My 2nd run with IGF-DES!


Community Veteran
Some of you know "my hamster" has a little injury so he is out of the gym for at least the next few weeks.

I went ahead and decided to blast the injured area with IGF-DES to see about speeding up the healing process and also to help him keep from getting fat while he is laid out of the gym.

I know he could just step back from the grill an table but he is an old man/hamster who enjoys his steaks!

The run will begin in 5 minutes when i inject :)

I ordered a few vials of the DES last week and it was from our board sponsor.

He tossed in a bottle of osta-gain max and some ML 2 for me to try out the DES I paid for. Just to keep things up front and in the open. This feedback on the DES will be 100% honest for better or worse :)

I will run the osta gain max during my PCT which starts in a little over a week. The ML 2 I will be sending to a buddy on the board and he will comment on it. My Hamster is already olive skinned from some greek genes and isn't looking to get darker :p

Anyway, going to mix and inject into my hamster back in a bit to start the log and comment.

This is a pic of the research subject taken a few weeks ago when he was last in the gym

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Start date 12-11-11

Th DES is from osta gain, I ordered it on wed night and was at my door Fri. It came cold shipped and the packing was really good!

The vials themselves 2x 1mg IGF-DES. Very nice looking, perfectly formed large pucks at the bottom.

Vacuum seal - very strong! Some gimp GH manufacturers could learn a thing or two from whoever manufactured these.

I mixed 1 cc of bactereostatic water into the 1mg. That will give me 10 days at 100mcg per day. It mixed crystal clear with just some light swirling.

I just injected 100mcg IM into my hamsters lower glute region where that sciatic nerve is acting up.

More to come tomorrow :)
Looking forward to seeing the results of this study, Zeek. Is there a reason you reconstituted in BAC vs AA?
Honestly, when I ordered osta didn't carry either. They do now carry sterile water as of today. So I did order some bacteostatic water because many of the guys on some other boards are using it or just sterile water with their peps. OM also told me there was no need to use AA for peps.

Another motive for the bactereostatic water was that I plan a long GH run so I bought a case :p just to have for peps and GH.

I couldn't wait for them to get here so I kidnapped a 30ml from a buddy from the gym until mine arrives some time mid next week.
Ahh I see - yeah I think I'm going to recon in bacteriostatic water from now on - AA keeps IGF stable for a longer period but with the rate we use DES, it doesn't seem necessary...and I've had a few injects that really burned my rat lately with just AA.
Ahh I see - yeah I think I'm going to recon in bacteriostatic water from now on - AA keeps IGF stable for a longer period but with the rate we use DES, it doesn't seem necessary...and I've had a few injects that really burned my rat lately with just AA.

There were a few long time vets on another site swearing that AA caused muscle damage over time. I don't trust what these guys say since I see right through their motives on every one of their posts but maybe on just this they are right.

Like you said D, we go through it in 10 days. In the fridge with BW and it is a good vacuum sealed product. It should be fine!
The AA solution was something created a long time ago for the old IGF on the companies website. The IGF was very sensitive and a solution more favorable to environmental stability was needed as well as ph balanced for administration.

Now that the IGF is protected by the Lr3 this is not necessary but still an ongoing argumentative hypothesis on the internet. My opinion bac water or sterile water is just fine for a proper carrier for the peptide and solvent solution.
Can everything be reconned with bac water or are there peps that need the aa?
Can everything be reconned with bac water or are there peps that need the aa?

This depends on the shelf life you want to get. I don't know for which specific peps...but those which have a low daily dosage, thus will be stored in the fridge for a while, would probably be better kept in AA (or some other weak acid/base to buffer depending on sequence-specific properties) to maintain a stable pH.
Sweet deal Zeek, so 20 days your running this for? What's the longest you ran it?

I did the same thing last run 2x 1mg vials of DES. I skipped a few dosages on off days from the gym last run though so lasted longer

This time going 100mcg per day till empty vials. which is 20 days
I have always used AA just in case. While speaking to balboa I decided to just mix my lr3 with BW. It's working perfectly fine.

Thanks for the log ZEEK your opinion is highly valued. I also like to see a good seal on peptides. Will it make a difference? I really can't say but I feel better with it. Lol.

Now I tried injecting in my rats back with a vial oh lr3, mgf, DES all into same area trying to help with an injury my rat has. It didn't help but the injury is several years old so I knew I was to late but thought it couldn't hurt. Tendon and disc. I injected near the tendon. I was just hoping it would do something but an injury that's years old isn't really in a healing state so I wasn't disappointed because I knew it's was a far stretch.
ZEEK for someone who uses a lot of BW between gh and peps I just make BW at 100-200ml at a time. Might be a good option for you as well. I do the same for AA but I'm done with the AA.
Ok so to hell with the AA! We are good with the BW and probably even plain sterile water if the vials are used up quick enough?

User it's the little things that show a product is of a higher quality. The vacuum seal just tells me they went the extra mile in manufacturing. A buddy just got some kigs in and none of them had a vacuum seal! doesn't mean anything some will say, to me it says that stuff is made in a low rent facility at best. They can't even splurge for the machine to pull the air out, how good is the quality of the GH going to be?

This injury is brand new so maybe i will get lucky, either way the DES will help me hold on to some gains I believe as I'm coasting into my last PCT from this aborted cycle.

I'm going to have to figure out something that I can do work out related that doesn't add pressure to the lower back and agitate that sciatic nerve. I have a garage full of equipment with spider webs and dust all over it. Maybe I can clean it up and do at least some things.

Any ideas from you guys on that would be great. I can't stand not doing anything!

Usually I get up at 6am to get the kids off to school but today I fell out of bed at 5am from that nerve pain!
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