My recent cycle courtesy of Z

july 24th workout

Today i decided to do legs. wasnt a bad idea at all. started off light doing body weight squats for 30reps: just to get the blood flowing. then did some up and downs as well to loosen my legs up. Im trying this new theory with all my workouts from here till my show to see how they work. and let me just tell ya, today went GREAT!!!!
started squats at 225x10 nice and slow to get the blood flowing even more. then i jumped up to 315x10, and i could feel the pump tightening my under armor pants. im thinking to myself, great these fuckers are gonna rip. and whos gonna be the guy to tell the largest man in the gym his pants rip. i mean, i dont have eyes behind!!!
405 came, and decided to do it for 3 sets of 10. i didnt wanna go heavy cuz i felt a small twinge in my lower back, but all is good. i really feel doing what i did at the beginning really plays a role in greater and stronger lifts. that, or its total bullshit and the gear is whats doin it lol JUST KIDDING.. but seriously guys, y'all should really try this out. in one try it made my endurance/strength go up through the roof. Then i shimmied on over to the leg press and did 2plates per side single leg press for 4sets of 15. total burner on my quads. i used more toes than heel. man that pump was intense. Then i ended it with the leg extension where i set it on 90, pulled seat all the way forward, set thingy-ma-jig at large and brought the other thing-a-ma-jig all the way back so id get a super good stretch each rep. i did 4sets single leg extension for 15-21reps. My strength has really sky rocketed as of late..... im curious as to why???? any thoughts guys?????
oh, and weight is 247. BOOOOOOM HEAD SHOTTTTT!!!!!!!

side note, i can fake it on here but one of my bestest friends from group passed away. so if i come off a dick, PLEASE dont take it personal. you guys know me, im a good hearted guy. i took my happy meds so im a little better now, but ehhh, still hurtin bad.
another side note. lol. how long have i been on this cycle. am i really just in the prime of it ya think? 100mg ED test prop 100mg mast ED
Jon out

So today i blasted back. Had a metric shit ton of emotional pain i let loose of with some ultra heavy under hand bar bell rows. I started off warming up just with the bar for 30 reps. (remember, like yesterday, im trying this out where i warm everything up so blood is already flowing damned good). put on 135 and did 21 reps, pausing with the bar against my body. I then upped the weight to 185 and did the same thing for 21reps. I have a video of me doing it. Gotta upload it so you guys can see my form. Next set was 225 for 14 reps, followed by 275 for a full, no half ass 11reps: i quickly drop setted and worked my way back down to the bar at a failure rep range. My back was so blown out an older guy and his wife asked to take a pic of me with them. Made my day actually. They wished me the best of luck on my journey for my pro card. After that, i went over to the seated row and did single cable rows. Each machine this style has different weight routes so ill just say i did a moderate level of 4 sets of 15-21. Each squeeze on my lat i could feel the blood rush to it. I took a peek and actually saw veins in my lats. LOL, famous first for this guy haha. ESPECIALLY AT MY CURRENT BODY WEIGHT.

The masteron and prop reallly have my skin tight. I can also tell the hgh is kicking in as i am feeling more calm (which if ya know me, im the opposite). Im running 8iu of growth for 2weeks per my doctor advised than back down to my normal 4iu a day routine. Im also experimenting when the best time to take it is. lately, i break it up with right when i wake up, and right before bed. Also, with the prop, i can tell a significant difference in me being able to same weight just more reps. I mean, obviously i know this isnt a "bulking" cycle, but lets face it guys, DIET plays such a huge role. Guess what my Cut cycle for my show is going to be..... test prop masteron both 100mg ED and 4iu of hgh. SAME THING IM ON NOW, just not eating as much as i eat currently. itll be the same food though, just smaller portions. As much as I love this super duper lean bulk, I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HOW SHREDDED ILL BE ONCE I START TO CUT. I can only imagine at this point lol.
Ok fellas and ladies,
enjoy your evenings,

