behind the neck lat pull downs(15x120), (15x150), ( 15x150)
wide grip pull ups (bw to faliure x 3) wiil add weights on week 3
deadlifts (12x135), (12x155), (8-10x225)x2, (15x135) due to combat related back injuries can perform DL too heavy, but it works!!
dumbell rows (10x75), (6-8x85)x2
close grip cable rows (15x130), (8x150), (6x180), (4-6x220), (20x150)
I change exercises every 3 weeks or so, just don`t like to do same over and over for too long
leg extensions (15x60), (15x70(, (12x80)x2
squats (15x95), (15x135), (8-10x185)x2, (15x115) slowly progress on weight try to not get my back hurt!!
walking lunches (20x45db)x3
leg curls (15x70)x3
leg press (25x250)
Weight will going up during the weeks are going pass. It may not too much weight cause like I said back injuries can get me out from my cycle so I will take it step by step and be safe.
seated dumbell press (15x40(, (10x 55), (8x65)x2
standing dumbell press (12x45)x2-3
barbell shrugs (15x135), (12x225), (10x315)x2,
front raises (10x35)x3 dumbells
side raises (12x30), (10x35)x2
barbell shoulder press (12x95), (10x115), (8x135), (6-4x155) one week front next week behind the neck
Thats all my workout plan including chest and arms that I post before. Looking forward to increase all this numbers during the cycle. PUMPED!!!!!