My 2nd Cycle

Day 32

Day off training. Injections today, went for the right quad. It was a good shot, no pain or blood. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is good. Diet and supps all in check. My left glute pain has mostly subsided, along with the lump in it. The right one is still in pain, but i'm sure that will go away shortly.

I saw a pic of me taken a couple months before I started this cycle, with a shaved head. I think it's safe to say my hairline isn't receeding and that I was just paranoid. It looks to be at the same place as before.

Leg day tomorrow. Keeping squats at the same weight, just gonna go for more reps. Hopefully 3 or 4.
Day 33/34

Not a good today. Probably the worst day I had on this cycle so far. First, I didn't get any sleep last night, and had a really long day followed by a nice 2 hour drive home from school (long weekend friday - fuck!). I definately didn't feeling like working out - shoulda listened to my body and postponed it. Went for the 405 squat - missed it. I was really pissed but pushed myself to finish the leg workout.

To top it off, I weighed myself...the scale said 208 - how the fuck could I have gained 8lbs last week and lost 8 lbs this week? Obviously the scale was going berzerk so I'm not using it anymore. I weighed myself at home on a digi and sat in at 210 on the dot. I was really riding on a high horse this week cuz of my supposed gains, but (if you read the above posts) I knew something was askew.

This bad day put a big damper on my weekend - diet pretty much went out the door friday and saturday. Kinda wondering why I haven't made any crazy gains seing as I'm on 600mg of test and 100mg Drol almost 5 weeks. Maybe I just expect too much? My diet has been pretty awesome this cycle and I even thought I might have to cut it don a bit (with binging on junk food) - maybe I actually need to eat even more!

Anyways, I'm in much better spirits today and am ready to go back at it again. Yesterday I almost wanted to throw in the towel with this stuff, but I just think of anyone who has ever been successful at anything and remember that it takes hard work and getting up when your down.

Changes for next week? I'm throwing in more exercises for every body part, training harder and am going to include more cheat meals.
Day 35

Good day, no more drol, been off for 2 days. Don't really feel any different. I have to say I was not impressed with it at all - even at 100mg ED (which I think is very high for a 2nd cycle, and only increased it because I didn't see gains) i thought I should have gotten more weight and strength outta it. I have to get bloodwork done this week, to see where I'm at...I guess that could possibly tell me something about the drol too (if I have no liver damage maybe?).

I've been binge eating today, and will continue to do so. Just packin in the dirty cals - eating clean is no longer in my vocabulary. Of course I will keep my standard diet of chicken breast and potatoes, gainer shakes and occasional steaks...but I will add in a lot of junk food and maybe some ground beef in large quanities lol.

I think for my next cycle I might possibly try another UGL. I really just want to compare, I think mine is good - recomended by many people - but I gotta see if there's a difference.

I don't get to workout monday, cuz it's thanksgiving up here in the great white north lol. I'll get in there tuesday. I'm really lookin for a hardcore gym somewhere in my area, I'd like to get in there with some real bb'ers and pl'ers...I just need the environment. (so if you know one in T.O. post it up, or pm me!)

BTW, after my recent disappointments friday i've been playing with the idea of upping my test. I'm not gonna do it, but it's such a temptation when you all you have to do is draw a little bit more from a vial lol!
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Day 36

Day off due to holiday, blah, I wanted to workout.

I decided to change my split up, and add 1 day in (now 4 days a week). Essentially I'm just giving arms their own day and adding 2-3 exercises to every body part.

Not much to talk about right now....
LiftTillIDie said:
Are you sure more volume is the answer?

I dunno! It's a simple and tempting answer - just work out harder! here's what I do for chest/tri:

1. Flat press - 4 sets
Incline Dumbell - 3 sets
Dips weighted - 3 sets
2. Machine overhead press (tricep) - 3 sets
Cable pushdown - 4 sets (1 or 2 is a dropset)

Think that's enough? My back workout follows the same outline.
Yeah, I thought it over and decided not to change up my split. I can tell it's enough by how I feel when I'm done working out and by how sore I still am the next day.
Day 37

Chest and tri day today. Diet went great, got in my nice double 1/4 pounder w/ cheese, fries and a coke. Definately puttin on some mass this week.

Hit a PR for Bench press, 305x3 with a little assistance. I'll keep the weight the same for next week, try to squeeze out some more reps. I'll aim to hit my goal of (for this cycle) 315 the week after next. Hit some incline dumbells, heavy and medium weight. I added only 1 exercise, that was incline presses on the smith machine. I used higher reps (10-14) to really pump it out. Felt great, I'm going to do it regularly. I think it allows you to really emphasize the muscles in the upper and middle chest.

Tricep workout went good as well...for the last exercise I did 2 sets w/1 drop set and 1 with 2 dropset - definately took whatever was left right outta me. It's hard to type!

No injects today, but i did get bloodwork. Liver values and cholesterol. I'll get those back in a week or so and post em up. Hopefully someone can help me read em and see where i'm at.

