MDS's Test P/Tren A Cycle

September 18th

100mg Test Prop, 37.5mg Tren Ace... injected into left glute... went awesome
4 pumps AIFM... applied to inner hip area
600mg B6
*last nights right glute injection didn't go as well as I had thought... my right glute is sore a shit and I'm not too happy about it... I'm sure it will be fine in a couple days

Back, Abs and Calves

Deadlifts 315/5, 365/5, 405/5, 525/3
Lat Pull Down 200/12, 215/10, 225/7, 200/12
Bent Over Rows 225/12, 275/10, 295/8
Lying T-Bar Rows 125/10, 125/10, 135/8

Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 20
Plyo Ball Crunches 3 x 12

45 Degree Calf Press 180/12(each leg), 180/12(each leg), 340/15, 340/15

*Didn't feel as good as I thought I would have, but still went for some big numbers. PB on Deadlifts today which I was really really happy about.

*Really wish that every time I injected, the injection spot didn't swell up. Kinda makes it tough to want to inject ED.

*Re-filtered all my Test/Tren blend and everything felt a whole hell of alot better when I injected it. Did a little experiment with sterile EO and sterile Oil to see if I was allergic to either... shot 1/2cc of each into my biceps, I figure if one swells then that's the compound I'm having trouble with.
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September 19th

had a little bit of an epiphany when I was looking through my brewing notes and realized that the Tren that the 4 bottles of Tren I made were actually made at 75mg/ml, not 100mg/ml like I had originally thought... went back to change all of the dosages in the log...

I guess the positive of that, is that I've been having some great results on only 37.5mg of Tren ED, not the 50mg that I had thought, and now when I bump the dosage up (45mg/day) I still have a little bit more room to go with it if I want to move it up even more

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into right quad, went very well, slight bruise at spot of injection
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM

Shoulders and Traps

Seated Shoulder Press 185/8, 205/6, 225/2, 185/10 (got a little over zealous when going for 225)
Rear Delt Flyes 55's/12, 65's/10, 75's/10
Front Raises 45's/12, 50's/10, 55's/10
Smith Machine Upright Rows 135/12, 155/9, 165/8
Nautilus Shoulder Press 250/8, 250/7, 250/7
superset w/
Seated DB Shrugs 100's/12, 100's/12, 100's/12

*clean up cardio

*felt pretty good, happy with the way the workout went
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100mg Test Prop, 50mg Tren Ace... injected into left glute... went awesome
4 pumps AIFM... applied to inner hip area
600mg B6
*last nights right glute injection didn't go as well as I had thought... my right glute is sore a shit and I'm not too happy about it... I'm sure it will be fine in a couple days

Back, Abs and Calves

Deadlifts 315/5, 365/5, 405/5, 525/3
Lat Pull Down 200/12, 215/10, 225/7, 200/12
Bent Over Rows 225/12, 275/10, 295/8
Lying T-Bar Rows 125/10, 125/10, 135/8

Decline Bench Crunches 3 x 20
Plyo Ball Crunches 3 x 12

45 Degree Calf Press 180/12(each leg), 180/12(each leg), 340/15, 340/15

*Didn't feel as good as I thought I would have, but still went for some big numbers. PB on Deadlifts today which I was really really happy about.

*Really wish that every time I injected, the injection spot didn't swell up. Kinda makes it tough to want to inject ED.

*Re-filtered all my Test/Tren blend and everything felt a whole hell of alot better when I injected it. Did a little experiment with sterile EO and sterile Oil to see if I was allergic to either... shot 1/2cc of each into my biceps, I figure if one swells then that's the compound I'm having trouble with.

Great work on the deads man - you're almost strong enough to lift a volkswagon!
is the tren a home brew? When u filtered it did it look any different? i've heard of "cooking" the juice in a 200degree oven - would that be an option? BTW - how many more weeks u have on this cycle?