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So today, what a day. I swear i must have slept more than i have beeen awake. i just coudlnt seem to gather ANY energy. granted today woulda been my outside delt workout but with the torn peck, not doing that. I recall the last time i ran hgh it was from a pharmacy and god it made me SOOOOO SLEEPY. and guess what guys, this hgh is making me fucking lethargically sleeeepy!!!! goes to show even without exact serum levels that Zs growth is top notch. i can tell by stomach and how i had to go down a size on slin pins cuz i have no skin to pinch lol. Couple that with my fingers feeling tinglying, i LOVE IT!!!!! ok, back to laying down.
FYI, i posted a few vidss up.
AFTER DOING 465x8 i dropped to 315 to failure. and i use that as a hybrid squat cuz of my compression fractures in my spine


Well for starters, today began shitty, so i knew it would be a great workout day. When i say shittty, i mean all i wanna do is break things or send me back to the sandbox and lemme snipe. made it through the day till i got to the gym. Started off deadlifting bodyweight like i have been doing, just to get the blood flowing. still cant do pullups due to peck tear. so i loaded 225 and banged it for 10. Felt great, nice and loose. upped it to 315 and did that for 8. once again, felt great. I decided to jump to 405 and did it super easy for 3. The only reason i stopped soon was i wanted to lift/rage more weight. stacked 465 and did it smoothly for 5. then i decided to make the mega jump to 585x3 WHICH WAS A PERSONAL RECORD!!!!!!!!!. as soon i as set it down my legs buckled and down i went lol. i had so much blood pumping that it caused the shrapnel and shrapnel scars to pop and bleed. hurts like hell. Then the inevitable happened. A punk says to me, hey bro looks like you got shot again. Now as yall know, im military, and this punk knows ive been shot since u can see the scar from a tank top. i asked him " what did u just say?!??" and he saaid it again. thats when jon here went into rage mode. i slammed kid so hard i split his eye and he was leaking. and i helped him up and put him in a head lock and laughingly said if u ever say that again ill break both your legs///
after gaining my composure, i was able to finish with some barbell rows of 185 for 5 sets of 21. then i just called it a day. pretty sure my back muscles alllll got a workout in with the deadlift lol. My temper/tolerance has really become short as hell lately. im not sure if its me, or if people in general are just acting more irrational or both. But every little thing just sets me off. i dont know if its stress for this show or if its my PTSD from the army or both. i have not a fucking clue. lifts are strong as hell thats for damned sure. STILL LOVING THAT MASTERON AND PROP COURTESY OF MY SPONSOR, Z. THANKS AGAIN BROTHER


Today i decided to test the waters and do biceps AND triceps same day since my peck tear. Started off with incline DB curls with 50s for 4sets of 10-12. Afterwards i went over and did hammer curls oe arm at a time for 4sets of super slow and contracted reps of 15. HOLY PUMP BATMAN!!!!!!!!! i had veins in my biceps i didnt know existed lmfao. Then i moved over to the cables and did 5sets of 15-21 reps. ill post a pic of it at the end of this log. by the time i had finished these reps, the pump almost made me puke. i actually gagged it was that bad. Once again, before i started my routine, i did some blood flowing movements to get the blood going. I took a 10lb DB and did 15 curls each arm and 15 overhead for triceps.

Next we move over to triceps. Somehow, i am blessed with triceps. It was always hard for me to obtain biceps yet triceps always were easy. (now its easy for biceps as i have this awesome peak on both ones). i did only 3 exercises for triceps. I did 5sets of 21 triangle pushdowns with my shoulders rolled back so it was pure triceps plus kept pain away from my peck. i dont know how you guys gyms have it, but this one is a double pulley cable so its easy to do the whole stack. I did a warmup set at 50lbs for 10, then i did my 5sets of the second to the last and then the last one on the stack. each repetition was slow and i squeezed/flexed my tris like crazy each rep. People think that just because u can lift something heavy doesn't automatically make u strong. its the FORM of which you are doing said exercise with that makes you stronger and gives greater results. After that, i put on the rope and did 2second pause reps of 15 for 5sets at 35lb mark on the stack. WHOA BOYS, LEMME TELL YA, my arms got pumped to 22.5inches after my workout. they were 20.5 this morning relaxed. I finished my tricep workout with single arm pull down with the cable grip you would use for chest. i did burn out sets, didnt count how many, but if i had to guess, 12-15? I did 4sets of them. I was fried, and i mean, i couldnt move my arms to lift my water jug lol,, had to use two hands hahaha.

