My recent cycle courtesy of Z


New member
Well, I'm 9days late in starting the cycle wall. I have had some unexpected issues pop up so I have not been able to log for last nine days. But here we go.

Test prop 100mg ED
Masteron 100mg ED

In a sense, I am glad I started nine days late with the log, because now I have obvious visible signs that this product works amazing.

I will be logging Photos every 2days as we all know things don't happen over night.

So here we go (photos will be uploaded tomorrow)

Day 9- Leg day. 7 sets of box squats. In the last nine days, I have upped my squats by 20lbs. Today, I did 225x10, 315x10, 405x8, 465x7 505x3.
After squats I hit leg extensions and did 5sets of 21 single leg. Weight was set at 95 all 5 times.

Now, from the visible signs I've noticed: I've never ran Masteron before. In the last 9days, I have noticed significant hardening of all muscle groups and a tighter skin effect.

Now with the prop, obviously I've ran test before but this prop is by far the best I've ran to date. Obvious strength gains and no bloat. I thought sust kept bloat away...holy cow, prop dries me out it seems lol.

Tomorrow, I will upload pics. But here is one now.

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Thanks bro! Check my back spread tho. That's a relaxed back shot (it's sideways, no clue why). And nope, that's from a strict fucking diet and swimming in AM and working out in the evening. Army strong brother
Oh for sure, thats a wide load brother!! nothing beats hard work, i remember you posted some pics a while back and thought they were impressive. Its good to see when a guy puts in time, hard work, and effort, and gets somewhere, it shows, not many bros around anymore like that.

How long you running each for?
Haha yeh man. I've been on this board for years lol. I'm running it for 8-10 weeks for uncle z man. Then, it'll be back to blasting and cruising. I took 6weeks off of what I was already runnin so I could clense out and run HIS GEAR solo. Best results that way. I think mast hardens u out more than tren ace does honestly. Mast almost gives u that grainy hgh look where ur skin is super tight. Thats another thing I'll b back on after this cycle:hgh at Only 2iu a day. Has always worked great at that dose
Ya Mast is dynamite for that!! The lower the BF the better it works, im running 700 right now as well (third time)and its the bomb, with sust, and Tren (first time) you wanna talk about vascular, hard and grainy, man!! If you ever get the chance to run those three tgthr, do it! Lol, but ya mast with every cycle from now on, it give so many benefits and you look awesome on it.

If you wanna rep someone just hit the star beside the exclamation mark under the avatar.
Ya Mast is dynamite for that!! The lower the BF the better it works, im running 700 right now as well (third time)and its the bomb, with sust, and Tren (first time) you wanna talk about vascular, hard and grainy, man!! If you ever get the chance to run those three tgthr, do it! Lol, but ya mast with every cycle from now on, it give so many benefits and you look awesome on it.

If you wanna rep someone just hit the star beside the exclamation mark under the avatar.

Pmd u
Just curious do you run an AI with that 700mg of test?

And esters don't hold water, increased estrogen is what bloats you. Masteron will definitely dry you out nice and can keep estrogen somewhat lower but at 700mg i'd think you'd still need an AI
Nope, so far haven't had the need to. Mast actually took away a previous lump I had,,,,it's gone now so has to be the mast.
I actually just recently dropped Adex completely from my cycle too, i crashed my E2 and i was only running .25 E3D!! Mast wont be a sufficient enough AI for everyone though, it depends largely on the individual. If you have a high enough dose and a low enough BF% the odds are more in your favor.
I actually just recently dropped Adex completely from my cycle too, i crashed my E2 and i was only running .25 E3D!! Mast wont be a sufficient enough AI for everyone though, it depends largely on the individual. If you have a high enough dose and a low enough BF% the odds are more in your favor.
220lbs at 5'10
This Masteron by EP is the freakin shit. Not only is it drying me out, but it's taken away a lump I had from previous cycle
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