Mrs P
Female Moderator
Hope you're able to get some sleep soon! That has been the hardest part of parenting for me without a doubt! I still count it a good night when my youngest only wakes once and she's 3 1/2. It will get better.....someday.
On a side note, I get envious every time I see your avi. Not just because you're a rockin' hot mama, but because of your bathroom. We purchased our first house about 6 months ago. I LOVE our house, BUT the bathtub is pepto bismal pink. It's just awful. The whole bathroom needs to be gutted...someday. So the tub will stay pink for now. In the mean time, I'll just drool over your tile .
I totally agree, by far the hardest thing about parenthood, I am useless the next day if I don't get a good night sleep, my youngest would get up 3-5 times untill she turned 2, I was literally on Zombie mode.
Mt, we bought our house about 10 years ago & it was built in the 70's, the girls bathroom was bright yellow, tellow tub, yello tiles, yellow paint on the walls, That was the first project we tackled...
Yeap, the 70's called & wanted their batroon back