Mister69's Log


free weight squats- #225 1x7

smythe front squats- #135 1x7

45 degree hypers- bodyweight 1x15

adductors- #200 1x20

crunches- 1x50

seated calves-2plates 2x10

treadmill- 10 minutes

still just coasting. No discomfort in the injury area.
Man no post workout shake for me today...too damn hungry so just ate :-)

Just finished eating and ready to shower then eat again :-)
Well this light week is almost over and next monday i start it all again.
Here is what the next 8 weeks will look like.

Monday- legs

Free weight squats- 3x12
Leg ext- 1x20
Pullthrus- 2x10-20
adductors- 1x25
Heavy abs- 2x30

Wed- chest\tris\delts

Flat bench wide- 2x8
Incline bench- 1x10
Military smythe- 1x10-15
Reverse grip bench- 1x15-20 r\p
Heavy abs- 2x30

Friday- back\core

rack pulls- 2x10-12
45 degree hypers- 2x10-20
1 arm db rows- 2x8
Hammer strength pulldown- 1x11-15 r\p
Preacher machine curls- 1x20-30 r\p
Hammer curls-2x10
heavy abs- 2x30

I am sticking to a basic pullinbig routine cuase it works great. I am just adjusting a few things to accomidate my hamstring injury.
mister69 said:
Well this light week is almost over and next monday i start it all again.
Here is what the next 8 weeks will look like.

Monday- legs

Free weight squats- 3x12
Leg ext- 1x20
Pullthrus- 2x10-20
adductors- 1x25
Heavy abs- 2x30

Wed- chest\tris\delts

Flat bench wide- 2x8
Incline bench- 1x10
Military smythe- 1x10-15
Reverse grip bench- 1x15-20 r\p
Heavy abs- 2x30

Friday- back\core

rack pulls- 2x10-12
45 degree hypers- 2x10-20
1 arm db rows- 2x8
Hammer strength pulldown- 1x11-15 r\p
Preacher machine curls- 1x20-30 r\p
Hammer curls-2x10
heavy abs- 2x30

I am sticking to a basic pullinbig routine cuase it works great. I am just adjusting a few things to accomidate my hamstring injury.

how close are you to 100%?
69, I think the routine will work great for you. I tried Pullinbigs routine, and adjusted it a little bit, and it worked great for a good 10 weeks. Then I switched to isolation because I want to try something new, but good luck with the routine and I'm sure you'll get great results.
once you are 100% healed you need to start heavy squatting and deadlifting--impeccable form is most important -that is how you grow.

incline bb- 1x5 #185

Low chest press machine- 2x10 #150

Peck deck- 1x10 #80

Pushdowns- 2x11 #60

Side raises- #20 1x8

crunches- 2x50

Light hamstring stretching

Meals off a bit today but no big deal. Just coasting and feel great.
Good workout.

The first week back going heavy, are your weights generally the same as they left off or are they a bit harder for you to do? I'm thinking about coasting a bit on chest because I've been beating the shit out of it for along time now. How much weight do you lessen when you go on your light weeks?
basically the weights are not set in stone...I dont go extremly light ..i just make sure i feel the weight. Usually my first week back heavy i get dialed in with all the new exercises.

If i dont take some time to do some lighter weight and not go to failure i just decide to take a week off.
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today was a pretty good day.. Had to rely on shakes more than usual cause i had meetings today etc... But still got about 375grams of protein today and ate lots of carbs :-)