Mister69's Log

Nice #'s 69. Keep your head up about the hamstring, and we don't think you're making excuses bro, just take it easy so it heals up.

Football 1.5 hours

Played some football w\my buddies. Drank a carb\protein shake afterwards.
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Well never got to the gym yesterday.

You know what this is a good thing I need the rest and going to deload this week and next week.

Going to jack up the olive oil and up my carbs, time to get fat :-)
mister69 said:
Well never got to the gym yesterday.

You know what this is a good thing I need the rest and going to deload this week and next week.

Going to jack up the olive oil and up my carbs, time to get fat :-)

Good luck getting fat 69.

leg press- 4 plates 3x15

seated leg curls- #50 2x10

adductors- #150 1x20

standing calf raises- #120 1x20

treadmill (4.5 incline, 1.8speed)- fast pace walk 20 minutes -heart rate 115-122

Started my light week to heal up. THis week and next week are light weeks to jsut heal up nicely, plus this will buy me some time to let the hammie heal even more. Nice low intensity cardio to get the blood to the legs esepecially the injury.
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flat wide grip bench- 1x10 #205

incline pause cybex machine- #10 1x10

seated tricep extension machine- #80 1x15

side raises- #20 1x10 each arm

machine heavy abs- #8 3x10

crunches- 1x50

hanging knee raises- 1x20

Light week is going well, only in the gym for about 45 minutes.
Trying to eat as much as possible.
A few of my buddies dont understand why i take some time to recup, but i explain to them sometimes you gotta take 1 step back to get 2 steps foward ya know

Dorrian rows- 1x15 2 plates

cybex seated row- #12 1x15

reverse grip narrow pulldowns- #10 1x15

ez bar curls- #55 1x15

wrist curls- #20 1x15

rear delt work- #20 1x15

hs abs- #6 2x25

leg press toe raises- 2plates 1x20

feeling a bit recuped. Slept 10 hours last night. Meals are going well, drinkin that olive oil like its my job..I need those easy calories. Water intake is up as usual.
Legs tomorrow.

Just realized that it is about time to weigh myself. Prob going to weigh myself in 3 weeks or so. Jan 1st i was 200lbs, I am hoping to be heavier, but with my metabolism I wouldnt be surprised if i am going to be 202 lol