DC Style training which made me incredibly excited... thinking about hooking up with him for some training sessions (the school pays him actually) when I come off my cycle, during PCT, etc... I've been super excited to learn the DC principles
chicken is the staple of my diet... I buy 2 "Club Pack's" a week from Wegman's (the local amazing supermarket around me) that total about 12lbs of raw chicken... cook 1 on Sunday/Monday and another on Wednesday/Thursday and its all gone... on top of that I eat about 36-42 eggs a week, 3 pounds of lean red meats, and 2 pounds of deli meats

keeping the bodyfat under control for me has been a direct correlation to the Tren I have been using... it really is quite the miracle drug, although it does make me sluggish as shit for the rest of the day

12lbs! That's a dose of reality! okay guess i gotta buy more - i thought eating 12 oz of chicken a day was a lot! Gotta go pick up my son from scouts - maybe swing by the grocery store for some more chicken boobs & cottage cheese - midnite snack! hahaha

and props for hitting 545 - u one strong mofo!
NICE DEADS Bro!!!! Wow.. that last set had to feel good! ;)
..and Tren has been known to kill many a mens appetite. Good job on eating big anyway!! ;)
Aztech, LeanBody, JayC, and GetFitDoc thanks for the compliments... its tough to keep at it every week but you guys keep me motivated

I have to say that the 545 was quite the feat
October 3rd

120mg Test Prop, 45 Tren Ace... injected into right glute
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... forgot to use it
50mcg Clen

Bis, Tris, Forearms

*should have been a shoulder day

*weird workout that I would have not done otherwise... I decided to train with a natural competitive BBer at the school gym who has been focusing on bringing up the length of his biceps and the thickness in his triceps, so we did a lot of super setting etc...

*felt good and was surprised at how hard it was to train for a pump and not with massive weights