my ninety one lb. gain in 20 weeks

how long was your cycle? was it the full 20 weeks? thats a fuckin sick gain in 20 weeks, any difficulty breathing during that time?
thanks guys,
cholesterol...dont know, my f'ing arm won't fit in the one at the drugstore.
difficulty breathing...yes

I honestly am kinda scared now and am starting to diet (slowly) to about 230-220.

I was on the dbol for about 8 weeks and am doing a low dose of fina now.

i really don't like feeling the way that i do...I'm sweating right now as im typing:confused:

my resting H.R. at it's highest was about 85, does anyone know if this is real bad??
oh yeah,
that's MVMAXX's Denali-Conversion pimpmobile.
Maybe he'll get a pic up!
i asked about your breathing because i new a guy who was suposedly going to become a pro, and he gained a massive amount of weight very fast (coming back from abcess surgery on his leg). He was at the gym one day complaining he could hardly breathe but braggin about how much weight hed gained allready. he looked ready to drop dead at any second, and like you said he sweated constantly.
that doesn't sound so good.
Another reason why i needed to start slimming up for the summertime (and more for health purposes)
Congrats bro, now Stop eating all those ding dongs and Twinkies with MVMAXX before the gym and you will slim right up.:D
i just got some b4 pics, but am too afraid to show them as i look like a starving african (no joke)!!
Yes, I also would like you to post them. How many cycles have you run in the past? Was that your first cycle? If so...damn that's a lot of steroids. Please post the b4 pics!!@!!
It might not be the worst idea in the world for you to go see a doctor if your resting heart rate is at 85 and breathing makes you sweat. Odds are you'd be okay anyway, but you're pushing it (in my non-professional opinion)!
B-legit thats a lot of weight in 5 months 91 pounds. The resting heart rate is high at 85 i weight 40 pounds more then you and i got a resting heart rate of 60.

Go get checked out

Wow, those are some increadiable gains 91 pounds in 5 months...

I got a buddy who did his state show at 207 and 3 weeks later, was close to 280... I couldnt believe what he looked like...LOL, Lets just say he was holding some major water weight...LOL

About, the breathing... I went from 250 to 285 in 5 months (250 was my normal offseason weight) and I had a hard time breathing to. You will get use to it...It just takes some time to let your body adapt to the new weight gain...Right now, Im holding at 275 and feel just as good as when I was only 245-250...
