Mister69's Log

legs- 2/20

Bike- 5 minutes followed by stretching

smythe squats- 1x8 285#, 1x2 315#

hack squats- #10 1x20

pullthrus- #60 1x20, #65 1x20

adductor- #170 1x30

abductor- #130 1x25

calves on leg press- 4 plates 1x12

ab pulldowns- #150 2x20

crunches- 3x50

-DC stretches-
quad- 60 seconds
hamstring- 60 seconds


Last time i tryed to put 315# on my back my glute\ham flared up lots! and hell it felt fine today.
Felt good today, going up up the weight slowly. Next week i am going to up everything a little. Pullthrus felt great on the hamstring so seems that i am on my way back up to my normal weights.

Should take me a few more leg workouts to get dialed.

Just picked up some sushi for my meal cant wait. On my way to 220
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thanks guys, For instance on that 315 set on squats i knew it was a good idea to stop at 2 cause I didnt want to aggrivate that hamstring and then be back at square one.

Hell i have been patient since the initial injury so why rush now...

flat wide grip- 2x5 #315

hammer grip db's- #110 2x10

Cybex shoulder press- 1x15 #12

Close grip Bench- 1x9 #225

Hs abs- 2x20 #11

-DC stretches-
Chest- 50lbs db's for 60 seconds

tris- 30lbs db's for 60 seconds

shoulders- 60 seconds

Not a bad workout, just gotta make a few adjustments. First off my bench hasnt moved in a little while so its time to go back to some pause bench.
Close grip bench i will just rest pause it for a set of 11-15. Db's go up to 130# in my gym so i hope to be moving those for my hammer grip bench.

Been a bit pissed off all day, cause of my leg workout yesterday (ham\glute has made some great progress i guess i am just getting ancy should be a few more weeks i hope before i am 100%). It seems that the lower rep stuff on smythe squats tighten up that glute\ham area. For example last night on 315# i cut short cuase i didnt feel confident in the weight and my ham. But i was able to do pullthrus no problem weird.

Then when i do hack squats it felt fine . SO i may have to make friends with hack squats for now.

I was thinking of upping the reps ..mabey something like this..(But i do not like to step away from what has brought my legs up tremendously aka..pullinbigs routine)

2x10, 1x20
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69 nice work..and remember just take it slow with the ham/glutes, don't rush it. you were injured for a while, so it will be while before you feel comfortable with moving those heavy wt's again. just stick with it. good luck bro.
thanks guys, looks like no abductors, just adduction machine i will use.

And as far as squats, i may have to make friends with the hack squats :-o
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Bike- 7 minutes followed by lots of stretching

Rack pulls- #135 1x10, #145 1x10 (warmed up with the bar while stretching)

45 degree hypers- #25+ bodyweight 2x20

chest supported t-bar rows- 4 plates 1x8, 1x7 (more weight next week)

Rack chins- #65 1x16 R\P (more weight next week)

Standing wide grip curls- 1x8 #95, 1x8 #115 (more weight next week)

reverse cable curls- #30 1x12 (more weight next week)

heavy abs- 2x20 #11

calves (on leg press)- 4 plates + 5lbs 1x12 (more weight next week)

-DC Stretches-

Back- 60 seconds
Bis- 60 seconds
Forearms- #45 for 60 seconds


Did some rack pulls, glute is fine, just easing back into it so i dont tear anything. Hit that core with the hypers and they felt GREAT! Everything else i killed and i am going to up the #'s for next week.

I missed a meal today, but shit happens. I got work in the AM so i will be up a t 6:45 in the am ....

Man i got problems getting up in the morning even w\coffee.
Hang in there 69, that hammy/glute will be 100% soon. I just hope my knees don't get any worse, or i'll be in the same boat.
hope that hammy stays solid.

i had a high hammy pull about 5-6?? months ago, god those take forever to heal,

i still feel it a little bit, but its ok. of course i hurt it playing basketball..

you know, i kinda like the hack squat. Its not something i will use once im at full srength, but it really fits nice into my program while im trying to build back up (back injury).

Do you advil before you workout for you hammy?? just curious, it helped me a lot when my hammy was bothering me. i only did 200 mg.. but im really sensative to any medication.
Went to the Physical Therapist today.

Got cleared, its over I dont need to go to PT anymore. Just gotta keep up w\the stretching and make sure to ride the bike before back\leg day and also add in a few more warm up sets.

FOr the next few weeks i will be adding weight slowly to Deads\Squats and Prosterior stuff....hopefully be beating my old #'s before the injury