Snagency Primordially shifts to V2.0, 16-week bodybuilding prep with Andro Series

I have some planned in my upcoming recomp, definitely fearing it. I dont do well in a low cal environment, let alone fasted.

while i certainly don't BASE my plan around that operation, i do enjoy dropping in those fasted-upon-rising sessions every once in awhile. just strips fat away something fierce.
make sure you have you BCAA/EAA support of course, and lock down the mental side of it..
you should get some good results.
another solid weight session yesterday, fasted-training upon rising being utilized for 2nd consecutive day..diggin it.
altho a bit slow in getting going, once i got into the training a smidge it came on like gangbusters.
strength still lagging a tad, but that may be impacted by the switch to fasted-training and body any event, at 2150cals daily with low carbs majority of days, i don't expect to be krazy kong strong.

weight upon rising 186.

tennis played in the evening for ~1.5hr, split 2 sets of 6-4 scores..fairly sore here this morning, but doesn't impede the call for weights + HIIT this day.
Holy Delayed and Debilitating DOMS, Batman! :eek: :eek: :eek:
soreness caught up to me quick and outta nowhere today, impacted the workout, even after I got loose..
alas, I struggled thru.
back + biceps, followed with 20min ss on the treadmill. no way was I nailing any kind of HIIT action, it would have been laughable to see (and I might've even gotten hurt).. :o

I have not been this sore in a very long time.

I might as well make the lame-duck status official: I will not be participating in the planned show.
Too many things have unraveled/transpired to overcome, and to be blunt I have other and more pressing needs to turn my full attention to.
Again - I will still finish this cycle diligently, going to the finish line full bore..

I did however have a hella cheat night last night, kids were over and we went and raided Walgreen's for zu-zus and wham-whams (that's our slang for ding-dongs and cupcakes -- aka, junkfood) for movie munchies.
Weight had been 185 upon waking SAT morning..was 190 this morning. :p

Either way, you are looking great buddy.
thanks my friend.
finishing out the cycle is the least i can do for you guys..Matt and Eric have been very generous with product, and all the PP guys with support

and speaking of updates: i know i haven't updated full pics in awhile..those are coming this w/e, promise.
in the meantime..feeling pretty lean this morning, showing some loose skin as i start to get harder. couple mirror shots.



i just realized, it's been a lil while since a food pic was posted up in heah.
not much to show tho..meals are a tad boring.

oh yawn, here comes one now..

record 106 degree temp yesterday here in my June. :|

weather's about as hot as my workouts are these days, picking up steam in my stamina again.
busted out a chest/shoulder session today, felt pretty strong, duration was a bit over an hour as i dropped reps and picked up weight.
(i have a tendency to finish my preps by shifting to heavier weights/lower reps @ 2-3 weeks out from show, until last week protocol when we just wish to lower glycogen levels, as i feel this helps me maintain my mass better in times of steep caloric deficit..cuts come in automatically from prior training work and current dietary restriction)..

lil pic from this morning. i don't look too lean there, but i am, honest! :p

some goofy mirror pics from today (in case my photographer can't make it)..these guys that take good back shots in the mirror - wow, kudos to you. it was awkward as hell. :o
feeling pretty decent, was split sessions for training: bi/tri/abs in the AM/tennis (2hr in 95 degrees) in the PM.
i can feel the ripped-ness getting ready to make it's appearance, body is feeling primed for some big body comp shifts in the next few days let alone last 2 weeks here of prep, and i think i have my flight plan mapped out for dietary considerations during landing as well.
things are shaping up well here at the end.





(hope ya'll don't mind that i got a lil risqué on that one-legged pic w/ left side lower ab region..was a nude pose, looked good but i don't have the software to edit out the middle region, ahaa.)


and here is the troubling area..still got lots of skin to tighten up, and the fat % is not where i want it to be.
lots of time to shrink-wrap the midsection yet, but my original goal was for this to be already alleviated by now.

couple more from this morning, before i hit da wheels.




sun was weird today, couldn't for the life of us get a leg shot w/o shadows (bulky shorts i had on prolly dint help)..
leanness popping overnight, abs are pretty tight, dint even do any cardio yesterday. it's that time, gentlemen (and ladies out there), time to see changes again everytime i wake up and look in the mirror. :naughty:

dis gon be fun. :wiggle:
daily changes in the mirror again!
i would post pics daily till the end, but that might get monotonous for you chaps..
and anyway - i want to shock ppl with the finished final product.
BUT - a lil snapshot of wheels upon rising.
watch how diced these dude's get over ~ the next 10 days....(to be continued)

dayyummm, he done went and had a three workout session day. :bootyshak
no joke either..
20min HIIT this morning, back/bi's early afternoon, and then 2hr tennis session late afternoon/early evening.
i am freaking exhausted..but damn i feel goood again! :)
i'm looking pretty damn decent here this morning.
quite chiseled and is getting pretty low.
