Mister69's Log

you know whats weird...some of my best days of training were days where i felt insanely tired and right when i got in the door i quit draggin ass and just did it! next time you feel like that you should just tough it out bro. nah, my girlfriend is fine... basically im one of those guys where youll see with a really fine girl and go how did that ugly ass guy get a girl like that? hahaha so im fine... but their are milfs at my mall...
floor deads- 255# 2x5

back attack- #70 2x20

chest supported t-bar rows- 4 plates+25lbs 2x5

Wide pulldowns- #15 13r\p

cybex preacher curls- 26 r\p #4

hammer curls- #55 1x12

hs abs- 3x10 #11

leg press calves- 1x12 #4plates +15lbs

rear delts- 1x20 #20

-DC stretches-
back- 60 sec
bis- 60 sec
forearm- #45 for 60 sec
thanks guys, Hammie is feeling good, just going to add weight each week...till i reach the 400 range.

I am scheduled for a week off or a deload in afew weeks.
off day, eating is a little off, feel a cold coming so I am going to be taking Vitamin C and E.

Prob take vitamin C about 5-7 grams daily for a few days.

ANd take 400IU of Vitamin E daily.

ANd also up my grean tea a bit.
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tell u the truth i only take vitamin c when sick, and i never actually supped vitamin E

so i am going to tool around w\some dosages.
mister69 said:
tell u the truth i only take vitamin c when sick, and i never actually supped vitamin E

so i am going to tool around w\some dosages.
i'll tell you what i use daily if you care to know.
2-3 grams vitamin "C" ED split into 500 mg doses through out the day.
400 iu of vitamin E ed
selenium 200 mcg/ED **selenium and E work together so i take them together, and remember vit E is fat soluble so take it with a high fat meal**
echinacea (what ever the bottle says i dont remember the dosage)

i take the vit E and Selenium along with 500mg of C at breakfast.

on work out days i double up the vit "E" and Selenium and throw in an extra gram of vitamin "C". the extra Vit C/E/Selenium are all taken directly after a work out.

hope this helps.
mister69 said:
thanks man
so far so good. i have a house full of kids and have survived through several colds/flus and other viruses while on this stack were as my wife gets everything the runts get.
adidamps2 said:
so far so good. i have a house full of kids and have survived through several colds/flus and other viruses while on this stack were as my wife gets everything the runts get.

sounds like adida is on to something. this one may sound kinda odd. i juice veggies 2-3 times a day. usually carrots, calery, parsley and apples. and i always mix a couple tsp of apple cider vinegar w/ mother in there. i do that because i heard it can help keep you fom getting sick. since i started that i haven't been sick much. i can't remember the last time i was sick.
tman55 said:
sounds like adida is on to something. this one may sound kinda odd. i juice veggies 2-3 times a day. usually carrots, calery, parsley and apples. and i always mix a couple tsp of apple cider vinegar w/ mother in there. i do that because i heard it can help keep you fom getting sick. since i started that i haven't been sick much. i can't remember the last time i was sick.
I once did that, but with mostly green veggies. I did this for a couple of months(note that this was before I started lifting) and I found that my skin started to become discolored. It isn't noticeable on you, tman, but when my parents and I used to make em when I was young, our entire family looked like Aliens... :goof:
It tasted pretty good. At first you might have to force it down, but after awhile, it wasn't too bad. What you can do is get redder veggies such as tomatos and carrots & blend those together with a tomato juice. It'll come out thicker and tastier IMO.