MK-677 LOG starting today


New member
Just took first dose of 12.5mg and 5 minutes later i feel my head tightening up. Not a headache, but just tightening. Ive read some people "feel" the pit gland working which may be this tightening feeling. The taste aint that bad, i held the MK under tongue for 30 sec before water, no chaser. Not that bad.

I also have IPT-141 which I am bout to mix and inject, will update about that in a bit.

I also have white vein kratom which I will take 1gram (2 caps) in about 30 minute after i digest some food I ate.
Wrong bro! Im not on tren.

Update: i felt a teeny tingling numb sensation in right hand pinky just for a few seconds. And i feel bloated but i happened to eat Indian food earlier today with my fam and that shit is prolly sodium-city. I did not get the hunger effect a lot of bros have spoken about...but maybe that is cuz i only took 12.5 while the suggested dose is 25mg.

IPT-141: took 1g bout 7 hours ago. Dont feel shit. Going to try 2g tomorrow

White vein kratom: took 1.2g (2 caps)....dont feel shit. Going to try 4 caps 2.4grams tomorrow
Took white vein kratom 1.8g (3 caps) and felt euphoric feeling like on a pain killer. I felt very up and happy and ready to do stuff. This shit is amazing!!! Its not a coffee type of stimulant, no jitters, no heart racing, just a mental stimulation with a body euphoria.
Took another 12.5mg of MK eatlier today. Im at the gym right now dragging ass, god durn! This ish is making me lethargic. Took C4 too, nothing. Does this go away?
MK677 causes lethargy at first, and possibly some bloating. They both tend to subside after 2-3 weeks but you'll have to power through that phase... at least that's how it was for me. Keep your dietary potassium high to mitigate the bloating. BTW in my opinion your dose of 12.5mg is a bit low - I started at 20 and dialed back to 15 after a while to help with the sides. How long are you planning to run it?