Bike- 7 minutes followed by lots of stretching
Rack pulls- #135 1x10, #145 1x10 (warmed up with the bar while stretching)
45 degree hypers- #25+ bodyweight 2x20
chest supported t-bar rows- 4 plates 1x8, 1x7 (more weight next week)
Rack chins- #65 1x16 R\P (more weight next week)
Standing wide grip curls- 1x8 #95, 1x8 #115 (more weight next week)
reverse cable curls- #30 1x12 (more weight next week)
heavy abs- 2x20 #11
calves (on leg press)- 4 plates + 5lbs 1x12 (more weight next week)
-DC Stretches-
Back- 60 seconds
Bis- 60 seconds
Forearms- #45 for 60 seconds
Did some rack pulls, glute is fine, just easing back into it so i dont tear anything. Hit that core with the hypers and they felt GREAT! Everything else i killed and i am going to up the #'s for next week.
I missed a meal today, but shit happens. I got work in the AM so i will be up a t 6:45 in the am ....
Man i got problems getting up in the morning even w\coffee.