Day 45
Back and Bi's today. Workout was really good. I seem to have hit a plateau for weight on my deadlift, 455x1. It's my third workout staying at this weight. Maybe the addition of Drol with help me break it. Other than that, it was great. Chins, t-bars, pulldowns, machine rows. I threw in a few more sets for machine rows, and just 1 extra dropset for machine bi curls (i normally don't do this exercise) but I was feelin quite peppy today.
Diet was good. I think I put on a little fat during the first 2-3 weeks of the cycle, but I feel that now it's not coming on as easily even though I've added a big cheat meal ED. It may or may not have something to do with the cyp kicking in (I'm not sure of the ability of steroids to prevent fat gain, maybe they do since your body is in a more anabolic state? Address this one if you know)
Other than that, feeling good. I'm confident that the test is legit, as I am making weekly strength and weight gains (minus deadlift). That is all.