My Before and After


New member
Has been a lot of work. I am getting older 34 next week. has been a long journey. I am currently nursing an injury. I have been out of the gym for 4 weeks trying to heal. put on some weight but no biggie. Anyway thought i would post let me know what you think..

6'2 250lbs 38 inch waist pushing on 40


The AFTER (5 years)
192lbs 32 inch waist..

Now just trying get my shoulder back in order so I can hit the weights again..
I am open to suggestions and critique.. Fire away...
Thanks MilkdaScow. Appreciate the feedback. Wish my lower abs would finally show up.. Or my tendons would keep up.
Funny thing is my fat pic i was working out 2 hours a day 5 days a week. My Diet was shit. I changed my diet cut the sugar out and moved to good carbs and no processed food. I dropped over 50lbs in less than a year.

Test E 1 cycle. that pic was a clean pic. I don't do any cardio I know I should just don't have enough time. After my 90 min routine I am pretty spent... I do a 4 day routine...
Day 1 shoulder and traps
Day 2 Back and bi's
Day 3 rest
Day 4 Legs
Day 5 chest and tris
I do abs everyday and push ups as well.
Andru1313 said:
Funny thing is my fat pic i was working out 2 hours a day 5 days a week. My Diet was shit. I changed my diet cut the sugar out and moved to good carbs and no processed food. I dropped over 50lbs in less than a year.

GREAT TRANSFORMATION! What is your diet like?I dont think mine is working.
What do you mean cut out the sugar? No sugar in coffee? Tea? No Cake?No soda? You just drink Water??

Im proportioned, but I cant seem to get rid of my body fat, much less in gut, im always bloated too!

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I don't use sugar in my coffee. Just black. Only one cup I try and limit my caffine intake. and yes no cake or junk food. I will have a treat every now and again but keep that to a minimum. I try and eat things with less than 5 grms of sugar per serving.

I also read my labels. Nothing with white flour. Nothing white at all. No white bread no white rice. Only brown and whole grains. I don't count calories just watch my sugars and carbs. I do drink diet soda. I try and keep it to 1 or 2 a day. I run a bit dehydrated.
Wow! Outstanding job. You don't even look like the same person. Did you follow any specific type/style of diet or just wing it w/cutting out certain things??
My sound goofey but I did follow a diet. I started out on the South Beach Diet and followed it close for the first 8 weeks. Then I tailored it to my lifestyle but kept the same ideas that were in the book. I have been able to maintain for over 5 years now. I have let go a bit due to some personal reasons but just jumped back and. It's not a diet for me anymore but a life style.
Andru1313 said:
My sound goofey but I did follow a diet. I started out on the South Beach Diet and followed it close for the first 8 weeks. Then I tailored it to my lifestyle but kept the same ideas that were in the book. I have been able to maintain for over 5 years now. I have let go a bit due to some personal reasons but just jumped back and. It's not a diet for me anymore but a life style.

thats the way it has to be man, staying in shape, BB, Powerlifting, etc... its a life style
Dude, you look awesome. Great transformation. 1 Test E cycle doesn't make you that.

I was (am close) to your original look right now (I started at 6'3, 256). Am now 246 in under 20 days. Clean eating and working out with Oly lifts and complexes has been doing it for me, as well as hockey 2-3x a week.

I hope I don't have to get to ~190 to be as cut as you. I'd like to walk around at 220 with that level of lean.