I can definitely see a major improvement with the HGH.... I thought the masteron was drying me out and making my skin tight and vascular along with the prop.... add in the HGH, and holy space-balls batman!!! my forearms are getting pumped right now just typing this. God i cant wait for this show in october. only a few more weeks till i start my contest prep. thinking 210-215 stage weight is gonna be money. Its so easy for me to lose weight then it is to put it on. I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.... I guess its both lol. But its crunch time guys. OCTOBER 18TH NPC Ft Lauderdale Amateur Cup National Qualifier and IFBB Pro Ft Lauderdale Cup. If i place top 3, I get to go to nationals which is NOVEMBER 18th in Windemere FL. not quite sure where that is, but yeh. I have a lot going for me... my orthopedic today said to keep doin 8IU of growth for another 10days and hopefully itll be practically all healed up. This doc treats the pros from the Tampa Bay Rays MLB team. He knows his shit. If anyone lives in Tampa area, and needs a great ortho, PM me. I told him id refer any and everybody to him. Hes a straight shooter that says whats on his mind, but thats the kinda doc ya need. plus, he gets the bodybuilding an physique stuff. Hes done cross-fit comps so hes very in tuned with what Im doing.


Today I blasted an upper back/rear delt workout. I really wanted to focus on my rear delts. SO THAT MEANT ZERO DEADLIFTS OR BARBELL ROWS. lol.
I started off with using the rear peck deck for a light warmup set to get the blood flowing. Then, i got into my working sets of 15-21reps for 5 sets. each machine has a different weight system,so i could say a number and to some of you guys it would either be ultra light or super heavy, So ill just stick with saying it was a moderate weight where 15-21 reps would be achievable yet quite difficult. After that machine, i headed over to do some seated single arm rows. once again, the weight on these machines varies each machine. I did 5 sets of 21. I must say, focusing more on the rep and muscle by itself really gives you more of a fullfilling workout. sure, i could have went and doubled the weight, but at the end of the day, id rather have done a workout where the damned pump is still going on my back right now. lol. After doing the seated row, i went over to this hammer strength machine that i took a pic of because i cant describe it to save my fucking life lol. i did 5sets of 21 super setted in with 21calf raises and 21 trap raises with 45lb plates in each hand. After that was complete, i got down on the mat and did 400 flutter kicks along with 4minutes of forward planks. talk about a burn.... I LOVE IT!!!


So i just realized, i have a week and a few days left to bulk before i come off this blast, and cruise for 6weeks and then blast with the same thing again for my show. Im lucky, what im on now has all really short esters so i wont have to wait as long with my cruise before i hit the blast again. Z has really helped me out considerably throughout all of this. He took a chance with me at the beggining and id like to think ive done pretty damned good job so far. We decided that for my show prep cycle, we are doing the same thing, test prop and masteron at 100mg ED along with 4iu of Zs blue tops which are OUT OF THIS WORLD AMAZING. Honestly, and no im not just saying this because im pretty sure we all know jon here speaks his mind,that this hgh is as good as the human grade i used a few years back. i constantly have a pump and my body is really starting to show the grainy paper thin tight skin. I cant wait for the 3rd month of it where you REALLLLY start to see the results, and the muscle growth gains.

I really wish i could workout, but as my ortho said.., if its feeling gimmicky, then dont even try and do it. today would have been delts and traps. i figure tomorrow ill make sure i get a good solid sleep tonight so when workout comes tomorrow, ill be ready to destroy legs and delts. In the mean time, I have been destroying my core...hehehe, i love doing abs. especially flutter kicks and front and side planks. Thats what ill be doing as soon as i get off here..

Hope everyone has a great rest of the day!