Great log dude!
Great work on the deads man - you're almost strong enough to lift a volkswagon!
is the tren a home brew? When u filtered it did it look any different? i've heard of "cooking" the juice in a 200degree oven - would that be an option? BTW - how many more weeks u have on this cycle?

Great log dude!

the tren is homebrew... I didn't notice anything different when I filtered it the third time, after the second filter it looked slightly clearer... it had a little bit of a cloudiness after the first filter

cooking it would have worked had it been the first time I mixed it, but because it was already in solution that wasn't necessary anymore

I have been "on" 27 days after the injection tonight... I really want to limit this cycle to 9 weeks (63 days)
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September 20th

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into left quad, went well
250iu's HCG... injected into belly fat
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM

Bis and Tris

Close Grip Bench 225/10, 250/8, 275/5
superset w/
Straight Bar Curls 115/10, 125/8, 135/6

One Arm Overhead Press 40's/10, 45's/8, 50's/6
superset w/
Hammer Curls 50's/10, 55's/8, 60's/7

Rope Push Downs 150/10, 150/10, 150/9
superset w/
Nautilus Preacher Curls 150/12, 170/9, 170/9

*kinda tired because I went out last night and got drunk for the first time in about 6 months and had baseball for about 2 hours prior to my working out

*going to start up HCG @ 250iu's ED for 4 days and then 300iu's e3d
*going to start running Clen a little bit also... probably start at 40mcg/day and work up to around 100mcg/day
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i was thinking about doing that as well...

u hit any pr's yet?

yeah man...

Seated Military Press... never really did it much, almost always went with DB's

Dead Lifts... got 525 for 3, best I ever did before that was 500 for 4

Squats (kinda)... got 405 for 1, but have never gone that deep before

everything else is just about as the max that I have ever done before as well... these next 5 weeks should be interesting
September 21st

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into left pec... got a weird tingling feeling into my shoulder and bicep about 10 minutes after the injection
250iu's HCG... injected into belly fat
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into quad/hip area


clean up cardio

*have been noticing some stiffness in my elbows and knees... wondering if it was caused by the little bit of A-Dex I ran or just some overall dryness from the Tren
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September 22nd

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into right pec, standard
250iu's HCG... injected into belly fat
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms
40mcg Clen


Squats 185/5, 225/5, 275/5, 275/20
One Leg Leg Press 3plates/10, 3plates/10, 3plates/10
Leg Curls 200/10, 200/12, 200/11
Leg Extensions 260/12, 275/12, 300/12

45 Degree Calf Press 270/20, 270/20, 270/17
Standing Calf Raises on Smith Machine 225/15, 225/15, 225/15

*felt pretty good to do 275 for 20... kinda killed my motivation for the rest of the workout though because of how much effort was put into it... energy was minimal after the set

*woke up this morning with a little bit of a sore throat... hopefully it doesn't amount to anything

*got some serious cramping in my quads and calves from the Clen... need to load up on Potassium and Taurine
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One Leg Leg Press 3plates/10, 3plates/10, 3plates/10
*got some serious cramping in my quads and calves from the Clen... need to load up on Potassium and Taurine

Hell man - U sure it's the Clen? - I think you might be turning into the Hulk! - It usually starts with the thighs - they bust out of your PJ's while yo're sleeping and ..... B sure to warn your GF ;-)
Hell man - U sure it's the Clen? - I think you might be turning into the Hulk! - It usually starts with the thighs - they bust out of your PJ's while yo're sleeping and ..... B sure to warn your GF ;-)

hahaha, I wish I was turning into the Hulk... I wouldn't mind looking like Louie Ferrigno
September 23rd

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into left delt, went really well... made sure that I was super steady with the needle and didn't let it move at all
250iu's HCG... went smooth, although it being in the refrigerator does make it burn a little bit
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into hip/thigh area
40mcg Clen


Flat Bench 185/5, 225/5, 255/5, 275/1, 275/10.5(couldn't lock #11 out)
Decline Bench 225/10, 275/8, 315/4
Incline DB Press 100's/9, 100's/7, 100's/9
Cable Cross Overs 100/10, 100/10, 100/10

