MY bulk cycle log.

GettinBIG said:
This has been one of the most educational threads I have ever read.

Fascinating to see cycle laid out on a day by day basis. Including the minor adjustments u made while executing protocol.

Really its a testament to magnificent discipline on your part. + over 30 lbs

:o Congratuations on one of the most successful cycles I^ve ever seen.:)

Like to get your opinion on something.
For someone on a light cycle what is your opinion of Nolvadex only for post-cycle recovery ? I detect a growing trend away from Clomid. Re: William Llewelyn^s article.

How soon after ending AS use would u reccomend beginning ancillaries ?
I will be using long-acting inj. test
(probably Cyp). In what mg per day ?

Thank u for yor help.:afro:

Thank you very much for the compliments. Honestly I can't tell you which will be better. I have nothing to compare it to. I am using clomid this time. I just started today. Maybe next cycle I will try Nolva.

As far as when to start. I think for Cyp. you would want to start 2 weeks after your last injection. You basically want to make sure all the drugs are out of the system beofre you start clomid/nolva.
As far as dosage what I am doing is this:
day 1 300mg
Day 2-7 150mg
Day 8-14 100mg
Day 15-21 50mg(maybe 100 if I feel it is necessary)
Wow, I just read through all 10 pages of this log. Great job Mike! This journal is a goldmine to people like me who are still lurking on the boards and planning out our first cycles.

Will you be keeping this log up as you come off the cycle? I'm interested as to home much mass you are able to keep.
I think this is the best cycle log I have read , most info, up dates good detail.

Good Job CrazyMike looking HUGE

Week 13
Days 86-92


Comments- So far so good. I have maintained all of my weight so far. I was feeling real weak and tired in the middle of the week. I think I just need a good nights rest. I took a couple days off to rest. I came back to the gym Sat and Sun and had very good workouts.
I am trying to eat, but I just don't seem to be as hungry. I have been getting my meals in though.(force feeding!!)LOL
Hey guy. I came over to the dark side to check you out. Congrats on your cycle. Your pics are incredible. It's amazing what Bowflex can do for someone! :D
FtNsGiRl said:
Hey guy. I came over to the dark side to check you out. Congrats on your cycle. Your pics are incredible. It's amazing what Bowflex can do for someone! :D

Hey there cutie, thanks for checkin in. thanks for the compliments.

And Bowflex is AWESOME!!!!:rolleyes:
Week 14
Days 93-99

Clomid- 100mg/day

Comments- Well still going good. I have still have not lost any weight. I am glad for that. I will probably start to lose some weight next week though. This is because I am going to start cutting for 3 weeks or so. I just want to get this waist down a little. I only want to lose a few pounds though. Maybe get down to 220 and fairly lean would be good.
Strength is down a little. Not a whole lot though.
Week 15
Days 100-106

Clomid 100mg/day

Comments- So far I have only lost 3 pounds. I have been upping my cardio to get this waist down. So far so good. My strength has been going down a little, that is the only bad thing.
Week 16
Days 107-113

Nolva 20mg/day

Comments- I weighed myself Yesterday(day 113) and I am at 226. So that is about 5 lbs. down. Not too bad considering I am doing a lot of cardio to lose some fat. I will be starting Clen this next week. I want to look good for July 4th! My strength is suffering right now. I started to switch up my training style. I am going a little lighter and upping the reps and really focusing on form. Going real slow and concentrating on each rep. I tell ya, it is pretty hard, harder than lifting the big weights!
I have switched up my food intake a little. I dropped a little in the calories since I am trying to lose fat. I switched one of my steak meals for chicken.
My goal for the next few weeks is to not go below 220 while dropping my BF. We'll see if I can do it!
Hey bro, I* am reading your journal right now and taking notes. Your diet is exactly what I was looking for. I took a couple months off to sort my life out and got kind of fat and lazy. On Monday I kick off my getting rid of the two month lazy fat. I have searching and rsearching for a week now and I think I found what I was looking for. I am a little heavier than you. 245-255lbs when training and dieting properly I weigh that now and havent been dieting and training. I have a lot of work to do. Thanks bro.
Week 17
Days 114-120
Saturday's Weight-225

Comments- Well I have lost about 6 pounds or so. Not too bad. Hopefully I don't lose any more. My strength is leveling off. My GF and I started Clen on Friday(day 118). hopefully this will tighten me up and help retain the muscle as I try and lose a little BF!
I will have pictures tomorrow. I took them this weekend, but I forgot the camera at home!