Mister69's Log

rack pulls- 2x10 #265

back attack-#50 2x20

1 arm db rows- #105 1x10(R) 1x9(L), 1x9(R) 1x7(L)

hs reverse grip pulldowns- #130 1x11r\p

ez bar wide curls- #65 20r\p

hammer curls- #60 1x12

rear delt machine- 2x20 # 100

hs abs- #60 2x15

seated leg press calves- 1x10 #225

treadmill- 20minutes

-dc stretches-
back- 60 seconds
forearm- #45 for 60 seconds
bis- 60 seconds
Thanks alot guys for all the nice comments. I am a natty, never mesed w\anything...

Trying to really push the limits as a natty...we will see how far i can go .

Off to do legs 5 meals down the hatch already....