Mister69's Log


Decline (pinkies on ring)- 2x5 #395

hammer grip pause db's- #80 2x6

cybex shoulder press- 1x15 #10

Reverse Grip BP- 1x13 r\p #255
heavy ab machine- 2x20 #11, 1x50 #5
hanging leg raises- 3x15

-DC Stretches-
chest- #50 for 60 seconds
tri- 30# for 60 seconds
shoulder- 60 seconds

When i was under 200lbs i would shoot for 400grams of protein daily, but would get at 420 sometimes. Now since i am actually 200lb i may just shoot for 430grams daily and see how my body reacts. I drink 1-2 gallons of water daily so i am always hydrated and i know that with more protein comes more water. Hope 430grams daily will help me out.

once again feel burnt out as shit, went to bed at 2am and slept till noon that is 10 hours and i was still walking around all day like a zombie. Left shoulder is hurting once again and i can feel my elbows starting to get a bit sore....so i am going to play it smart this time and listne to my body cuase these are all signs of a break well needed(it has been 8 weeks straight hacking away with nice and heavy weights ). I will take 10-14 days of light rep no failure stuff and come back nice and healthy and start hacking away at the basic pullinbig routine once agian.

any input will def help.

off to eat.
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off day, went to the Physical Therapist for 1 hour.

Missed a meal, but will just pound a shake w\peanut butter and go to bed.

t-bar rows- 4 plates+10lbs 1x7,1x6

rack chins- 70# 1x17r\p

standing wide grip bb curls- 95# 2x8

reverse grip cable curls- 1x12 #25

rear delt- 2x10 #25

standing calve machine- 1x12 #140

hs abs- #11 2x20
hanging knee raises-5x15

-DC stretches-
back- 61 seconds
bi- 60 seconds
forearm- #45 for 60 seconds

Went to the orthopedic doc today for a follow up on how therapy was going, doc said my hams are very very tight still. But the Physical therapist says my hams arent that tight and that they are getting more flexible....so not sure about what to think.

Orthopedic stated that 4 x-rays of my back might be needed cause something in my back can cuase hamstring issues, not quite sure bout the specifics, but that is his job.

So he said since Physical therapy is helping me and that the PT says i am making progress that the x rays were not needed. Only if after PT if i am not 100% then the 4 x-rays of my back will be taken. (i def didnt want to hear from the doc that worse case scenerio it may be somehting in my back..etc..man was i pissed)

He sent me on my way and that was it,....so 2 more weeks of physical therapy. Going to do some light stuff for 2 weeks then hopefully get the ok from the PT and start deadlifting \squating.
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-low intensity cardio (rode the bike)- 20 minutes

-Light hamstring stretching.

woke up had 22 grams of protein and some green tea and did some very low intensity cardio. The stretching helped as well so my ham feels good.

Looking foward to the Chuck Lidell and Randy Couture fight tonight. Randy has been training at a judo camp in the mountains so this fight will be interesting.

Off to eat again.

hack squats- 1x15

leg extensions- 1x15

adductor- 1x15

calves- 1x15

seated hamstring curls- 1x15
hs abs- 2x20
crunches- 4x50

started my light week today, just letting everything heal up nice after my 8 week heavy weights. First time doing direct ham work in a while...did lots of stretching after the workout and will do more stretching before bed.
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wide grip bench- 1x15

low cable flyes- 1x20

side raises- 1x15

front raises- 1x15

tricep pushdowns- 1x20

calves- 2x15

hs abs- 1x50
crunches- 1x50
leg raises (with my buddy throwing my legs)- 2x20

This light stuff is going well. Joints feel good. Might be able to start heavy next week but will see. Started my new job\intership at the DOC Jail, had a tour of the facility and the staff...looking foward to this.

Off to eat again.
Thanks alot...this experience is what i need...wouldnt want to be filing in some office (what most peopel in my major do) I guess its a saftey issue, but that doesnt bother me

Winterlong said:
Looking foward to see how you'll do next week. Keep up the good work.

Congrats on the new job.:D
nice work 69...keep it up, and good luck with the new job. what will you be doin there? i see it was a jail right? watch out for flying Poo.
Flying poo....lololol

Yeah I will be doing a bunch of things, I will be helping with orientation for the new inmates...along with NA, AA and other tasks....

adidamps2 said:
nice work 69...keep it up, and good luck with the new job. what will you be doin there? i see it was a jail right? watch out for flying Poo.
NA AA??? plz elaborate. lol yea the flying Poo..i have heard several stories from guys that either worked in them selves or ppl who had close family members work in correctional facilities and have had all sorts of bodily fluid item's flung/throwen at them. i have thought about it too.
Sup brotha! You didnt tell me about your new job? Congrats and wish me luck getting back at the gym, 2 weeks in and already starting to look forward to every workout again.