Mister69's Log

Now since i am cooled off i am going to write a bit about my workout.

Flat bench hasnt moved up in a bit. But 295 for 8 reps is good. Next week i will nail 2x8.
Then i will get up to 315 for 2x8. If i dont get there i will make the necesary changes.

Off to bed i am beat.
who the fuck took your shit outta their bag i'd shoot them in the knees the modafuckas, probably somebody you know taking the piss outta ya
I love rack deads!

Bike- 5 minutes
-Rack pulls- 225# 2x10

-45 degree hypers- 2x10 #25 +bodyweight

-1 arm db rows- #85 2x10

-hammer strength reverse pulldowns- #90 1x18r\p

-preacher curls- #45 1x25 r\p

-hammer curls- #55 1x10

-rear delt machine- #70 2x20

-abs- #40 4x10

-calves on leg press- 260# 1x8
-treadmill- 5 minutes(had to leave early )

-DC stretches-
back- 60 seconds
bis- 60 seconds
forarms- #45 for 60 seconds
I heart squats!

Bike- 4 minutes

freeweight squats- 2x10 #235 (very easy)

leg ext- 1x20 #210

pullthrus- 72.5 2x10

adductors- #270 1x25

seated leg press calves- #190 1x10

Forgot to do stretches and abs ...that is not like me at all.
No more cardio after leg and back days. Here is my problem..i have a horrible appetite and i gotta put on weight so i will be doing a brisk walk for about 20 minutes around my neighborhood 2x a week on off days hope this will spike up my appetite and help me put on some more size.

Other than that here is my post workout shake...
2 scoops waxy maize
1 cup oats
2 tbsp honey
2 scoops isolate protein

160 grams of carbs\ 54 grams of protein.
hey 69 have you considered pullin/draggin tires for cardio? awesome cardio and will deffinetly increase appitite..

also i see your squats are climbing..good job bro
yea thanks...just watchin the injury is all... Adding 10lbs a week and see how it goes.

if i choose to drag a sled, i will have to watch my cns and alow my body to adjust.
But for now...appetite is what is holding me back.
The key is motivation---goals are incremental and tricking yourself to be hungry can be done with little motivational things you can do to get in the right mindset.
Good work bro. I really don't know how to up my appetite anymore because I'm always hungry, no matter what. :D
flat wide grip bench- 295# 2x7
Incline- 205# 2x10
Military smythe- 190# 1x10
reverse grip bench- 215# 1x17r\p
hs abs- #40 2x20
hanging knee raises- 2x20
treadmill- 20 minutes light walk

-dc stretches-
chest- #50 for 60 seconds
tris- #30 for 60 seconds
shoulders-60 seconds

felt good, bench seems still stuck, i will give it some time and see how it goes.

Other than that my legs are sore and the cardio felt good.
Going to weigh myself in a bit.
Yeah i am , but 220 is a ways to go, i just gotta man up and keep eating and grinding awawy at more reps and adding weight to the bar.