Mister69's Log

july 21

rack pulls- 2x10 #245

45 degree hypers- 45lbs + bw 2x10

1 arm db rows- 2x10 #95

hammer strength reverse pulldowns (unilateral)- 1x16 r\p #110

preacher curls- #55 1x21r\p

hammer curls- #60 1x10

rear delt machine- 2x20 #100

hs abs- #50 2x20

seated leg press calves- 1x10 #205

treadmill- 20 minutes

-dc stretches-
back- 60 seconds
bis- 60 seconds
forearms- #45 for 60 seconds

no pain in the injury area while doing rack pulls, and 45 degree hypers.
I could have easily done 315lbs , but I want to be patient and make sure to do this right.

Yeah it may take a few more weeks , but it is def worth it in the long run cause staying healthy is # 1.

I mean i was pulling in the rack 485lbs for 3 before the injury...so I got some weeks to go.
free weight squats- 255# 2x10

leg extensions- #230 1x20

adductors- #300 1x25

pullthrus- #80 2x10

calves on leg press- 3plates + 5lbs per side 1x9

rope pulldown abs- 2x20 #80

treadmill- 14 minutes

-dc stretches-
quads- 60 seconds
hams- 60 seconds

no discomfort in the injury area, goin to keep everythign the same and just keep adding 10lbs per week on squats and see how it goes.
Flat wide bench- 315# 1x5

Incline- #225 2x10

Military smythe- #195 1x10

Close grip smythe- #225 15r\p

HS abs- # 50 2x20

-DC stretches-

Chest- 50# for 50 seconds
Tris- # 30 for 50 seconds
shoulders- 50 seconds

Switched to Close grips from reverse grips, but close grips bother my left shoulder alot. Reverse grips seem to beat up my elbows. Not sure what to do for tris cause my elbows cant take skull crushers either.

No more preachers ...cause they can effect the elbow area as well...i will switch them up.

Might need to go buy some MSM and get some elbow sleeves and work from there.

Bench felt strong today all reps got clean.
mister69 said:
Flat wide bench- 315# 1x5

Incline- #225 2x10

Military smythe- #195 1x10

Close grip smythe- #225 15r\p

HS abs- # 50 2x20

-DC stretches-

Chest- 50# for 50 seconds
Tris- # 30 for 50 seconds
shoulders- 50 seconds

Switched to Close grips from reverse grips, but close grips bother my left shoulder alot. Reverse grips seem to beat up my elbows. Not sure what to do for tris cause my elbows cant take skull crushers either.

No more preachers ...cause they can effect the elbow area as well...i will switch them up.

Might need to go buy some MSM and get some elbow sleeves and work from there.

Bench felt strong today all reps got clean.

Damn 69 96 yo bench is going up every workout. Bad MOFO :druggie:
I was doing 2x10 last time around....this time around i tryed 2x8 for the first 4 weeks and then i got stuck...

So now 1 or 2 sets of 5 and see what happens.

If this doesnt work....perhaps some pause bench will be in order...we will see.
Just gotta keep eating and drinking those protein shakes with oats etc to put on weight.

Winter said:
Nice work. You're not doing 1x10's anymore for bench?
mister69 said:
I was doing 2x10 last time around....this time around i tryed 2x8 for the first 4 weeks and then i got stuck...

So now 1 or 2 sets of 5 and see what happens.

If this doesnt work....perhaps some pause bench will be in order...we will see.
Just gotta keep eating and drinking those protein shakes with oats etc to put on weight.

well you must be doing the right things because your damn strong. i bet you stronger than i am on bench.
Thanks guys; honeslty my focus is never really bench...I love pullin deads and squating.

I am looking foward to see how i hold up these next weeks to come with pullin etc....cant wait!

Having some problems w\ reverse grips and close grips so gotta see what i can do for that.
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