Mister69's Log

thanks alot guys, I am working up on my squat and deads after this injury and hope to be back up where i left off after my deload.

floor deads- #185 2x10

seated rows-#220 2x8

reverse narrow pulldowns- 1x12r\p #220

cable wide curls- #50 1x20 R\P

reverse curls- #25 1x12

rear delt work- 1x20, 1x14 #25

pulldown cable crunches- #60 2x30

-DC stretches-
back- 60lbs for 60 seconds
forearm- #45 for 60 sec
bis- 60 seconds

Bad workout, i was sleepy all day. No discomfort in the injury area. No calves today cause i have legs on monday.
Meals are on track.

GOt a nice meal at cheescake facorty in a bit. Chicken burrito w\ a side of rice. then finish off w\some cheescake.

This reminds me gotta go food shopping tomorrow.
eliptical- warmup

free weight squats- #200 2x12

leg ext- #140 3x15

lying leg curls- 2x10 #80

calves on leg press- 2plates +35lbs per side 1x10

cable crunches- 2x20 #60

eliptical- 15 minutes

-dc stretches-
quads- 60 seconds
hams- 60 seconds

Not a bad workout. No discomfort in the injury area. Off to eat
dont know what is wrong w\me but this week has been tough to role out of bed. Been feeling extemly tired. Have no idea what it is. Along with that i have been shoving food down my throat this week cause my appetite has been shitty all week.

Next week is supposed to be my last week of heavy then 10-14 days of light stuff.

I gotta wake up.

rack pulls- 200# 2x10

chest supported t-bar rows- 3plates 2x12

reverse narrown pulldowns- #220 1x12r\p

cable wide curls- #55 1x20 R\P

reverse curls- #25 1x12

rear delt work- 1x20 #25

decline situps- 3x10 w\25lbs

Leg press calves- 1x10 3plates per side

-DC stretches-
back- 60lbs for 50 seconds
forearm- #45 for 60 sec
bis- 50 seconds

Very tired and #'s arent movin much. I usually can grind out 8 weeks straight and then do 2 light weeks, but seems this is week 7 and i seem to be fried.

Sometimes it can be diet, but i am eating every 2.5 hours and not missing meals so i dont think this is the problem.

No discomfort while doing rack deads. I will apply icy hot for the next few days on my hamstring.
Just wanted to let you guys know what i have changed in my diet.

Well it seemed i was going flat very quickly cuase i wasnt focusing on geting in my good carbs.

SO what i did i up my carbs post workout and upon wakening.

Meal 1- 2cups egg whites-----4oz of strewberries----1cup oats (about 80 grams of carbs)

POst workout- 12oz cranberry juice----1\3cup raisins---1cup oats(2scoops whey) 138grams of carbs

Other than that i would eat 12 grain bread with some meals, and some rice with other meals....So that is 210grams of carbs in just two meals then the rest is cake. So i am closer to 400grams of carbs daily which has helped me greatly.

I am walking around fuller than ever now and feel great!
Decided to take 2 weeks to heal up. Felt overtrained.

Durring these two weeks i will attempt to eat even more...and chose some new exercises to use on my next heavy session.

As usual i will be sticking to a basic pullinbig routine.

I will be doing low intensity cardio after leg day and after deadlift\rackdead day to loosen up the hamstring. 20 minute sessions.