I stopped taking Adex...I just wanna see what it's like without it. If I am gyno / bloat prone. If I get any signs of anything I'll restart it daily.
Day 38

Back and bi's today. Definately one for the books. I pulled 455 again, only for 1 but it was substantially easier than last week. I'd like to get up to at least 6 reps at this weight, before upping it again. The rest of the workout was killer, really got deep into the back and got a nice pump. I gotta work on my lat pulldowns, i could only get 140lbsx12 but that was after deadlifts, chinups and t-bar rows so i dunno...

No injects today, and my last one is doing well. Not really that sore. Diets going well, courtesy of Mcdicks. Really sore from yesterdays workout. My cholesterol proabably won't be great, but I am curiously awaiting my liver values.

Everything else is well. I am definately going to have to work on my cardio, I get winded far too easy. I haven't done any in practically 2 years! Ouch...My next cycle is going to be a cutter, so I'm going to prepare my cardio for that and after that continue with it no matter what i'm doing (bulk/cut)...especially with the recent heart problems being posted on the forums.

*Fuck time goes by fast when your cycling - I'm almost half-way through my cycle ! That's 1.5 months...time flies.
LiftTillIDie said:
Flies when you're cycling but grinds to a halt when you're off...

yeah for's a depressing time! The best time is a couple weeks pre-cycle - your getting all your shit, getting hyped up and ready to's like your a virgin about to fuck for the first time!
Day 39

Day off. Back is nice and sore from yesterday's workout, as are biceps. Diet was good today. I ate half a small jar of peanut butter, kinda made me sick but what the hell. Just felt like it, lol. Everything else is in check. Injected Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) & Test today, those went well. I have been injecting my glute with a 25g 1", and did a 23" 1.5 today. I like the bigger one better, it hurts only a little more but gets nice and deep in there.
Day 40
Had a bit of an off day...sleep was weird. Hit shoulders today but decided to leave legs for tomorrow. It went well. Finally had a chance to get a solitude workout, it was a nice late workout too so I threw on some music and went at it. Everything else is cool.
Day 41

Diet was pretty good today, like I stated before I'm no long eating clean, just packing in anything and everything. Hit legs today. Back was sore so I only squatted 365. Did a lotta dropsets on quads and calves and stuff.

Day 42

I drank for the first time in 2 months last night. I didn't really want to, but kinda had not choice as my boss (from my co-op program over the summer) asked me to go out with him and a bunch of people. I couldn't say no because he could potentially hire me for a great position. Plus my liver and cholesterol are fine after my recent cycle of FAKE drol (goddamnit!). I'm pretty sure it was fake....I hate to say it but I think i'm maturing! I just didn't have that much fun drinking, maybe it's cuz i'm so concerned about gains lately but it just wasn't the same as in the summer. I thought that if I drank last night I'd catch the drinkin fever, but I have no desire to do it again for another long period of time. Maybe I'm just getting old lol!

I'm in the works of getting some more anadrol from somewhere else. i'm gonna run it the last 5 weeks of the cycle. I don't know what to do about the fake shit though, I definately do not trust my source anymore, and it's most likely that he will only be willing to give me a credit. Getting a credit for fake stuff is kinda pointless if you ask me. Fuck me once, shame on you - fuck me twice, shame on me!
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Day 43

Hit chest and tri's today. Benched 305 again, this time with less help from the spotter. He really made me earn this one. Now I remember why I can hate having a gym partner, my buddy told me to pick him up in 15 minutes - 45 minutes later he still wasn't home. He finally showed up and I had to wait for him to go in a change...kinda ruined the mood a bit as I was all hyped up to workout at the beggining. Kept to the same routine as last week (the only new exercise being incline presses on the smith machine) and really got deep into it. Tri's went nicely as well.

Diet is good, lots of cals. My face is breaking out a little bit, but I can definately attest this to the change in my diet - eating more greasy food and drinking coke. I never had any problems with this on my first cycle, when I didn't pig out lol. It's nothing major and its already under control with some acne wash.

Injected test/hcg today, test in the quad - never have any problem with these. I'm hoping to recieve more Drol by friday, in order to start monday and continue until the end of my cycle. I'm confident that what I had was fake because I didn't see the gains and my liver values were all normal or better than. Even it it was underdosed (and if it was, it had to majorly underdosed because I was taking 100mg/day, so if it was even 50% underdosed I should have seen gains), my tests verify that I'm in shape to run it "again". This time it better be real....
Day 44

Day off - man I'm sore from yesterdays workout. I love it. Diet went well today. I spoke a little soon about the Adex and no gyno. I felt around my nipple today and it was a little sore. I have had lumps under them since I hit puberty, so sometimes it's hard to tell if it's caused by the gear or not. Either way, I went back on Adex @ .5mg ed. I'd rather just not risk it anyways, there's no point in developing gyno over something as simple and cheap as taking adex.

Other than that, just anxiously await my drol. I really wonder what it's gonna do for me, seeing as so far I put on just under 15lbs and increased my bench makes me all warm inside lol.
Did you notice any difference in water retention when you went off of the arimidex, or as there not enough time for it to develop you think?