Yesterday I hit arms, it was good but a huge freaking headache was kicking my a$$. I`m not sure if I trying to push too hard or what. the thing is I curl (95x10)x2 with no problem, went down for skullcrushers and hit 125x6 and God!!!! that was too much,lol. Anyway continue my workout and hammers curl hit up to 50lbs DB 8 times, cable kickbacks burn every single part of my triceps in a good way and final move was pull downs and some close grip EZ bar curls to failure. The pump and the energy just got what I wnated last night. Left the gym feeling my arms huge (I know they are not really to big,lol) but I`m worry about that strange headache cause on monday as soon as I start lifting heavy thats when headache kicking in. I keep my water intake the same as suggested by other guys in here 8 to 10 bottles of 16.5oz a day. No pictures this week cuase I really don`t see a big change so I will post next week.