*had a very good training session considering the negatives I was experiencing

1. both pecs with incredibly sore and tight from the injections that I had done the previous days
2. feeling sick as hell (think I have a bad cold or something of that sort)
3. waking up 4 times last night (I assume from being sick and the Tren) drenched in a cold sweat and having to towel myself off, change clothes and go back to bed
4. stiffness in my joints from being tired, sore, and sick
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man, this is extremely impressive. great cycle and ridiculous strength! and i thought i lifted heavy...keep it up buddy.
man, this is extremely impressive. great cycle and ridiculous strength! and i thought i lifted heavy...keep it up buddy.

thanks man, it take a real tole on my body though... I'm going to need to take a few days off soon to get a rest from the heavy training

the fatigue on my CNS is already being felt and I've already come down with a cold/mini flu
is the tren worth the side effects?

I haven't really had too many Tren sides...

A little bit of dryness in the joints, feeling a little bit sluggish during the day, a couple of nights with night sweats, and having a little bit of trouble getting a straight 8 hours a night.

I really think the nastiness that I've been feeling lately is most definitely because of a cold of something

The positives so far have been...

Incredible strength gains, hard and dry gains, no bloat at all, great surges of energy at the gym, overall sense of well being.

I would recommend it thusfar, so long as you are injecting it ED and are on a healthy amount of Test.
September 24th

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into right delt
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into hip/thigh area
40mcg Clen


*have noticed a significant change in the gyno flare up from the Tren because of the B6... my left nipple is no longer sore and it has shrunk in size noticeably

*decided that I needed to take advantage of the 2 for 1 Big Mac deal at the local McDonalds... will probably regret that tomorrow morning
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120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... injected into right delt
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into hip/thigh area
40mcg Clen


*have noticed a significant change in the gyno flare up from the Tren because of the B6... my left nipple is no longer sore and it has shrunk in size noticeably

hey man;
Just to clarify - you're taking B6 for the gyno? And by shrunk - you mean it's back to normal? My problem has been that my nipps are erect all the time.

Hope the cold id on it's way out - I had one last week for about 10 days - big drag!
hey man;
Just to clarify - you're taking B6 for the gyno? And by shrunk - you mean it's back to normal? My problem has been that my nipps are erect all the time.

Hope the cold id on it's way out - I had one last week for about 10 days - big drag!

its funny you ask that because my friends always give me a hard time about my nipples being hard... my nipples always look like I just jumped into cold water or something...

as far as the gyno, yes, i was taking the B6 for gyno because I noticed a flare up... and just to be clear on what a "flare up" is: extreme sensitivity of the nipple, a small lump growing under the nipple, an overall puffy look

as soon as I noticed that (and for me it normally becomes bad enough to be noticeable within about 2 day or the first signs of gyno), I ran Adex and AIFM. I found the Adex wasn't working, so I dropped the Adex and am running the AIFM along with the B6 now. The AIFM is for any estro related sides that I'm having, which are minimal, but helps in giving me that super dry look I want. The B6 has actually been incredible helpful in knocking out the progesterone related gyno that I have experienced from the Tren.

The cold is getting better every day, no more terrible night sweats, sore throat, etc... now I'm just battling a slightly stuffy nose and I slightest cough.
September 25th

120mg Test Prop, 45mg Tren Ace... going to be injected into my right glute
600mg B6
4 pumps AIFM... rubbed into forearms
forgot to take the Clen today

Back and Abs

Pull Ups bw/10, bw+25/8, bw+35/6, bw/10
One Arm Rows 150's/12, 150's/12, 150's/12
Lat Pull Down 210/10, 230/8, 250/6
Bent Over Rows 245/10, 295/10, 295/8
Cable Rows 210/12, 230/10

Roman Chair Leg Raises 3 x 20

*felt pretty good even though this cold hasn't completely been kicked yet... soon I will be back to performing at top notch