JULY 10-
Went to the beach and did a 10mile run. Not quite sure why i did that, but i did. Surprisingly, my core was sore as hell after i was done. Ive always enjoyed running or swimming, but hindsight, it was stupid seeings as im bulking for 3more weeks before my show prep cut. After the run, i did 400 flutter kicks, followed by 4 minutes of planks, both forward and sides. Im really enjoying this masteron, since literally anything i do, i get a freaking pump. I kid you not, typing this log, my forearms are sore. Dont worry though, log whore here will keep it up and give you guys some good reads. People keep telling me i look like i weigh 250....only 235, but ill take the compliments!!!! As you guys know, I have a contest coming up in october then nationals for my IFBB card in november. Thanks to Z, all of my supplemental needs will be covered. I have really been talking his gear up to people. I know on hand a few guys have ordered from him only due to my word and the results that come with it and obviously training and dieting.
JULY 11-
Chest day!!!!!
Still slightly nursing/babying my torn left peck, as the last thing i want to have happen is re tear it right before my show. started off with flat bench 135x15, then 225x10, 315x8, 365x8, 225 to failure. After that, i moved to incline DB press where i did 80x15, then 3 working sets with the 100s for failure each time. Ive noticed lately, that the less i focus on the rep, but more on the squeeze and feel, the results have been spectacular. I would say each set was between 15-21. each rep, at the top, i squeeze and flex my chest. REALLY gets the blood flowing.
After incline, I moved over to the cable machine. I did a total of 8 sets, 4 with the handles straight out, then i raised it, and did a different angle. Each set, i put my mind to do 15 reps with only 30seconds in between sets. once again, I flex my chest on each rep, and god, by this point, my chest was so pumped the muscle striations were showing in force. People were asking me why i go so slow and do light weight. my reply, Well, im strong enough as it is, and im not getting younger so i dont really have anything to prove. Im more for endurance and now, especially now, image since my show is coming up. I really opened peoples eyes when i explained doing less weight but squeezing each rep and flexing will do just the same as if u were half assing double the weight. I could definitely tell the prop and mast is in full bore effect now, since i wanted to do more and more, but i also knew any more and i risk re tearing the peck. Is what it is, I got a hell of a workout and i carried the pump well on after the gym. was still pumped when i went to bed lol. I have noticed though, and im not sure if its a side effect of masteron, but i have been soaking my sheets in sweat the last few nights. BRUTAL.
JULY 12-
LEG DAY!!!!!
so today i had a wild hair up my ass and decided to do squats super setted with walking lunges. FUCK MY LIFE lol. now i know what aminoman74 was saying on the phone about gagging in the car. Matter of fact, Im still slightly nauseous. I warmed up with 135x10 on squats, then 225x10, then i started my super sets. Squat 315x10 then lunge with a 40lb kettle bell in each hand for 20feet. I did this for 4sets. i practically had to crawl to the car....lol. my quads and hammies, and calves, holy shit balls. I have veins still popping throughout my legs. it was madness lol. This was me overdoing like i had wanted to with chest yesterday. DAMN YOU TEST PROP AND MASTERON lol. I LOVE IT THOUGH!!!! People were looking at me in admiration mixed with uncertainty lol. A few people asked "why are you doing so much, its just legs..." i looked at them as if they were taliban hahahaha. I said, Leg day is my favorite day, plus, doing legs, builds your core, and believe it or not, builds everything else. Who wants to be chicken little legs. NOT ME. plus, its one of my strong points that i can do and almost in a way overdo, without worry. Granted, ill have to cut them down a bit for my show, but that just means my calves will be even larger. Rocco-x is going to brain storm with me a whole new workout plan for my show prep. You guys will love him. Im glad i brought him back to this forum and he is also testing 3 of test E. The man is vast with knowledge, and has a story that i admire. Anyways, tomorrow is shoulders/crossfit day, so I am carbing up tonight. CHEERS GUYS AND GALS...