Mister69's Log

Nice work 69, diet looks good, too. I'm starting to add 25g of whey and 1/2 cup of oats before training to see if that helps any, then 60g vitargo and 1 cup oats with 50g, maybe 75g of whey PWO. I'll let you know how I like it. Maybe the gas won't be too bad...lol. Got idea to heal up, i'm planning to that soon. I've got a small PL competiton coming up a week from saturday, then vacation after that.

Keep at it bro!!
mister69 said:
good luck on the PL comp

Thanks bro, it's not a real sanctioned comp. My gym is holding it to raise money and they wanted me to enter it. I've got a decent chance of winning, plus it'll be fun.
Warmup on bike- 5 minutes

free weight squats- #225 2x8

seated leg press- #170 1x20 (dont like this machine wont use it again)

adductors- #200 1x20

Pullthrus- 1x10 57.5#

Seated calves- #45 1x20

HS abs- #30 1x20

Treadmill- 20 minutes


Just cruising now for 2 weeks. Not going to failure and keeping stuff light. Trying to eliminate the protein shakes and rely on good old solid food the most. Also will be using some new exercieses that i am going to use once i get back full force after a 14 day deload.
No discomfort on the injury area.
Not eliminate, but keep them to just pre\post workouts cause i want to put back good old wholesome food more. STill keeping protein at double my bodyweight.

luquillo78 said:
Nice work mister! Why are you trying to eliminate protein shakes?
mister69 said:
Not eliminate, but keep them to just pre\post workouts cause i want to put back good old wholesome food more. STill keeping protein at double my bodyweight.

ah ok, that's good.
Nice work. Eliminate protein shakes, sounds tough. You'd have to stuff your face even more than you are now! lol
yea i know, but we will see how it works out. I am just trying to keep thigns as simple as can be so i can make some nice gains.

incline bench- #185 2x9

Hammer strength chest press- 1x10 2 plates per side

fly machine- #70 1x10

Side raises- #20 1x10

Reverse grip bench- #155 1x10

crunches- 1x50
hanging knee raises- 2x25

Just coasting :-)
Just two weeks. Durring these two weeks i see hwo my diet is going and if i am gainig weight if not i make the adjustments. And i play around w\new exercises i want to use in my next heavy session.

Winterlong said:
Nice job. How long are you thinking about going light for? 2weeks?
sldl wide stance- 2x10 #135

one arm db rows- #60 2x10

Wide pulldowns- 1x10 #80

hammer strength machine reverse grip- #50 1x10

Db curls- #30 1x15

pinwheel curls-#25 1x10

hs abs- 2x15 #30
crunches- 1x50

seated calves- #50 2x10
treadmill- 10 minutes


First time doing sldl with that stance.
just coasting :-)